path: root/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h
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authorZancanaro; Carlo <>2012-11-21 01:43:43 +1100
committerZancanaro; Carlo <>2012-11-21 01:43:43 +1100
commit50f2130f18e86055892c870c14af5101feb568ff (patch)
treeca0bc8c6a088f1a69574429378d488d0c399c0ea /clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h
parent7e101b9c4bff2f145338fdb5074c2402718e7fcc (diff)
Implementation stuff.
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1086 deletions
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h b/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a8d84f6..0000000
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFSimplex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1086 +0,0 @@
-/*------------------------- File MCFSimplex.h ------------------------------*/
-/** @file
- * Linear and Quadratic Min Cost Flow problems solver based on the (primal and
- * dual) simplex algorithm. Conforms to the standard MCF interface defined in
- * MCFClass.h.
- *
- * \Version 1.00
- *
- * \date 29 - 08 - 2011
- *
- * \author Alessandro Bertolini \n
- * Antonio Frangioni \n
- * Operations Research Group \n
- * Dipartimento di Informatica \n
- * Universita' di Pisa \n
- *
- * Copyright &copy 2008 - 2011 by Alessandro Bertolini, Antonio Frangioni
- */
-/*----------------------------- DEFINITIONS --------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __MCFSimplex
- #define __MCFSimplex /* self-identification: #endif at the end of the file */
-/*------------------------------ INCLUDES ----------------------------------*/
-#include "MCFClass.h"
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*--------------------------- NAMESPACE ------------------------------------*/
-namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it
-/*-------------------------------- MACROS ----------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup MCFSimplex_MACROS Compile-time switches in MCFSimplex.h
- There is only one macro in MCFSimplex, but it is very important!
- @{ */
-/**< Setting QUADRATICCOST == 1 the solver can solve problems with linear and
- quadratic costs too (but the latter only with the Primal Simplex).
- The reason for having a macro is that when quadratic costs are present the
- "arcType" struct has the additional field "quadraticCost" to hold it.
- Furthermore, the field "ident" is not created because the solver doesn't
- use the classical TLU tripartition. Instead, closed arcs and deleted arcs
- are characterized as follows:
- - closed arcs have the field "cost" to INFINITY (Inf<FNumber>());
- - deleted arcs have the field "upper" to INFINITY and the "tail" and
- "head" field are NULL.
- Furthermore, the solver needs the variables "ignoredEnteringArc" and
- "firstIgnoredEnteringArc", used to avoid nasty loops during the execution
- of the Quadratic Primal Simplex algorithm.
- If, instead, QUADRATICCOST == 0 then the solver can solve only problems
- with linear costs. Hence, the field "quadraticCost" is useless and it
- isn't created. Furthermore, Primal Simplex and Dual Simplex use the
- tripartition TLU to divide the arcs, so the solver creates the field
- "ident", which differentiates the set of the arcs in among deleted arcs,
- closed arcs, arcs in T, arcs in L, arcs in U.
