path: root/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h
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authorZancanaro; Carlo <>2012-11-21 01:43:43 +1100
committerZancanaro; Carlo <>2012-11-21 01:43:43 +1100
commit50f2130f18e86055892c870c14af5101feb568ff (patch)
treeca0bc8c6a088f1a69574429378d488d0c399c0ea /clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h
parent7e101b9c4bff2f145338fdb5074c2402718e7fcc (diff)
Implementation stuff.
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2436 deletions
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h b/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 41adb82..0000000
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/MCFClass.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2436 +0,0 @@
-/*-------------------------- File MCFClass.h -------------------------------*/
-/** @file
- * Header file for the abstract base class MCFClass, which defines a standard
- * interface for (linear or convex quadratic separable) Min Cost Flow Problem
- * solvers, to be implemented as derived classes.
- *
- * \version 3.01
- *
- * \date 30 - 09 - 2011
- *
- * \author Alessandro Bertolini \n
- * Operations Research Group \n
- * Dipartimento di Informatica \n
- * Universita' di Pisa \n
- *
- * \author Antonio Frangioni \n
- * Operations Research Group \n
- * Dipartimento di Informatica \n
- * Universita' di Pisa \n
- *
- * \author Claudio Gentile \n
- * Istituto di Analisi di Sistemi e Informatica \n
- * Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche \n
- *
- * Copyright &copy 1996 - 2011 by Antonio Frangioni, Claudio Gentile
- */
-/*----------------------------- DEFINITIONS --------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __MCFClass
- #define __MCFClass /* self-identification: #endif at the end of the file */
-/*--------------------------------- MACROS ---------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup MCFCLASS_MACROS Compile-time switches in MCFClass.h
- These macros control some important details of the class interface.
- Although using macros for activating features of the interface is not
- very C++, switching off some unused features may allow some
- implementation to be more efficient in running time or memory.
- @{ */
-/*-------------------------------- USENAME0 --------------------------------*/
-#define USENAME0 1
-/**< Decides if 0 or 1 is the "name" of the first node.
- If USENAME0 == 1, (warning: it has to be *exactly* 1), then the node
- names go from 0 to n - 1, otherwise from 1 to n. Note that this does not
- affect the position of the deficit in the deficit vectors, i.e., the
- deficit of the i-th node - be its "name" `i' or `i - 1' - is always in
- the i-th position of the vector. */
-/*@} end( group( MCFCLASS_MACROS ) ) */
-/*------------------------------ INCLUDES ----------------------------------*/
-#include "OPTUtils.h"
-/* OPTtypes.h defines standard interfaces for timing and random routines, as
- well as the namespace OPTtypes_di_unipi_it and the macro
- OPT_USE_NAMESPACES, useful for switching off all namespaces in one blow
- for those strange cases where they create problems. */
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <cassert>
-#define throw(x) assert(false)
-/*------------------------- NAMESPACE and USING ----------------------------*/
-namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it
- /** @namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it
- The namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it is defined to hold the MCFClass
- class and all the relative stuff. It comprises the namespace
- OPTtypes_di_unipi_it. */
- using namespace OPTtypes_di_unipi_it;
-/*@} end( group( MCFCLASS_CONSTANTS ) ) */
-/*-------------------------- CLASS MCFClass --------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup MCFCLASS_CLASSES Classes in MCFClass.h
- @{ */
-/*--------------------------- GENERAL NOTES --------------------------------*/
-/** This abstract base class defines a standard interface for (linear or
- convex quadartic separable) Min Cost Flow (MCF) problem solvers.
- The data of the problem consist of a (directed) graph G = ( N , A ) with
- n = |N| nodes and m = |A| (directed) arcs. Each node `i' has a deficit
- b[ i ], i.e., the amount of flow that is produced/consumed by the node:
- source nodes (which produce flow) have negative deficits and sink nodes
- (which consume flow) have positive deficits. Each arc `(i, j)' has an
- upper capacity U[ i , j ], a linear cost coefficient C[ i , j ] and a
- (non negative) quadratic cost coefficient Q[ i , j ]. Flow variables
- X[ i , j ] represents the amount of flow to be sent on arc (i, j).
- Parallel arcs, i.e., multiple copies of the same arc `(i, j)' (with
- possibily different costs and/or capacities) are in general allowed.
