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diff --git a/tex/lit-review/main.tex b/tex/lit-review/main.tex
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-Static analysis is concerned with detemining as many of a program's
-characteristics as is possible without executing the program itself.
+Static analysis is concerned with determining as much as possible about a
+program from it without actually running the program. Being able to analyse the
+program statically can provide a wealth of information about the program's
+characteristics without executing it at all.
-Human error $\rightarrow$ bugs.
-It'd be nice if we can automatically test for bugs.
-Static analysis!
+The uses for static analysis vary significantly, from program optimisation
+(eg. constant propagation) to verification of program semantics and bug-finding.
+In critical applications (for example: medial equipment and flight computers)
+static analysis techniques are used to ensure that programs are free from errors
+which would cause catastrophic failure.
+Of particular use in static analysis is the determination of integral values
+within a program. By determining which possible values any integer variables in
+the program can take at each code point it is possible to detect a significant
+number of errors relating to improper integral values (divide-by-zero,
+array-out-of-bounds, etc.). Such errors are among the most common in real-world
+software development, so their detection is of much use to software developers.
\section{Abstract Interpretation}
-Came from: \cite{CousotCousot77-1}.
\subsection{General Framework}
-More in detail about \cite{CousotCousot77-1}.
+Abstract interpretation is a technique introduced in \cite{CousotCousot77-1} in
+which a program's semantics are examined within an abstract domain. This
+abstract domain is a simplification of the concrete domain in which the program
+actually executes, but is constructed in such a way as to retain some properties
+of the original program for analysis. We perform our analysis by "executing" our
+program within this abstract domain which we have constructed.
+An example of an abstract domain is considering numbers as either positive
+$(+)$, negative $(-)$, zero $(0)$, unknown $(\pm)$ or undefined $(?)$. Using this
+abstraction we can still define some semantics which reflect the program itself
+(as an example: $(+) \times (-) = (-)$, or the product of a positive number with
+a negative number is a negative number). Each abstract domain must also contain
+a "top" $(\top)$ and a "bottom" $(\bottom)$ element. The existence of these two
+elements turn our abstract domain into a complete lattice, which ensures some
+helpful properties of our abstract domain.
+By constructing appropriate abstract domains we can infer properties of the
+program's concrete semantics which are relevant to our application. The above
+abstract domain, for example, can be used to detect divide-by-zero errors
+(although it is clear from the above that not all divide-by-zero errors will be
+detected) or negative array-indexing (one form of an out of bounds error).
+A number of abstract domains have been conceived and formalised in literature.
+These are considered in the following subsection. An important factor to
+consider in the following is that as abstract domains get more "detailed" they
+become more computationally expensive to analyse.
\subsection{Abstract Domains}
-Difference-bound matrices \cite{mine:padoII}
-Octagon domain \cite{mine:hosc06}
+Cousot and Cousot, in \cite{CousotCousot77-1} introduce an abstract domain
+providing an upper and lower bound to each integral value. This domain allows
+them to reason about numbers with greater precision than simply considering
+The abstract domain of "zones", are handled in \cite{mine:padoII}. These zones
+provide a way to perform analysis on the bounds of variable differences (ie. to
+place bounds as $a - b \leq c$) and are also referred to as Difference Bound
+Matrices (which are used in other model-checking applications
+The domain of zones is then extended by the same author into the "Octagon
+Abstract Domain" in \cite{mine:hosc06} which additionally allows bounds on the
+sum of variables ($\pm a \pm b \leq c$).
+All of these above domains are actually shown to be instances of the polyhedra
+abstract domain in \cite{DBLP:conf/vmcai/SankaranarayananSM05}. The polyhedra
+domain expresses bounds on $a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 ... + a_n x_n + c \ge 0$, where
+$a_i$ are fixed in advance (a predefined polyhedral shape).
Other test citation: \cite{DBLP:tr/trier/MI96-11}
diff --git a/tex/lit-review/references.bib b/tex/lit-review/references.bib
index c21a7b8..d3a257b 100644
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crossref = {DBLP:conf/vmcai/2005},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
+ author = {Dor, Nurit and Rodeh, Michael and Sagiv, Shmuel},
+ title = {Cleanness Checking of String Manipulations in C Programs via
+ Integer Analysis},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Static
+ Analysis},
+ series = {SAS '01},
+ year = {2001},
+ isbn = {3-540-42314-1},
+ pages = {194--212},
+ numpages = {19},
+ url = {},
+ acmid = {718291},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {London, UK, UK},
+ author = {Sergio Yovine},
+ title = {Model checking timed automata},
+ booktitle = {In European Educational Forum: School on Embedded
+ Systems},
+ year = {1998},
+ pages = {114--152},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag}