path: root/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/pointers-to-data-members.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/test/CodeGenCXX/pointers-to-data-members.cpp')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/pointers-to-data-members.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/pointers-to-data-members.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90024e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/pointers-to-data-members.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o %t.ll -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin10
+// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.ll
+// RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-GLOBAL %s < %t.ll
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o %t-opt.ll -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin10 -O3
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-O3 %s < %t-opt.ll
+struct A { int a; int b; };
+struct B { int b; };
+struct C : B, A { };
+// Zero init.
+namespace ZeroInit {
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit1aE = global i64 -1
+ int A::* a;
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit2aaE = global [2 x i64] [i64 -1, i64 -1]
+ int A::* aa[2];
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit3aaaE = global [2 x [2 x i64]] {{\[}}[2 x i64] [i64 -1, i64 -1], [2 x i64] [i64 -1, i64 -1]]
+ int A::* aaa[2][2];
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit1bE = global i64 -1,
+ int A::* b = 0;
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit2saE = internal global %struct.anon { i64 -1 }
+ struct {
+ int A::*a;
+ } sa;
+ void test_sa() { (void) sa; } // force emission
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit3ssaE = internal
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: [2 x i64] [i64 -1, i64 -1]
+ struct {
+ int A::*aa[2];
+ } ssa[2];
+ void test_ssa() { (void) ssa; }
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit2ssE = internal global %struct.anon.1 { %struct.anon.2 { i64 -1 } }
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ int A::*pa;
+ } s;
+ } ss;
+ void test_ss() { (void) ss; }
+ struct A {
+ int A::*a;
+ int b;
+ };
+ struct B {
+ A a[10];
+ char c;
+ int B::*b;
+ };
+ struct C : A, B { int j; };
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN8ZeroInit1cE = global {{%.*}} { %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::B" { [10 x %"struct.ZeroInit::A"] [%"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }, %"struct.ZeroInit::A" { i64 -1, i32 0 }], i8 0, i64 -1 }, i32 0 }, align 8
+ C c;
+// PR5674
+namespace PR5674 {
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN6PR56742pbE = global i64 4
+ int A::*pb = &A::b;
+// Casts.
+namespace Casts {
+int A::*pa;
+int C::*pc;
+void f() {
+ // CHECK: store i64 -1, i64* @_ZN5Casts2paE
+ pa = 0;
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i64* @_ZN5Casts2paE, align 8
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[ADJ:%.*]] = add nsw i64 [[TMP]], 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[ISNULL:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP]], -1
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[RES:%.*]] = select i1 [[ISNULL]], i64 [[TMP]], i64 [[ADJ]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[RES]], i64* @_ZN5Casts2pcE
+ pc = pa;
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i64* @_ZN5Casts2pcE, align 8
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[ADJ:%.*]] = sub nsw i64 [[TMP]], 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[ISNULL:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP]], -1
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[RES:%.*]] = select i1 [[ISNULL]], i64 [[TMP]], i64 [[ADJ]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[RES]], i64* @_ZN5Casts2paE
+ pa = static_cast<int A::*>(pc);
+// Comparisons
+namespace Comparisons {
+ void f() {
+ int A::*a;
+ // CHECK: icmp ne i64 {{.*}}, -1
+ if (a) { }
+ // CHECK: icmp ne i64 {{.*}}, -1
+ if (a != 0) { }
+ // CHECK: icmp ne i64 -1, {{.*}}
+ if (0 != a) { }
+ // CHECK: icmp eq i64 {{.*}}, -1
+ if (a == 0) { }
+ // CHECK: icmp eq i64 -1, {{.*}}
+ if (0 == a) { }
+ }
+namespace ValueInit {
+struct A {
+ int A::*a;
+ char c;
+ A();
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN9ValueInit1AC2Ev(%"struct.ValueInit::A"* %this) unnamed_addr
+// CHECK: store i64 -1, i64*
+// CHECK: ret void
+A::A() : a() {}
+namespace PR7139 {
+struct pair {
+ int first;
+ int second;
+typedef int pair::*ptr_to_member_type;
+struct ptr_to_member_struct {
+ ptr_to_member_type data;
+ int i;
+struct A {
+ ptr_to_member_struct a;
+ A() : a() {}
+// CHECK-O3: define zeroext i1 @_ZN6PR71395checkEv() nounwind readnone
+bool check() {
+ // CHECK-O3: ret i1 true
+ return A() == 0;
+// CHECK-O3: define zeroext i1 @_ZN6PR71396check2Ev() nounwind readnone
+bool check2() {
+ // CHECK-O3: ret i1 true
+ return ptr_to_member_type() == 0;
+namespace VirtualBases {
+struct A {
+ char c;
+ int A::*i;
+// CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN12VirtualBases1bE = global %"struct.VirtualBases::B" { i32 (...)** null, %"struct.VirtualBases::A" { i8 0, i64 -1 } }, align 8
+struct B : virtual A { };
+B b;
+// CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN12VirtualBases1cE = global %"struct.VirtualBases::C" { i32 (...)** null, i64 -1, %"struct.VirtualBases::A" { i8 0, i64 -1 } }, align 8
+struct C : virtual A { int A::*i; };
+C c;
+// CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN12VirtualBases1dE = global %"struct.VirtualBases::D" { %"struct.VirtualBases::C.base" { i32 (...)** null, i64 -1 }, i64 -1, %"struct.VirtualBases::A" { i8 0, i64 -1 } }, align 8
+struct D : C { int A::*i; };
+D d;
+namespace Test1 {
+// Don't crash when A contains a bit-field.
+struct A {
+ int A::* a;
+ int b : 10;
+A a;
+namespace BoolPtrToMember {
+ struct X {
+ bool member;
+ };
+ // CHECK: define i8* @_ZN15BoolPtrToMember1fERNS_1XEMS0_b
+ bool &f(X &x, bool X::*member) {
+ // CHECK: {{bitcast.* to i8\*}}
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ret i8*
+ return x.*member;
+ }
+namespace PR8507 {
+struct S;
+void f(S* p, double S::*pm) {
+ if (0 < p->*pm) {
+ }
+namespace test4 {
+ struct A { int A_i; };
+ struct B : virtual A { int A::*B_p; };
+ struct C : virtual B { int *C_p; };
+ struct D : C { int *D_p; };
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN5test41dE = global %"struct.test4::D" { %"struct.test4::C.base" zeroinitializer, i32* null, %"struct.test4::B.base" { i32 (...)** null, i64 -1 }, %"struct.test4::A" zeroinitializer }, align 8
+ D d;
+namespace PR11487 {
+ union U
+ {
+ int U::* mptr;
+ char x[16];
+ } x;
+ // CHECK-GLOBAL: @_ZN7PR114871xE = global %"union.PR11487::U" { i64 -1, [8 x i8] zeroinitializer }, align 8