- Thus, with QUADRATICCOST == 0 the solver cannot solve problems with
- quadratic costs, but it does solve problems with linear costs faster. */
-/*@} end( group( MCFCLASS_MACROS ) ) */
-/*---------------------------- CLASSES -------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup MCFSimplex_CLASSES Classes in MCFSimplex.h
- @{ */
-/** The MCFSimplex class derives from the abstract base class MCFClass, thus
- sharing its (standard) interface, and implements both the Primal and
- Dual network simplex algorithms for solving (Linear and Quadratic)
- Min Cost Flow problems */
-class MCFSimplex: public MCFClass
-/*----------------------- PUBLIC PART OF THE CLASS -------------------------*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- The following methods and data are the actual interface of the --*/
-/*-- class: the standard user should use these methods and data only. --*/
-/*-- --*/
- public:
-/*---------------------------- PUBLIC TYPES --------------------------------*/
-/** Public enum describing the parameters of MCFSimplex. */
- enum SimplexParam
- {
- kAlgPrimal = kLastParam , ///< parameter to set algorithm (Primal/Dual):
- kAlgPricing , ///< parameter to set algorithm of pricing
- kNumCandList , /**< parameter to set the number of candidate
- list for Candidate List Pivot method */
- kHotListSize , /**< parameter to set the size of Hot List
- for Candidate List Pivot method */
- kRecomputeFOLimits , /**< parameter to set the number of iterations
- in which quadratic Primal Simplex computes
- "manually" the f.o. value */
- kEpsOpt /**< parameter to set the precision of the
- objective function value for the
- quadratic Primal Simplex */
- };
-/** Public enum describing the pricing rules in MCFSimplex::SetAlg(). */
- enum enumPrcngRl
- {
- kDantzig = 0, ///< Dantzig's rule (most violated constraint)
- kFirstEligibleArc , ///< First eligible arc in round-robin
- kCandidateListPivot ///< Candidate List Pivot Rule
- };
-/*--------------------------- PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------*/
-/*---------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR ---------------------------------*/
- MCFSimplex( cIndex nmx = 0 , cIndex mmx = 0 );
-/**< Constructor of the class, as in MCFClass::MCFClass(). */
-/*-------------------------- OTHER INITIALIZATIONS -------------------------*/
- void LoadNet( cIndex nmx = 0 , cIndex mmx = 0 , cIndex pn = 0 ,
- cIndex pm = 0 , cFRow pU = NULL , cCRow pC = NULL ,
- cFRow pDfct = NULL , cIndex_Set pSn = NULL ,
- cIndex_Set pEn = NULL );
-/**< Inputs a new network, as in MCFClass::LoadNet(). */
- void SetAlg( bool UsPrml , char WhchPrc );
-/**< Selects which algorithm (Primal vs Dual Network Simplex), and which
- pricing rule within the algorithm, is used.
- If UsPrml == TRUE then the Primal Network Simplex algorithm is used,
- otherwise the Dual Network Simplex is used.
- The allowed values for WhchPrc are:
- - kDantzig Dantzig's pricing rule, i.e., most violated dual
- constraint; this can only be used with the Primal
- Network Simplex
- - kFirstEligibleArcA "dumb" rule, first eligible arc in round-robin;
- - kCandidateListPivot Candidate List Pivot Rule
- If this method is *not* called, the Primal Network Simplex with the
- Candidate List Pivot Rule (the best setting on most instances) is
- used. */
- void SetPar( int par , int val );
-/**< Set general integer parameters.
- @param par is the parameter to set; since this method accepts an int
- value, the enum SimplexParam can be used in addition to the
- enum MCFParam to specify the integer parameters (every enum
- is an int).
- @param value is the value to assign to the parameter. */
- void SetPar( int par , double val );
-/**< Set general float parameters.
- @param par is the parameter to set; since this method accepts an int
- value, the enum SimplexParam can be used in addition to the
- enum MCFParam to specify the float parameters (every enum
- is an int).
