path: root/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg')
6 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ce8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 %s -verify
+namespace std {
+ typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
+template<int *ip> struct IP { // expected-note 4 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ IP<ip> *ip2;
+constexpr std::nullptr_t get_nullptr() { return nullptr; }
+constexpr std::nullptr_t np = nullptr;
+std::nullptr_t nonconst_np; // expected-note{{declared here}}
+IP<0> ip0; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int *'}}
+IP<(0)> ip1; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int *'}}
+IP<nullptr> ip2;
+IP<get_nullptr()> ip3;
+IP<(int*)0> ip4;
+IP<np> ip5;
+IP<nonconst_np> ip5; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'std::nullptr_t' (aka 'nullptr_t') is not a constant expression}} \
+// expected-note{{read of non-constexpr variable 'nonconst_np' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
+IP<(float*)0> ip6; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument of type 'float *' does not match template parameter of type 'int *'}}
+struct X { };
+template<int X::*pm> struct PM { // expected-note 2 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ PM<pm> *pm2;
+PM<0> pm0; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int X::*'}}
+PM<(0)> pm1; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int X::*'}}
+PM<nullptr> pm2;
+PM<get_nullptr()> pm3;
+PM<(int X::*)0> pm4;
+PM<np> pm5;
+template<int (X::*pmf)(int)> struct PMF { // expected-note 2 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ PMF<pmf> *pmf2;
+PMF<0> pmf0; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int (X::*)(int)'}}
+PMF<(0)> pmf1; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'int (X::*)(int)'}}
+PMF<nullptr> pmf2;
+PMF<get_nullptr()> pmf3;
+PMF<(int (X::*)(int))0> pmf4;
+PMF<np> pmf5;
+template<std::nullptr_t np> struct NP { // expected-note 2{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ NP<np> *np2;
+NP<nullptr> np1;
+NP<np> np2;
+NP<get_nullptr()> np3;
+NP<0> np4; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'std::nullptr_t' (aka 'nullptr_t')}}
+constexpr int i = 7;
+NP<i> np5; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'const int' cannot be converted to a value of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4db002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -triple=x86_64-linux-gnu %s
+// C++11 [temp.arg.nontype]p1:
+// A template-argument for a non-type, non-template template-parameter shall
+// be one of:
+// -- an integral constant expression; or
+// -- the name of a non-type template-parameter ; or
+namespace non_type_tmpl_param {
+ template <int N> struct X0 { X0(); };
+ template <int N> X0<N>::X0() { }
+ template <int* N> struct X1 { X1(); };
+ template <int* N> X1<N>::X1() { }
+ template <int& N> struct X3 { X3(); };
+ template <int& N> X3<N>::X3() { }
+ template <int (*F)(int)> struct X4 { X4(); };
+ template <int (*F)(int)> X4<F>::X4() { }
+ template <typename T, int (T::* M)(int)> struct X5 { X5(); };
+ template <typename T, int (T::* M)(int)> X5<T, M>::X5() { }
+// -- a constant expression that designates the address of an object with
+// static storage duration and external or internal linkage or a function
+// with external or internal linkage, including function templates and
+// function template-ids, but excluting non-static class members, expressed
+// (ignoring parentheses) as & id-expression, except that the & may be
+// omitted if the name refers to a function or array and shall be omitted
+// if the corresopnding template-parameter is a reference; or
+namespace addr_of_obj_or_func {
+ template <int* p> struct X0 { }; // expected-note 4{{here}}
+ template <int (*fp)(int)> struct X1 { };
+ template <int &p> struct X2 { }; // expected-note 4{{here}}
+ template <const int &p> struct X2k { }; // expected-note {{here}}
+ template <int (&fp)(int)> struct X3 { }; // expected-note 4{{here}}
+ int i = 42;
+ int iarr[10];
+ int f(int i);
+ const int ki = 9; // expected-note 5{{here}}
+ __thread int ti = 100; // expected-note 2{{here}}
+ static int f_internal(int); // expected-note 4{{here}}
+ template <typename T> T f_tmpl(T t);
+ void test() {
+ X0<i> x0a; // expected-error {{must have its address taken}}
+ X0<&i> x0a_addr;
+ X0<iarr> x0b;
+ X0<&iarr> x0b_addr; // expected-error {{cannot be converted to a value of type 'int *'}}
+ X0<ki> x0c; // expected-error {{must have its address taken}} expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X0<&ki> x0c_addr; // expected-error {{cannot be converted to a value of type 'int *'}} expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X0<&ti> x0d_addr; // expected-error {{refers to thread-local object}}
+ X1<f> x1a;
+ X1<&f> x1a_addr;
+ X1<f_tmpl> x1b;
+ X1<&f_tmpl> x1b_addr;
+ X1<f_tmpl<int> > x1c;
+ X1<&f_tmpl<int> > x1c_addr;
