path: root/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h
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1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6c22db
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+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h
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+//===--- DiagnosticIDs.h - Diagnostic IDs Handling --------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the Diagnostic IDs-related interfaces.
+#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
+namespace llvm {
+ template<typename T, unsigned> class SmallVector;
+namespace clang {
+ class DiagnosticsEngine;
+ class SourceLocation;
+ struct WarningOption;
+ // Import the diagnostic enums themselves.
+ namespace diag {
+ // Start position for diagnostics.
+ enum {
+ };
+ class CustomDiagInfo;
+ /// diag::kind - All of the diagnostics that can be emitted by the frontend.
+ typedef unsigned kind;
+ // Get typedefs for common diagnostics.
+ enum {
+#include "clang/Basic/"
+#undef DIAG
+ };
+ /// Enum values that allow the client to map NOTEs, WARNINGs, and EXTENSIONs
+ /// to either MAP_IGNORE (nothing), MAP_WARNING (emit a warning), MAP_ERROR
+ /// (emit as an error). It allows clients to map errors to
+ /// MAP_ERROR/MAP_DEFAULT or MAP_FATAL (stop emitting diagnostics after this
+ /// one).
+ enum Mapping {
+ // NOTE: 0 means "uncomputed".
+ MAP_IGNORE = 1, //< Map this diagnostic to nothing, ignore it.
+ MAP_WARNING = 2, //< Map this diagnostic to a warning.
+ MAP_ERROR = 3, //< Map this diagnostic to an error.
+ MAP_FATAL = 4 //< Map this diagnostic to a fatal error.
+ };
+ }
+class DiagnosticMappingInfo {
+ unsigned Mapping : 3;
+ unsigned IsUser : 1;
+ unsigned IsPragma : 1;
+ unsigned HasShowInSystemHeader : 1;
+ unsigned HasNoWarningAsError : 1;
+ unsigned HasNoErrorAsFatal : 1;
+ static DiagnosticMappingInfo Make(diag::Mapping Mapping, bool IsUser,
+ bool IsPragma) {
+ DiagnosticMappingInfo Result;
+ Result.Mapping = Mapping;
+ Result.IsUser = IsUser;
+ Result.IsPragma = IsPragma;
+ Result.HasShowInSystemHeader = 0;
+ Result.HasNoWarningAsError = 0;
+ Result.HasNoErrorAsFatal = 0;
+ return Result;
+ }
+ diag::Mapping getMapping() const { return diag::Mapping(Mapping); }
+ void setMapping(diag::Mapping Value) { Mapping = Value; }
+ bool isUser() const { return IsUser; }
+ bool isPragma() const { return IsPragma; }
+ bool hasShowInSystemHeader() const { return HasShowInSystemHeader; }
+ void setShowInSystemHeader(bool Value) { HasShowInSystemHeader = Value; }
+ bool hasNoWarningAsError() const { return HasNoWarningAsError; }
+ void setNoWarningAsError(bool Value) { HasNoWarningAsError = Value; }
+ bool hasNoErrorAsFatal() const { return HasNoErrorAsFatal; }
+ void setNoErrorAsFatal(bool Value) { HasNoErrorAsFatal = Value; }
+/// \brief Used for handling and querying diagnostic IDs. Can be used and shared
+/// by multiple Diagnostics for multiple translation units.
+class DiagnosticIDs : public RefCountedBase<DiagnosticIDs> {
+ /// Level - The level of the diagnostic, after it has been through mapping.
+ enum Level {
+ Ignored, Note, Warning, Error, Fatal
+ };
+ /// CustomDiagInfo - Information for uniquing and looking up custom diags.
+ diag::CustomDiagInfo *CustomDiagInfo;
+ DiagnosticIDs();
+ ~DiagnosticIDs();
+ /// getCustomDiagID - Return an ID for a diagnostic with the specified message
+ /// and level. If this is the first request for this diagnosic, it is
+ /// registered and created, otherwise the existing ID is returned.
+ unsigned getCustomDiagID(Level L, StringRef Message);
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Diagnostic classification and reporting interfaces.
+ //
+ /// getDescription - Given a diagnostic ID, return a description of the
+ /// issue.
+ StringRef getDescription(unsigned DiagID) const;
+ /// isBuiltinWarningOrExtension - Return true if the unmapped diagnostic level
+ /// of the specified diagnostic ID is a Warning or Extension. This only works
+ /// on builtin diagnostics, not custom ones, and is not legal to call on
+ /// NOTEs.
+ static bool isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// \brief Return true if the specified diagnostic is mapped to errors by
+ /// default.
+ static bool isDefaultMappingAsError(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// \brief Determine whether the given built-in diagnostic ID is a
+ /// Note.