- @param value is the value to assign to the parameter. */
-/*-------------------- METHODS FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEM ---------------------*/
- void SolveMCF( void );
-/*---------------------- METHODS FOR READING RESULTS -----------------------*/
- void MCFGetX( FRow F , Index_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- void MCFGetRC( CRow CR , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) ;
- CNumber MCFGetRC( cIndex i );
- void MCFGetPi( CRow P , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- FONumber MCFGetFO( void );
-/*-------------- METHODS FOR READING THE DATA OF THE PROBLEM ---------------*/
- virtual void MCFArcs( Index_Set Startv , Index_Set Endv ,
- cIndex_Set nms = NULL , cIndex strt = 0 ,
- Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- inline Index MCFSNde( cIndex i );
- inline Index MCFENde( cIndex i );
- void MCFCosts( CRow Costv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- inline CNumber MCFCost( cIndex i );
- void MCFQCoef( CRow Qv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- inline CNumber MCFQCoef( cIndex i );
- void MCFUCaps( FRow UCapv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- inline FNumber MCFUCap( cIndex i );
- void MCFDfcts( FRow Dfctv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- inline FNumber MCFDfct( cIndex i );
-/*------------- METHODS FOR ADDING / REMOVING / CHANGING DATA --------------*/
-/*------- Changing the costs, QCoef, deficits and upper capacities ---------*/
- void ChgCosts( cCRow NCost , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- void ChgCost( Index arc , cCNumber NCost );
- void ChgQCoef( cCRow NQCoef = NULL , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- void ChgQCoef( Index arc , cCNumber NQCoef );
- void ChgDfcts( cFRow NDfct , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- void ChgDfct( Index nod , cFNumber NDfct );
- void ChgUCaps( cFRow NCap , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() );
- void ChgUCap( Index arc , cFNumber NCap );
-/*--------------- Modifying the structure of the graph ---------------------*/
- void CloseArc( cIndex name );
- void DelNode( cIndex name );
- bool IsClosedArc( cIndex name );
- void OpenArc( cIndex name ) ;
- Index AddNode( cFNumber aDfct );
- void ChangeArc( cIndex name , cIndex nSS = Inf<Index>() ,
- cIndex nEN = Inf<Index>() );
- void DelArc( cIndex name );
- Index AddArc( cIndex Start , cIndex End , cFNumber aU , cCNumber aC );
- bool IsDeletedArc( cIndex name );
-/*------------------------------ DESTRUCTOR --------------------------------*/
- ~MCFSimplex();
-/*--------------------- PRIVATE PART OF THE CLASS --------------------------*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- Nobody should ever look at this part: everything that is under this --*/
-/*-- advice may be changed without notice in any new release of the code. --*/
-/*-- --*/
- private:
-/*-------------------------- PRIVATE DATA TYPES ----------------------------*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- Let T \subseteq A be a spanning tree, and consider some node v \in V --*/
-/*-- \setminus { 0 }. There is an unique (undirected) path, denoted by --*/
-/*-- P(v), defined by T from v to the root node 0. The arc in P(v), which --*/
-/*-- is incident to v, is called the *basic arc* of v. The other terminal --*/
-/*-- node u of this basic arc is called the *father node* of v. The --*/
-/*-- spanning tree T is represented saving the basic arc of every node, --*/
-/*-- and maintaining the order of the nodes and the depth as to T root --*/
-/*-- after a Post-Visit of T. This order is saved in a bidirectional list --*/
-/*-- written in the node. --*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- The Primal Simplex uses a different data structure than the Dual --*/
-/*-- Simplex, because the Dual Simplex needs additional data (mainly the --*/
-/*-- Backward Star and Forward Star. Furthermore, the Primal Simplex uses --*/
-/*-- different data structures in the quadratic case. --*/
-/*-- --*/
- struct arcPType; // pre-declaration of the arc structure (pointers to arcs
- // are contained in the node structure) for Primal Simplex
- struct arcDType; // pre-declaration of the arc structure (pointers to arcs
- // are contained in the node structure) for Dual Simplex
- typedef double iteratorType; // type for the iteration counter and array
- // "whenInT2"
- struct nodePType { // node structure for Primal Simplex - - - - - - - -
- nodePType *prevInT; // previous node in the order of the Post-Visit on T