- The formulation of the problem is therefore:
- \f[
- \min \sum_{ (i, j) \in A } C[ i , j ] X[ i, j ] +
- Q[ i , j ] X[ i, j ]^2 / 2
- \f]
- \f[
- (1) \sum_{ (j, i) \in A } X[ j , i ] -
- \sum_{ (i, j) \in A } X[ i , j ] = b[ i ]
- \hspace{1cm} i \in N
- \f]
- \f[
- (2) 0 \leq X[ i , j ] \leq U[ i , j ]
- \hspace{1cm} (i, j) \in A
- \f]
- The n equations (1) are the flow conservation constraints and the 2m
- inequalities (2) are the flow nonnegativity and capacity constraints.
- At least one of the flow conservation constraints is redundant, as the
- demands must be balanced (\f$\sum_{ i \in N } b[ i ] = 0\f$); indeed,
- exactly n - ConnectedComponents( G ) flow conservation constraints are
- redundant, as demands must be balanced in each connected component of G.
- Let us denote by QA and LA the disjoint subsets of A containing,
- respectively, "quadratic" arcs (with Q[ i , j ] > 0) and "linear" arcs
- (with Q[ i , j ] = 0); the (MCF) problem is linear if QA is empty, and
- nonlinear (convex quadratic) if QA is nonempty.
- The dual of the problem is:
- \f[
- \max \sum_{ i \in N } Pi[ i ] b[ i ] -
- \sum_{ (i, j) \in A } W[ i , j ] U[ i , j ] -
- \sum_{ (i, j) \in AQ } V[ i , j ]^2 / ( 2 * Q[ i , j ] )
- \f]
- \f[
- (3.a) C[ i , j ] - Pi[ j ] + Pi[ i ] + W[ i , j ] - Z[ i , j ] = 0
- \hspace{1cm} (i, j) \in AL
- \f]
- \f[
- (3.b) C[ i , j ] - Pi[ j ] + Pi[ i ] + W[ i , j ] - Z[ i , j ] =
- V[ i , j ]
- \hspace{1cm} (i, j) \in AQ
- \f]
- \f[
- (4.a) W[ i , j ] \geq 0 \hspace{1cm} (i, j) \in A
- \f]
- \f[
- (4.b) Z[ i , j ] \geq 0 \hspace{1cm} (i, j) \in A
- \f]
- Pi[] is said the vector of node potentials for the problem, W[] are
- bound variables and Z[] are slack variables. Given Pi[], the quantities
- \f[
- RC[ i , j ] = C[ i , j ] + Q[ i , j ] * X[ i , j ] - Pi[ j ] + Pi[ i ]
- \f]
- are said the "reduced costs" of arcs.
- A primal and dual feasible solution pair is optimal if and only if the
- complementary slackness conditions
- \f[
- RC[ i , j ] > 0 \Rightarrow X[ i , j ] = 0
- \f]
- \f[
- RC[ i , j ] < 0 \Rightarrow X[ i , j ] = U[ i , j ]
- \f]
- are satisfied for all arcs (i, j) of A.
- The MCFClass class provides an interface with methods for managing and
- solving problems of this kind. Actually, the class can also be used as
- an interface for more general NonLinear MCF problems, where the cost
- function either nonseparable ( C( X ) ) or arc-separable
- ( \f$\sum_{ (i, j) \in A } C_{i,j}( X[ i, j ] )\f$ ). However, solvers
- for NonLinear MCF problems are typically objective-function-specific,
- and there is no standard way for inputting a nonlinear function different
- from a separable convex quadratic one, so only the simplest form is dealt
- with in the interface, leaving more complex NonLinear parts to the
- interface of derived classes. */
-class MCFClass {
-/*----------------------- PUBLIC PART OF THE CLASS -------------------------*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- The following methods and data are the actual interface of the --*/
-/*-- class: the standard user should use these methods and data only. --*/
-/*-- --*/
- public:
-/*---------------------------- PUBLIC TYPES --------------------------------*/
-/** @name Public types
- The MCFClass defines four main public types:
- - Index, the type of arc and node indices;
- - FNumber, the type of flow variables, arc capacities, and node deficits;
- - CNumber, the type of flow costs, node potentials, and arc reduced costs;
- - FONumber, the type of objective function value.
- By re-defining the types in this section, most MCFSolver should be made
- to work with any reasonable choice of data type (= one that is capable of
- properly representing the data of the instances to be solved). This may
- be relevant due to an important property of MCF problems: *if all arc
- capacities and node deficits are integer, then there exists an integral
- optimal primal solution*, and *if all arc costs are integer, then there
- exists an integral optimal dual solution*. Even more importantly, *many
- solution algorithms will in fact produce an integral primal/dual
- solution for free*, because *every primal/dual solution they generate
- during the solution process is naturally integral*. Therefore, one can
- use integer data types to represent everything connected with flows and/or
- costs if the corresponding data is integer in all instances one needs to
- solve. This directly translates in significant memory savings and/or speed
- improvements.
