2015-06-03 | Change shrinking a bit, add more generators, fix some types, moved suchThat...Shrinking is now done using a "ShrinkStrategy". It's pretty similar to what it
used to be in the end, but instead of generating new ShrinkTree<T>s yourself,
you just generate smaller <T>s, and the generator framework will re-call your
strategy to shrink smaller elements. (So, essentially, ShrinkStrategy.shrink(T
obj) returns an Iterator<T> which then has smaller trees calculated from it.)
Added some more generators. In particular: longs and doubles.
Fixed some types, so now Generator.tuple(integer(), string()) will work. Yay!
Move suchThat to Generator, so now integer().suchThat(x -> x < 10) will work
instead of the old Generators.suchThat(x -> x < 10, integer()), which felt a
bit weird.
| Carlo Zancanaro |