- nodePType *nextInT; // next node in the order of the Post-Visit on T
- arcPType *enteringTArc; // entering basic arc of this node
- FNumber balance; // supply/demand of this node; a node is called a
- // supply node, a demand node, or a transshipment
- // node depending upon whether balance is larger
- // than, smaller than, or equal to zero
- CNumber sumQuadratic; // the sum of the quadratic coefficients of the tree's arcs
- // from root of T to the node
- FONumber potential; // the node potential corresponding with the flow
- // conservation constrait of this node
- #else
- CNumber potential; // the node potential corresponding with the flow
- // conservation constrait of this node
- #endif
- int subTreeLevel; // the depth of the node in T as to T root
- }; // end( struct( nodePType ) )
- struct nodeDType { // node structure for Dual Simplex - - - - - - - - -
- nodeDType *prevInT; // previous node in the order of the Post-Visit on T
- nodeDType *nextInT; // next node in the order of the Post-Visit on T
- arcDType *enteringTArc; // entering basic arc of this node
- FNumber balance; // supply/demand of this node; a node is called a
- // supply node, a demand node, or a transshipment
- // node depending upon whether balance is larger
- // than, smaller than, or equal to zero
- CNumber sumQuadratic; // the sum of the quadratic coefficients of the tree's arcs
- // from root of T to the node
- FONumber potential; // the node potential corresponding with the flow
- // conservation constrait of this node
- #else
- CNumber potential; // the node potential corresponding with the flow
- // conservation constrait of this node
- #endif
- int subTreeLevel; // the depth of the node in T as to T root
- iteratorType whenInT2; // the last iteration where a node is in subtree T2
- Index numArcs; // the number of the arcs which enter/exit from node
- arcDType *firstBs; // the first arc in the node's Backward Star
- arcDType *firstFs; // the first arc in the node's Forward Star
- }; // end( struct( nodeDType ) )
- struct arcPType { // arc structure for Primal Simplex - - - - - - - -
- nodePType *tail; // tail node
- nodePType *head; // head node
- FNumber flow; // arc flow
- CNumber cost; // arc linear cost
- CNumber quadraticCost; // arc quadratic cost
- #else
- char ident; // tells if arc is deleted, closed, in T, L, or U
- #endif
- FNumber upper; // arc upper bound
- }; // end( struct( arcPType ) )
- struct arcDType { // arc structure for Primal Simplex - - - - - - - -
- nodeDType *tail; // tail node
- nodeDType *head; // head node
- FNumber flow; // arc flow
- CNumber cost; // arc linear cost
- CNumber quadraticCost; // arc quadratic cost
- #else
- char ident; // indicates if arc is deleted, closed, in T, in L, or in U
- #endif
- FNumber upper; // arc upper bound
- arcDType *nextBs; // the next arc in the Backward Star of the arc's head
- arcDType *nextFs; // the next arc in the Forward Star of the arc's tail
- }; // end( struct( arcDType ) )
- struct primalCandidType { // Primal Candidate List- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- arcPType *arc; // pointer to the violating primal bound arc
- FONumber absRC; // absolute value of the arc's reduced cost
- #else
- CNumber absRC; // absolute value of the arc's reduced cost
- #endif
- }; // end( struct( primalCandidateType ) )
- struct dualCandidType { // Dual Candidate List- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- nodeDType *node; // deepest node violating the dual bound arc
- FNumber absInfeas; // absolute value of the arc's flow infeasibility
- }; // end( struct( dualCandidateType ) )
-/*----------------------- PRIVATE DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------*/
- bool usePrimalSimplex; // TRUE if the Primal Network Simplex is used
- char pricingRule; // which pricing rule is used
- nodePType *nodesP; // vector of nodes: points to the n + 1 node
- // structs (including the dummy root node)
- // where the first node is indexed by zero
- // and the last node is the dummy root node
- nodePType *dummyRootP; // the dummy root node
- nodePType *stopNodesP; // first infeasible node address = nodes + n
- arcPType *arcsP; // vector of arcs; this variable points to
- // the m arc structs.
- arcPType *dummyArcsP; // vector of artificial dummy arcs: points
- // to the artificial dummy arc variables and
- // contains n arc structs. The artificial
- // arcs are used to build artificial feasible
- // starting bases. For each node i, there is
- // exactly one dummy arc defined to connect
- // the node i with the dummy root node.