+ static bool isBuiltinNote(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// isBuiltinExtensionDiag - Determine whether the given built-in diagnostic
+ /// ID is for an extension of some sort.
+ ///
+ static bool isBuiltinExtensionDiag(unsigned DiagID) {
+ bool ignored;
+ return isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID, ignored);
+ }
+ /// isBuiltinExtensionDiag - Determine whether the given built-in diagnostic
+ /// ID is for an extension of some sort. This also returns EnabledByDefault,
+ /// which is set to indicate whether the diagnostic is ignored by default (in
+ /// which case -pedantic enables it) or treated as a warning/error by default.
+ ///
+ static bool isBuiltinExtensionDiag(unsigned DiagID, bool &EnabledByDefault);
+ /// getWarningOptionForDiag - Return the lowest-level warning option that
+ /// enables the specified diagnostic. If there is no -Wfoo flag that controls
+ /// the diagnostic, this returns null.
+ static StringRef getWarningOptionForDiag(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// getCategoryNumberForDiag - Return the category number that a specified
+ /// DiagID belongs to, or 0 if no category.
+ static unsigned getCategoryNumberForDiag(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// getNumberOfCategories - Return the number of categories
+ static unsigned getNumberOfCategories();
+ /// getCategoryNameFromID - Given a category ID, return the name of the
+ /// category.
+ static StringRef getCategoryNameFromID(unsigned CategoryID);
+ /// isARCDiagnostic - Return true if a given diagnostic falls into an
+ /// ARC diagnostic category;
+ static bool isARCDiagnostic(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// \brief Enumeration describing how the the emission of a diagnostic should
+ /// be treated when it occurs during C++ template argument deduction.
+ enum SFINAEResponse {
+ /// \brief The diagnostic should not be reported, but it should cause
+ /// template argument deduction to fail.
+ ///
+ /// The vast majority of errors that occur during template argument
+ /// deduction fall into this category.
+ SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure,
+ /// \brief The diagnostic should be suppressed entirely.
+ ///
+ /// Warnings generally fall into this category.
+ SFINAE_Suppress,
+ /// \brief The diagnostic should be reported.
+ ///
+ /// The diagnostic should be reported. Various fatal errors (e.g.,
+ /// template instantiation depth exceeded) fall into this category.
+ SFINAE_Report,
+ /// \brief The diagnostic is an access-control diagnostic, which will be
+ /// substitution failures in some contexts and reported in others.
+ SFINAE_AccessControl
+ };
+ /// \brief Determines whether the given built-in diagnostic ID is
+ /// for an error that is suppressed if it occurs during C++ template
+ /// argument deduction.
+ ///
+ /// When an error is suppressed due to SFINAE, the template argument
+ /// deduction fails but no diagnostic is emitted. Certain classes of
+ /// errors, such as those errors that involve C++ access control,
+ /// are not SFINAE errors.
+ static SFINAEResponse getDiagnosticSFINAEResponse(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// \brief Get the set of all diagnostic IDs in the group with the given name.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags [out] - On return, the diagnostics in the group.
+ /// \returns True if the given group is unknown, false otherwise.
+ bool getDiagnosticsInGroup(StringRef Group,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<diag::kind> &Diags) const;
+ /// \brief Get the set of all diagnostic IDs.
+ void getAllDiagnostics(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<diag::kind> &Diags) const;
+ /// \brief Get the warning option with the closest edit distance to the given
+ /// group name.
+ static StringRef getNearestWarningOption(StringRef Group);
+ /// \brief Get the set of all diagnostic IDs in the given group.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags [out] - On return, the diagnostics in the group.
+ void getDiagnosticsInGroup(const WarningOption *Group,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<diag::kind> &Diags) const;
+ /// \brief Based on the way the client configured the DiagnosticsEngine
+ /// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
+ /// the DiagnosticClient.
+ ///
+ /// \param Loc The source location we are interested in finding out the
+ /// diagnostic state. Can be null in order to query the latest state.
+ DiagnosticIDs::Level getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID, SourceLocation Loc,
+ const DiagnosticsEngine &Diag) const;
+ /// getDiagnosticLevel - This is an internal implementation helper used when
+ /// DiagClass is already known.
+ DiagnosticIDs::Level getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID,
+ unsigned DiagClass,
+ SourceLocation Loc,
+ const DiagnosticsEngine &Diag) const;
+ /// ProcessDiag - This is the method used to report a diagnostic that is
+ /// finally fully formed.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if the diagnostic was emitted, false if it was
+ /// suppressed.
+ bool ProcessDiag(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag) const;
+ /// \brief Whether the diagnostic may leave the AST in a state where some
+ /// invariants can break.
+ bool isUnrecoverable(unsigned DiagID) const;
+ friend class DiagnosticsEngine;
+} // end namespace clang