+ X1<f_internal> x1d; // expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X1<&f_internal> x1d_addr; // expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X2<i> x2a;
+ X2<&i> x2a_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}}
+ X2<iarr> x2b; // expected-error {{cannot bind to template argument of type 'int [10]'}}
+ X2<&iarr> x2b_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}}
+ X2<ki> x2c; // expected-error {{ignores qualifiers}} expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X2k<ki> x2kc; // expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X2k<&ki> x2kc_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}} expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X2<ti> x2d_addr; // expected-error {{refers to thread-local object}}
+ X3<f> x3a;
+ X3<&f> x3a_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}}
+ X3<f_tmpl> x3b;
+ X3<&f_tmpl> x3b_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}}
+ X3<f_tmpl<int> > x3c;
+ X3<&f_tmpl<int> > x3c_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}}
+ X3<f_internal> x3d; // expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ X3<&f_internal> x3d_addr; // expected-error {{address taken}} expected-warning {{internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
+ int n; // expected-note {{here}}
+ X0<&n> x0_no_linkage; // expected-error {{non-type template argument refers to object 'n' that does not have linkage}}
+ struct Local { static int f() {} }; // expected-note {{here}}
+ X1<&Local::f> x1_no_linkage; // expected-error {{non-type template argument refers to function 'f' that does not have linkage}}
+ }
+// -- a constant expression that evaluates to a null pointer value (4.10); or
+// -- a constant expression that evaluates to a null member pointer value
+// (4.11); or
+// -- a pointer to member expressed as described in 5.3.1.
+namespace bad_args {
+ template <int* N> struct X0 { }; // expected-note 2{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ int i = 42;
+ X0<&i + 2> x0a; // expected-error{{non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration}}
+ int* iptr = &i;
+ X0<iptr> x0b; // expected-error{{non-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type 'int *' must have its address taken}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p5.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p5.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9b532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p5.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// C++0x [temp.arg.nontype] p5:
+// The following conversions are performed on each expression used as
+// a non-type template-argument. If a non-type template-argument cannot be
+// converted to the type of the corresponding template-parameter then the
+// program is ill-formed.
+// -- for a non-type template-parameter of integral or enumeration type,
+// integral promotions (4.5) and integral conversions (4.7) are applied.
+namespace integral_parameters {
+ template<short s> struct X0 { };
+ X0<17> x0i;
+ X0<'a'> x0c;
+ template<char c> struct X1 { };
+ X1<100l> x1l;
+// -- for a non-type template-parameter of type pointer to object,
+// qualification conversions (4.4) and the array-to-pointer conversion
+// (4.2) are applied; if the template-argument is of type
+// std::nullptr_t, the null pointer conversion (4.10) is applied.
+namespace pointer_to_object_parameters {
+ // PR6226
+ struct Str {
+ Str(const char *);
+ };
+ template<const char *s>
+ struct A {
+ Str get() { return s; }
+ };
+ char hello[6] = "Hello";
+ extern const char world[6];
+ const char world[6] = "world";
+ void test() {
+ (void)A<hello>().get();
+ (void)A<world>().get();
+ }
+ class X {
+ public:
+ X();
+ X(int, int);
+ operator int() const;
+ };
+ template<X const *Ptr> struct A2; // expected-note{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ X *X_ptr;
+ X an_X;
+ X array_of_Xs[10];
+ A2<X_ptr> *a12; // expected-error{{must have its address taken}}
+ A2<array_of_Xs> *a13;
+ A2<&an_X> *a13_2;
+ A2<(&an_X)> *a13_3; // expected-warning{{address non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parentheses}}
+ // PR6244
+ struct X1 {} X1v;
+ template <X1*> struct X2 { };
+ template <X1* Value> struct X3 : X2<Value> { };
+ struct X4 : X3<&X1v> { };
+ // PR6563
+ int *bar;
+ template <int *> struct zed {}; // expected-note 2{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ void g(zed<bar>*); // expected-error{{must have its address taken}}
+ int baz;
+ void g2(zed<baz>*); // expected-error{{must have its address taken}}
+ void g3(zed<&baz>*); // okay
+// -- For a non-type template-parameter of type reference to object, no
+// conversions apply. The type referred to by the reference may be more
+// cv-qualified than the (otherwise identical) type of the
+// template-argument. The template-parameter is bound directly to the
+// template-argument, which shall be an lvalue.