- arcPType *stopArcsP; // first infeasible arc address = arcs + m
- arcPType *stopDummyP; // first infeasible dummy arc address
- // = arcs + m + n
- arcPType *arcToStartP; // Dantzig Rule and First Eligible Arc Rule
- // start their search from this arc
- nodeDType *nodesD; // vector of nodes: points to the n + 1 node
- // structs (including the dummy root node)
- // where the first node is indexed by zero
- // and the last node is the dummy root node
- nodeDType *dummyRootD; // the dummy root node
- nodeDType *stopNodesD; // first infeasible node address = nodes + n
- arcDType *arcsD; // vector of arcs; this variable points to
- // the m arc structs.
- arcDType *dummyArcsD; // vector of artificial dummy arcs: points to
- // to the artificial dummy arc variables and
- // contains n arc structs. The artificial
- // arcs are used to build artificial feasible
- // starting bases. For each node i, there is
- // exactly one dummy arc defined to connect
- // the node i with the dummy root node.
- arcDType *stopArcsD; // first infeasible arc address = arcs + m
- arcDType *stopDummyD; // first infeasible dummy arc address
- // = arcs + m + n
- arcDType *arcToStartD; // Dantzig Rule and First Eligible Arc Rule
- // start their search from this arc
- iteratorType iterator; // the current number of iterations
- primalCandidType *candP; // every element points to an element of the
- // arcs vector which contains an arc violating
- // dual bound
- dualCandidType *candD; // every element points to an element of the
- // arcs vector which contains an arc violating
- // primal bond
- Index numGroup; // number of the candidate lists
- Index tempCandidateListSize; // hot list dimension (it is variable)
- Index groupPos; // contains the actual candidate list
- Index numCandidateList; // number of candidate lists
- Index hotListSize; // number of candidate lists and hot list dimension
- Index forcedNumCandidateList; // value used to force the number of candidate list
- Index forcedHotListSize; // value used to force the number of candidate list
- // and hot list dimension
- bool newSession; // true if algorithm is just started
- CNumber MAX_ART_COST; // large cost for artificial arcs
- FNumber *modifiedBalance; // vector of balance used by the PostVisit
- FONumber EpsOpt; // the precision of the objective function value
- // for the quadratic case of the Primal Simplex
- int recomputeFOLimits; // after how many iterations the quadratic Primal
- // Simplex computes "manually" the o.f. value
- FONumber foValue; // the temporary objective function value
- #endif
-/*-------------------------- PRIVATE METHODS -------------------------------*/
- void MemAlloc( void );
-/**< Method to allocate memory for the main data structures. It creates the
- vector of nodes, the vector of arcs (real and dummy). If the algorithm is
- using the Dual Simplex, it creates also the vectors whenInT2, firstIn and
- nextIn, usefull to identify the next entering. */
- void MemDeAlloc( bool whatDeAlloc );
-/**< Method to deallocate memory for the main data structures created in
- MemAlloc(). */
- void MemAllocCandidateList( void );
-/**< Method to allocate memory for the data structure used by the Candidate
- List Pivot Rule. It creates the vector of candP (or candD in the Dual
- Simplex case), determining the size of this vector on the basis of number
- of arcs or nodes. */
- void MemDeAllocCandidateList( void );
-/**< Method to deallocate memory for the data structures created in
- MemAllocCandidateList(). */
- void CreateInitialPrimalBase( void );
-/**< Method to create an initial feasible primal base. Add one node (dummyRoot)
- to the network and connect this dummy root to each real node with n dummy
- arcs. For each source node i, a dummy arc (i, r) exists. For each sink or
- transit node j, a dummy arc (r, j) exists. The source nodes send their flows
- to the dummy root through their dummy arcs, so the dummy root send all to
- the sink nodes. The dummy root balance is 0, the costs of dummy arcs are
- fixed to "infinity". */
- void CreateInitialDualBase( void );
-/**< Method to create an initial feasible dual base. Add one node (dummyRoot)
- to the network and connect this dummy root to each real node with n dummy
- arcs. The source nodes send their flows to the dummy root through their
- dummy arcs, so the dummy root send all to the sink nodes. The dummy root
- balance is 0, the costs of dummy arcs are fixed to "infinity". */
- void CreateAdditionalDualStructures( void );
-/**< The Dual Simplex needs nodes' Backward and Forward Star to work. So when
- the Primal Simplex runs, these structures don't exist. When the Dual
- Simplex starts, these structure are created in this method. */
- void PrimalSimplex( void );
-/**< Main method to implement the Primal Simplex algorithm. */
- void DualSimplex( void );
-/**< Main method to implement the Dual Simplex algorithm. */
- template<class N, class A>
- void UpdateT( A *h , A *k , N *h1 , N *h2 , N *k1 , N *k2 );
- /**< Method to update the spanning tree T every iteration.
