path: root/impl/antlr/libantlr3c-3.4/doxygen/atsections.dox
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diff --git a/impl/antlr/libantlr3c-3.4/doxygen/atsections.dox b/impl/antlr/libantlr3c-3.4/doxygen/atsections.dox
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+/// \page atsections Using Sections Within Grammar Files
+/// \section intro Introduction
+/// A C targeted grammar can make use of special annotations within a grammar
+/// file, which are prefixed with the <b>\@</b> character. These sections cause the
+/// the placement of their contents within the generated code at defined points
+/// such as within the generated C header file.
+/// The general form of these annotations is:
+/// \code
+/// section
+/// : '@' (( 'parser' | 'lexer' ) '::')? SECTIONNAME '{' yourcode '}'
+/// ;
+/// \endcode
+/// If the 'parser' or lexer keywords are left out of the specification, then the
+/// ANTLR tool assumes a lexer target for a lexer grammar, a parser target for a parser
+/// or tree parser grammar, and a parser target for a combined lexer/parser grammar. You
+/// are advised as a matter of course to include the parser or lexer target keyword.
+/// Documentation regarding the \@sections available for a grammar targeted at C now
+/// follows.
+/// \subsection psrinit Sections \@init and \@declarations
+/// Java targeted grammars allow the special section <code>\@init</code> to be placed after the declaration
+/// of a rule (lexer, parser and tree parser rules). This allows you to both declare and initialize
+/// variables that are local to the code generated for that rule. You can then reference them within
+/// your rule action code.
+/// With the C target, the generated code is subject to the restrictions of C semantics and this
+/// means that you must declare any local variables, then assign to them afterwards. As well as the
+/// <code>\@init</code> section, which C programmers should use to initialize their local variables, the C
+/// target provides the <code>\@declarations</code> section, which is also a rule based section. This section
+/// is where the C programmer should declare the local variables, thus separating their declaration
+/// from their initialization. Here is an example:
+/// \code
+/// translation_unit
+/// @declarations
+/// {
+/// pANTLR3_BOOLEAN hasUsing;
+/// }
+/// @init
+/// {
+/// // Assume no Using directives
+/// //
+/// hasUsing = ANTLR3_FALSE;
+/// }
+/// : rulea ruleb ...
+/// \endcode
+/// Using the <code>\@declarations</code> and <code>\@init</code> sections guarantees that your generated code will
+/// compile correctly on any standard C compiler (assuming, of course, that you type in valid C code.)
+/// \subsection psrheader \@header section.
+/// The <code>\@parser::header</code> or <code>\@lexer::header</code> annotations cause the code they encapsulate
+/// to be placed at the start of each generated file, regardless of whether it is a .c or .h file. This can
+/// be useful for inserting copyright information and so on in all your generated files.
+/// \bNOTE: Be careful not to confuse this concept with placing code in the generated .h header file. The name choice is
+/// unfortunate, but was already used in the Java target to allow the placement of \c imports statements
+/// in generated java classes. We have therefore kept the intent of this section the same.
+/// Here is an example:
+/// \code
+/// @lexer::header
+/// {
+/// // Copyright (c) Jim Idle 2007 - All your grammar are belong to us.
+/// }
+/// @parser::header
+/// {
+/// // Copyright (c) Jim Idle 2007 - All your grammar are belong to us.
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// \subsection hdrinclude \@includes section
+/// The <code>\@parser::includes</code> or <code>\@lexer::includes</code> annotations cause
+/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated .h file, \b after the standard
+/// includes required by the ANTLR generated code.
+/// Here you could for instance place a <code>\#include</code>
+/// statement to cause your grammar code to include some standard definitions. Because you
+/// may use multiple parsers and lexers in your solution, you should probably not place
+/// <code>#define</code> statements here, but in the <code>\@postinclude</code> section. Then you
+/// may create different <code>\#defines</code> for different recognizers.
+/// Here is an example:
+/// \code
+/// @lexer::includes
+/// {
+/// #include "myprojectcommondefs.h"
+/// }
+/// @parser::includes
+/// {
+/// #include "myprojectcommondefs.h"
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// \subsection hdrpreinclude \@preincludes section
+/// The <code>\@parser::preincludes</code> or <code>\@lexer::preincludes</code> annotations cause
+/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated .h file, \b before the standard
+/// includes required by the ANTLR generated code.
+/// You should use this section when you wish to place #defines and other definitions
+/// in the code before the standard ANTLR runtime includes defined them. This allows you
+/// to override any predefined symbols and options that the includes otherwise take
+/// defaults for. For instance, if you have built a version of the runtime with a
+/// special version of malloc, you can <code>\#define</code> #ANTLR3_MALLOC to match the definition
+/// you used for the ANTLR runtime library.
+/// \subsection hdrpostinclude \@postinclude section
+/// The <code>\@parser::postinclude</code> or <code>\@lexer::postinclude</code> annotations cause
+/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated <b>.C</b> file, after the generated include
+/// file (which includes the standard ANTLR3C library includes.
+/// Code you place here then will be subject to any macros defined by your own includes, by the
+/// generated include and by the standard ANTLR3 includes. This is a good place to <code>\#undef</code>
+/// anything that you don;t like the default values of, but cannot override before the includes
+/// define them.
+/// This is also a good place to <code>#define</code> any macros you may wish to use in the generated
+/// .c file. As you can include multiple parsers in your projects, you will need to include the
+/// generated .h file of each of them, possibly globally, but almost certainly in a context where you
+/// are including more than one .h file simultaneously. Hence if you commonly use the same macro
+/// names for accessing structures and so on, and they change from grammar to grammar, you should
+/// define them here to avoid creating conflicting definitions in the header files.
+/// \ No newline at end of file