+namespace reference_parameters {
+ template <int& N> struct S0 { }; // expected-note 3 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ template <const int& N> struct S1 { }; // expected-note 2 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ template <volatile int& N> struct S2 { }; // expected-note 2 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+ template <const volatile int& N> struct S3 { };
+ int i;
+ extern const int ci;
+ volatile int vi;
+ extern const volatile int cvi;
+ void test() {
+ S0<i> s0;
+ S0<ci> s0c; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'int &' to template argument of type 'const int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S0<vi> s0v; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'int &' to template argument of type 'volatile int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S0<cvi> s0cv; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'int &' to template argument of type 'const volatile int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S1<i> s1;
+ S1<ci> s1c;
+ S1<vi> s1v; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'const int &' to template argument of type 'volatile int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S1<cvi> s1cv; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'const int &' to template argument of type 'const volatile int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S2<i> s2;
+ S2<ci> s2c; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'volatile int &' to template argument of type 'const int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S2<vi> s2v;
+ S2<cvi> s2cv; // expected-error{{reference binding of non-type template parameter of type 'volatile int &' to template argument of type 'const volatile int' ignores qualifiers}}
+ S3<i> s3;
+ S3<ci> s3c;
+ S3<vi> s3v;
+ S3<cvi> s3cv;
+ }
+ namespace PR6250 {
+ template <typename T, const T &ref> void inc() {
+ ref++; // expected-error{{read-only variable is not assignable}}
+ }
+ template<typename T, const T &ref> void bind() {
+ T &ref2 = ref; // expected-error{{drops qualifiers}}
+ }
+ int counter;
+ void test() {
+ inc<int, counter>(); // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
+ bind<int, counter>(); // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
+ }
+ }
+ namespace PR6749 {
+ template <int& i> struct foo {}; // expected-note{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ int x, &y = x;
+ foo<y> f; // expected-error{{is not an object}}
+ }
+// -- For a non-type template-parameter of type pointer to function, the
+// function-to-pointer conversion (4.3) is applied; if the
+// template-argument is of type std::nullptr_t, the null pointer
+// conversion (4.10) is applied. If the template-argument represents
+// a set of overloaded functions (or a pointer to such), the matching
+// function is selected from the set (13.4).
+namespace pointer_to_function {
+ template<int (*)(int)> struct X0 { }; // expected-note 3{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ int f(int);
+ int f(float);
+ int g(float);
+ int (*funcptr)(int);
+ void x0a(X0<f>);
+ void x0b(X0<&f>);
+ void x0c(X0<g>); // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'int (float)' cannot be converted to a value of type 'int (*)(int)'}}
+ void x0d(X0<&g>); // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'int (*)(float)' cannot be converted to a value of type 'int (*)(int)'}}
+ void x0e(X0<funcptr>); // expected-error{{must have its address taken}}
+// -- For a non-type template-parameter of type reference to function, no
+// conversions apply. If the template-argument represents a set of
+// overloaded functions, the matching function is selected from the set
+// (13.4).
+namespace reference_to_function {
+ template<int (&)(int)> struct X0 { }; // expected-note 4{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ int f(int);
+ int f(float);
+ int g(float);
+ int (*funcptr)(int);
+ void x0a(X0<f>);
+ void x0b(X0<&f>); // expected-error{{address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type 'int (&)(int)'}}
+ void x0c(X0<g>); // expected-error{{non-type template parameter of reference type 'int (&)(int)' cannot bind to template argument of type 'int (float)'}}
+ void x0d(X0<&g>); // expected-error{{address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type 'int (&)(int)'}}
+ void x0e(X0<funcptr>); // expected-error{{non-type template parameter of reference type 'int (&)(int)' cannot bind to template argument of type 'int (*)(int)'}}
+// -- For a non-type template-parameter of type pointer to member function,
+// if the template-argument is of type std::nullptr_t, the null member
+// pointer conversion (4.11) is applied; otherwise, no conversions
+// apply. If the template-argument represents a set of overloaded member
+// functions, the matching member function is selected from the set
+// (13.4).
+namespace pointer_to_member_function {
+ struct X { };
+ struct Y : X {
+ int f(int);
+ int g(int);
+ int g(float);
+ float h(float);
+ };
+ template<int (Y::*)(int)> struct X0 {}; // expected-note{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ X0<&Y::f> x0a;
+ X0<&Y::g> x0b;
+ X0<&Y::h> x0c; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'float (pointer_to_member_function::Y::*)(float)' cannot be converted to a value of type 'int (pointer_to_member_function::Y::*)(int)'}}
+// -- For a non-type template-parameter of type pointer to data member,
+// qualification conversions (4.4) are applied; if the template-argument
+// is of type std::nullptr_t, the null member pointer conversion (4.11)
+// is applied.