- The spanning tree T is implemented with a bidirectional list stored
- in the node structure, which represents the nodes' order after a
- Post-Visit. The parameter of the method are the outgoing arc "h", the
- incoming arc "k", and the four nodes on the extremity of these arcs
- (for example h2 is the deepest node of the outgoing arc). Removing the
- arc "h" splits T in two subtrees: T1 (which contains the root of T) and
- T2, which will be re-connected by the incoming arc "k".
- T2 will be reordered; in fact, the node "k2" becomes the root of T2
- instead of "h2" and the hierarchy of T2 will be overturned. Then T2 will
- be moved; the root of T2 is changed, therefore the predecessor of the
- root will become the node "k1".
- This method uses the methods cutAndUpdateSubtree() and pasteSubtree().
- First it cuts the node "k2" and its subtree from T using
- cutAndUpdateSubtree(). Moreover the method cutAndUpdateSubtree()
- updates the field "subTreeLevel" of every subtree's nodes, since k2's
- subtree will be moved from the bottom to the top of T2. Then the method
- pasteSubtree() puts this subtree in the bidirectional list after the node
- "k1". The same operations will be applied to the old precedessor of "k2"
- (which will become one of the childs of "k2"). This second subtree will
- be cut, the subTreeLevel fields will be updated, and it will be inserted
- in the bidirectional list after the k2's subtree. This is iterated until
- the node "h2" is reached. */
- template<class N>
- N* CutAndUpdateSubtree( N *root, int delta );
-/**< This method cuts a generic subtree from the spanning tree T. Then it
- updates the field "subTreeLevel" of every subtree's nodes adding the value
- "delta". This method returns the last node of the subtree. */
- template<class N>
- void PasteSubtree( N *root , N *lastNode , N *previousNode );
-/**< This method inserts a generic subtree with root passed by parameter into
- the spanning tree T, between the nodes "previousNode" and "lastNode". */
- arcPType* RuleDantzig( void );
-/**< This method returns an arc which violates the dual conditions. It searchs
- the arc with most violation of dual conditions in the entire set of real
- arcs. It can be used only by the Primal Simplex in the case of networks
- with linear costs. */
- arcPType* PRuleFirstEligibleArc( void );
-/**< This method returns the first found arc which violates the dual conditions
- in the case of Primal Simplex, the primal condition in the case of Dual
- Simplex. It can be used only in the case of networks with linear costs. */
- arcDType* DRuleFirstEligibleArc( void );
-/**< This method returns the first found arc which violates the dual conditions
- in the case of Primal Simplex, the primal condition in the case of Dual
- Simplex. It can be used only in the case of networks with linear costs. */
- arcPType* RulePrimalCandidateListPivot( void );
-/**< This method returns an arc which violates the dual conditions. It searches
- the arc with most violation of dual conditions in a small set of candidate
- arcs. In every iteration the method rebuilds this set of arcs executing three
- phases:
- - in the first phase it analyzes the remaining arcs and delete the arcs which
- don't violate the dual condition any more;
- - in the second phase it tries to fill the set, so it searchs other arcs
- which violate the dual condition: the set of arcs is divided into "buckets"
- which are searched sequentially until the candidate list is full; the
- last visited bucket is retained, and the search is restarted from that
- one at later iterations
- - in the third phase the small set of candidate arcs is ordered according
- to the violation of dual condition by the method SortPrimalCandidateList()
- using an implementation of the algorithm "quicksort".
