path: root/clang/test/SemaObjC/format-strings-objc.m
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diff --git a/clang/test/SemaObjC/format-strings-objc.m b/clang/test/SemaObjC/format-strings-objc.m
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index 0000000..987889b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/SemaObjC/format-strings-objc.m
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+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -Wformat-nonliteral -fsyntax-only -fblocks -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s
+// The following code is reduced using delta-debugging from
+// Foundation.h (Mac OS X).
+// It includes the basic definitions for the test cases below.
+// Not including Foundation.h directly makes this test case both svelt and
+// portable to non-Mac platforms.
+#include <stdarg.h>
+typedef signed char BOOL;
+typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
+@class NSString, Protocol;
+extern void NSLog(NSString *format, ...);
+extern void NSLogv(NSString *format, va_list args);
+typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;
+@class NSInvocation, NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
+@protocol NSObject - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object; @end
+@protocol NSCopying - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; @end
+@protocol NSMutableCopying - (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; @end
+@protocol NSCoding - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder; @end
+@interface NSObject <NSObject> {} @end
+typedef float CGFloat;
+@interface NSString : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding> - (NSUInteger)length; @end
+@interface NSSimpleCString : NSString {} @end
+@interface NSConstantString : NSSimpleCString @end
+extern void *_NSConstantStringClassReference;
+typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
+extern void CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFStringRef format, ...) __attribute__((format(CFString, 1, 2)));
+int printf(const char * restrict, ...) ;
+// Test cases.
+void check_nslog(unsigned k) {
+ NSLog(@"%d%%", k); // no-warning
+ NSLog(@"%s%lb%d", "unix", 10,20); // expected-warning {{invalid conversion specifier 'b'}}
+// Check type validation
+extern void NSLog2(int format, ...) __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2))); // expected-error {{format argument not an NSString}}
+extern void CFStringCreateWithFormat2(int *format, ...) __attribute__((format(CFString, 1, 2))); // expected-error {{format argument not a CFString}}
+// <rdar://problem/7068334> - Catch use of long long with int arguments.
+void rdar_7068334() {
+ long long test = 500;
+ printf("%i ",test); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'long long'}}
+ NSLog(@"%i ",test); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'long long'}}
+// <rdar://problem/7697748>
+void rdar_7697748() {
+ NSLog(@"%@!"); // expected-warning{{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+@protocol Foo;
+void test_p_conversion_with_objc_pointer(id x, id<Foo> y) {
+ printf("%p", x); // no-warning
+ printf("%p", y); // no-warning
+// <rdar://problem/10696348>, PR 10274 - CFString and NSString formats are ignored
+extern void MyNSLog(NSString *format, ...) __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
+extern void MyCFStringCreateWithFormat(CFStringRef format, ...) __attribute__((format(__CFString__, 1, 2)));
+void check_mylog() {
+ MyNSLog(@"%@"); // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ // FIXME: find a way to test CFString too, but I don't know how to create constant CFString.
+// PR 10275 - format function attribute isn't checked in Objective-C methods
+@interface Foo
++ (id)fooWithFormat:(NSString *)fmt, ... __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
++ (id)fooWithCStringFormat:(const char *)format, ... __attribute__((format(__printf__, 1, 2)));
+void check_method() {
+ [Foo fooWithFormat:@"%@"]; // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ [Foo fooWithCStringFormat:"%@"]; // expected-warning {{invalid conversion specifier '@'}}
+// Warn about using BOOL with %@
+void rdar10743758(id x) {
+ NSLog(@"%@ %@", x, (BOOL) 1); // expected-warning {{format specifies type 'id' but the argument has type 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char')}}
+NSString *test_literal_propagation(void) {
+ const char * const s1 = "constant string %s"; // expected-note {{format string is defined here}}
+ printf(s1); // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ const char * const s5 = "constant string %s"; // expected-note {{format string is defined here}}
+ const char * const s2 = s5;
+ printf(s2); // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ const char * const s3 = (const char *)0;
+ printf(s3); // no-warning (NULL is a valid format string)
+ NSString * const ns1 = @"constant string %s"; // expected-note {{format string is defined here}}
+ NSLog(ns1); // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ NSString * const ns5 = @"constant string %s"; // expected-note {{format string is defined here}}
+ NSString * const ns2 = ns5;
+ NSLog(ns2); // expected-warning {{more '%' conversions than data arguments}}
+ NSString * ns3 = ns1;
+ NSLog(ns3); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}}}
+// Do not emit warnings when using NSLocalizedString
+extern NSString *GetLocalizedString(NSString *str);
+#define NSLocalizedString(key) GetLocalizedString(key)
+void check_NSLocalizedString() {
+ [Foo fooWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"format"), @"arg"]; // no-warning
+typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
+// Test that %S, %C, %ls check for 16 bit types in ObjC strings, as described at
+void test_percent_S() {
+ const unsigned short data[] = { 'a', 'b', 0 };
+ const unsigned short* ptr = data;
+ NSLog(@"%S", ptr); // no-warning
+ const wchar_t* wchar_ptr = L"ab";
+ NSLog(@"%S", wchar_ptr); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'const unsigned short *' but the argument has type 'const wchar_t *'}}
+void test_percent_ls() {
+ const unsigned short data[] = { 'a', 'b', 0 };
+ const unsigned short* ptr = data;
+ NSLog(@"%ls", ptr); // no-warning
+ const wchar_t* wchar_ptr = L"ab";
+ NSLog(@"%ls", wchar_ptr); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'const unsigned short *' but the argument has type 'const wchar_t *'}}
+void test_percent_C() {
+ const unsigned short data = 'a';
+ NSLog(@"%C", data); // no-warning
+ const wchar_t wchar_data = L'a';
+ NSLog(@"%C", wchar_data); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'unsigned short' but the argument has type 'wchar_t'}}
+// Test that %@ works with toll-free bridging (<rdar://problem/10814120>).
+void test_toll_free_bridging(CFStringRef x) {
+ NSLog(@"%@", x); // no-warning
+@interface Bar
++ (void)log:(NSString *)fmt, ...;
++ (void)log2:(NSString *)fmt, ... __attribute__((format(NSString, 1, 2)));
+@implementation Bar
++ (void)log:(NSString *)fmt, ... {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,fmt);
+ NSLogv(fmt, ap); // expected-warning{{format string is not a string literal}}
+ va_end(ap);
++ (void)log2:(NSString *)fmt, ... {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,fmt);
+ NSLogv(fmt, ap); // no-warning
+ va_end(ap);
+// Test that it is okay to use %p with the address of a block.
+void rdar11049844_aux();
+int rdar11049844() {
+ typedef void (^MyBlock)(void);
+ MyBlock x = ^void() { rdar11049844_aux(); };
+ printf("%p", x); // no-warning