+namespace pointer_to_member_data {
+ struct X { int x; };
+ struct Y : X { int y; };
+ template<int Y::*> struct X0 {}; // expected-note{{template parameter is declared here}}
+ X0<&Y::y> x0a;
+ X0<&Y::x> x0b; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'int pointer_to_member_data::X::*' cannot be converted to a value of type 'int pointer_to_member_data::Y::*'}}
+ // Test qualification conversions
+ template<const int Y::*> struct X1 {};
+ X1<&Y::y> x1a;
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.template/p3-0x.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.template/p3-0x.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c13bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.template/p3-0x.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+template <class T> struct eval; // expected-note 3{{template is declared here}}
+template <template <class, class...> class TT, class T1, class... Rest>
+struct eval<TT<T1, Rest...>> { };
+template <class T1> struct A;
+template <class T1, class T2> struct B;
+template <int N> struct C;
+template <class T1, int N> struct D;
+template <class T1, class T2, int N = 17> struct E;
+eval<A<int>> eA;
+eval<B<int, float>> eB;
+eval<C<17>> eC; // expected-error{{implicit instantiation of undefined template 'eval<C<17> >'}}
+eval<D<int, 17>> eD; // expected-error{{implicit instantiation of undefined template 'eval<D<int, 17> >'}}
+eval<E<int, float>> eE; // expected-error{{implicit instantiation of undefined template 'eval<E<int, float, 17> >}}
+template<template <int ...N> class TT> struct X0 { }; // expected-note{{previous non-type template parameter with type 'int' is here}}
+template<int I, int J, int ...Rest> struct X0a;
+template<int ...Rest> struct X0b;
+template<int I, long J> struct X0c; // expected-note{{template non-type parameter has a different type 'long' in template argument}}
+X0<X0a> inst_x0a;
+X0<X0b> inst_x0b;
+X0<X0c> inst_x0c; // expected-error{{template template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template parameter}}
+template<typename T,
+ template <T ...N> class TT> // expected-note{{previous non-type template parameter with type 'short' is here}}
+struct X1 { };
+template<int I, int J, int ...Rest> struct X1a;
+template<long I, long ...Rest> struct X1b;
+template<short I, short J> struct X1c;
+template<short I, long J> struct X1d; // expected-note{{template non-type parameter has a different type 'long' in template argument}}
+X1<int, X1a> inst_x1a;
+X1<long, X1b> inst_x1b;
+X1<short, X1c> inst_x1c;
+X1<short, X1d> inst_x1d; // expected-error{{template template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template paramete}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2-cxx0x.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2-cxx0x.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03ed46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2-cxx0x.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -verify %s
+// C++03 imposed restrictions in this paragraph that were lifted with 0x, so we
+// just test that the example given now parses cleanly.
+template <class T> class X { };
+template <class T> void f(T t) { }
+struct { } unnamed_obj;
+void f() {
+ struct A { };
+ enum { e1 };
+ typedef struct { } B;
+ B b;
+ X<A> x1;
+ X<A*> x2;
+ X<B> x3;
+ f(e1);
+ f(unnamed_obj);
+ f(b);
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd9a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.type/p2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+template<class T> struct A {
+ static T t; // expected-error{{static data member instantiated with function type 'int ()'}}
+typedef int function();
+A<function> a; // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
+template<typename T> struct B {
+ B() { T t; } // expected-error{{variable instantiated with function type 'int ()'}}
+B<function> b; // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
+template <typename T> int f0(void *, const T&); // expected-note{{candidate template ignored: substitution failure}}
+enum {e}; // expected-note{{unnamed type used in template argument was declared here}}
+void test_f0(int n) {
+ int i = f0(0, e); // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ int vla[n];
+ f0(0, vla); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'f0'}}
+namespace N0 {
+ template <typename R, typename A1> void f0(R (*)(A1));
+ template <typename T> int f1(T);
+ template <typename T, typename U> int f1(T, U);
+ enum {e1}; // expected-note 2{{unnamed type used in template argument was declared here}}
+ enum {e2}; // expected-note 2{{unnamed type used in template argument was declared here}}
+ enum {e3}; // expected-note{{unnamed type used in template argument was declared here}}
+ template<typename T> struct X;
+ template<typename T> struct X<T*> { };
+ void f() {
+ f0( // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ &f1<__typeof__(e1)>); // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ int (*fp1)(int, __typeof__(e2)) = f1; // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ f1(e2); // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ f1(e2);
+ X<__typeof__(e3)*> x; // expected-warning{{template argument uses unnamed type}}
+ }