- At last the method returns the first arc in the ordered small set. If the
- arc doesn't exist (the set is empty), it returns NULL. */
- inline void InitializePrimalCandidateList( void );
-/**< Method to initialize some important details for Primal Candidate List
- Rule. */
- inline void SortPrimalCandidateList( Index min , Index max );
-/**< Method to order the little set of candidate arcs according to
- infeasibility of dual conditions. It implements the "quicksort"
- algorithm. */
- arcDType* RuleDualCandidateListPivot( void );
-/**< Similar to RulePrimalCandidateListPivot() for the Dual Simplex. */
- inline void InitializeDualCandidateList( void );
-/**< Method to initialize some important details for Dual Candidate List Rule.
- */
- inline void SortDualCandidateList( Index min , Index max );
-/**< Similar to SortPrimalCandidateList() for the Dual Simplex. */
- template<class N, class RCT>
- inline void AddPotential( N *r , RCT delta );
-/**< Method to quickly update the dual solutions. During the change of the
- base, the potential of node "k2" (deepest node in T of incoming arc "k",
- and new root of T2) changes according to the new structure of T. In fact,
- the precedessor of "k2" changes: now the predecessor of "k2"is "k1" (the
- other node of the incoming arc "k"). This change of predecessor causes a
- change of potential of "k2". The change of potential of "k2" causes the
- changes of potential of all nodes of T2. This method computes the change
- of potential of "k2" and applies it on all the nodes of T2. */
- template<class N>
- inline void ComputePotential( N *r );
-/**< Method to update the dual solutions. It computes all the potential of the
- nodes of the subtree which has r as root. */
- inline void ResetWhenInT2( void );
-/**< Method to order the small set of candidate arcs according to dual
- infeasibility. It implements the algorithm "quicksort". */
- void CreateInitialPModifiedBalanceVector( void );
-/**< Method to initialize the vector of modified balance for the postvisit on
- T in the Primal Simplex data structure. */
- void PostPVisit( nodePType *r );
-/**< Method to calculate the flow on the basic arcs with the Primal Simplex's
- data structure. It uses the set of the upper bound arcs, the construction
- of a modified balance vector and the postvisit on T. */
- void BalanceFlow( nodePType *r );
-/**< This method works after the method PostPVisit (in a Primal context). It
- restores primal admissimibility on the r's subtree. It starts from the leaf
- of the subtree and goes up to the root, using the method AdjustFlow. */
- void AdjustFlow( nodePType *r );
-/**< This method checks the primal admissibility of the r's basic entering arc.
- If it is out of bounds, the method removes it from the tree (and keeps the
- relative dummy arc) and push flow in the cycle (some tree's arc and the old
- entering arc) to restores the right balances of the node. */
- void CreateInitialDModifiedBalanceVector( void );
-/**< Method to initialize the vector of modified balance for the postvisit on
- T in the Dual Simplex data structure. */
- void PostDVisit( nodeDType *r );
-/**< Method to calculate the flow on the basic arcs with the Dual Simplex's data
- structure, using the set of the upper bound arcs, the construction of a
- modified balance vector and the postvisit on T. */
- template<class N, class A>
- inline N* Father( N *n, A *a );
-/**< Method to find the predecessor of the node in the tree. */
- template<class A>
- inline FONumber ReductCost( A *a );
- #else
- template<class A>
- inline CNumber ReductCost( A *a );
- #endif
-/**< Method to calculate the reduct cost of the arc. */
- inline FONumber GetFO( void );
-/**< Method to calculate the temporary (or the final) objective function
- value. */
- void PrintPNode( nodePType *nodo );
-/**< Method to print the "name" of the node in the Primal Simplex. */
- void PrintPArc( arcPType *arc );
-/**< Method to print the "name" of the arc in the Primal Simplex. */
- void PrintDNode( nodeDType *nodo );
-/**< Method to print the "name" of the node in the Dual Simplex. */
- void PrintDArc( arcDType *arc );
-/**< Method to print the "name" of the arc in the Dual Simplex. */
- nodePType* RecoverPNode( Index ind );
-/**< Method to find a node (in the Primal Simplex) using its index. */
- arcPType* RecoverPArc( nodePType *tail , nodePType *head );
-/**< Method to find an arc (in the Primal Simplex) using 2 pointers to tail
- node and head node. */
- nodeDType* RecoverDNode( Index ind );
-/**< Method to find a node (in the Dual Simplex) using its index. */
- arcDType* RecoverDArc( nodeDType *tail , nodeDType *head );
-/**< Method to find an arc (in the Dual Simplex) using 2 pointers to tail
- node and head node. */
- void infoPNode( nodePType *node , int tab );
-/**< Method to print some information of the node (in the Primal Simplex). */
- void infoPArc( arcPType *arc , int ind , int tab );
-/**< Method to print some information of the arc (in the Primal Simplex). */
- void infoDNode( nodeDType *node , int tab );
-/**< Method to print some information of the node (in the Dual Simplex). */
- void infoDArc( arcDType *arc , int ind , int tab );
-/**< Method to print some information of the arc (in the Dual Simplex). */
- void ShowSituation( int tab );
-/**< Method to show the actual complete situation. */
- }; // end( class MCFSimplex )
-/* @} end( group( MCFSimplex_CLASSES ) ) */
-#endif /* MCFSimplex.h included */
-/*-------------------inline methods implementation-------------------------*/
-inline MCFClass::Index MCFSimplex::MCFSNde( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( Index( ( (arcsP + i)->tail - nodesP + 1 ) - USENAME0 ) );
- else
- return( Index( ( (arcsD + i)->tail - nodesD + 1 ) - USENAME0 ) );
- }
-inline MCFClass::Index MCFSimplex::MCFENde( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( Index( ( (arcsP + i)->head - nodesP + 1 ) - USENAME0 ) );
- else
- return( Index( ( (arcsD + i)->head - nodesD + 1 ) - USENAME0 ) );
- }
-inline MCFClass::CNumber MCFSimplex::MCFCost( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( (arcsP + i)->cost );
- else
- return( (arcsD + i)->cost );
- }
-inline MCFClass::CNumber MCFSimplex::MCFQCoef( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( (arcsP + i)->quadraticCost );
- else
- return( (arcsD + i)->quadraticCost );
- #else
- return( 0 );
- #endif
- }
-inline MCFClass::FNumber MCFSimplex::MCFUCap( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( (arcsP + i)->upper );
- else
- return( (arcsD + i)->upper );
- }
-inline MCFClass::FNumber MCFSimplex::MCFDfct( MCFClass::cIndex i )
- if( usePrimalSimplex )
- return( (nodesP + i)->balance );
- else
- return( (nodesD + i)->balance );
- }
-template <class A>
-inline MCFSimplex::FONumber MCFSimplex::ReductCost( A *a )
- FONumber redc = (a->tail)->potential - (a->head)->potential;
- redc = redc + a->cost;
- redc = redc + a->quadraticCost * a->flow;
- return( redc );
- }
-template <class A>
-inline MCFSimplex::CNumber MCFSimplex::ReductCost( A *a )
- CNumber redc = (a->tail)->potential - (a->head)->potential;
- redc = redc + a->cost;
- return( redc );
- }
-}; // end( namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it )
-/*---------------------- End File MCFSimplex.h ----------------------------*/