- *It is the user's responsibility to ensure that these types are set to
- reasonable values*. So, the experienced user may want to experiment with
- setting this data properly if memory footprint and/or speed is a primary
- concern. Note, however, that *not all solution algorithms will happily
- accept integer data*; one example are Interior-Point approaches, which
- require both flow and cost variables to be continuous (float). So, the
- viability of setting integer data (as well as its impact on performances)
- is strictly related to the specific kind of algorithm used. Since these
- types are common to all derived classes, they have to be set taking into
- account the needs of all the solvers that are going to be used, and
- adapting to the "worst case"; of course, FNumber == CNumber == double is
- going to always be an acceptable "worst case" setting. MCFClass may in a
- future be defined as a template class, with these as template parameters,
- but this is currently deemed overkill and avoided.
- Finally, note that the above integrality property only holds for *linear*
- MCF problems. If any arc has a nonzero quadratic cost coefficient, optimal
- flows and potentials may be fractional even if all the data of the problem
- (comprised quadratic cost coefficients) is integer. Hence, for *quadratic*
- MCF solvers, a setting like FNumber == CNumber == double is actually
- *mandatory*, for any reasonable algorithm will typically misbehave
- otherwise.
- @{ */
- typedef unsigned int Index; ///< index of a node or arc ( >= 0 )
- typedef Index *Index_Set; ///< set (array) of indices
- typedef const Index cIndex; ///< a read-only index
- typedef cIndex *cIndex_Set; ///< read-only index array
- typedef int SIndex; ///< index of a node or arc
- typedef SIndex *SIndex_Set; ///< set (array) of indices
- typedef const SIndex cSIndex; ///< a read-only index
- typedef cSIndex *cSIndex_Set; ///< read-only index array
- typedef double FNumber; ///< type of arc flow
- typedef FNumber *FRow; ///< vector of flows
- typedef const FNumber cFNumber; ///< a read-only flow
- typedef cFNumber *cFRow; ///< read-only flow array
- typedef double CNumber; ///< type of arc flow cost
- typedef CNumber *CRow; ///< vector of costs
- typedef const CNumber cCNumber; ///< a read-only cost
- typedef cCNumber *cCRow; ///< read-only cost array
- typedef double FONumber;
- /**< type of the objective function: has to hold sums of products of
- FNumber(s) by CNumber(s) */
- typedef const FONumber cFONumber; ///< a read-only o.f. value
-/** Very small class to simplify extracting the "+ infinity" value for a
- basic type (FNumber, CNumber, Index); just use Inf<type>(). */
- template <typename T>
- class Inf {
- public:
- Inf() {}
- operator T() { return( std::numeric_limits<T>::max() ); }
- };
-/** Very small class to simplify extracting the "machine epsilon" for a
- basic type (FNumber, CNumber); just use Eps<type>(). */
- template <typename T>
- class Eps {
- public:
- Eps() {}
- operator T() { return( std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() ); }
- };
-/** Small class for exceptions. Derives from std::exception implementing the
- virtual method what() -- and since what is virtual, remember to always
- catch it by reference (catch exception &e) if you want the thing to work.
- MCFException class are thought to be of the "fatal" type, i.e., problems
- for which no solutions exists apart from aborting the program. Other kinds
- of exceptions can be properly handled by defining derived classes with
- more information. */
- class MCFException : public exception {
- public:
- MCFException( const char *const msg = 0 ) { errmsg = msg; }
- // wow, such a hack
-#undef throw
- const char* what( void ) const throw () { return( errmsg ); }
-#define throw(x) assert(false)
- private:
- const char *errmsg;
- };
-/** Public enum describing the possible parameters of the MCF solver, to be
- used with the methods SetPar() and GetPar(). */
- enum MCFParam { kMaxTime = 0 , ///< max time
- kMaxIter , ///< max number of iteration
- kEpsFlw , ///< tolerance for flows
- kEpsDfct , ///< tolerance for deficits
- kEpsCst , ///< tolerance for costs
- kReopt , ///< whether or not to reoptimize
- kLastParam /**< dummy parameter: this is used to
- allow derived classes to "extend"
- the set of parameters. */
- };
-/** Public enum describing the possible status of the MCF solver. */
- enum MCFStatus { kUnSolved = -1 , ///< no solution available
- kOK = 0 , ///< optimal solution found
- kStopped , ///< optimization stopped
- kUnfeasible , ///< problem is unfeasible
- kUnbounded , ///< problem is unbounded
- kError ///< error in the solver
- };
-/** Public enum describing the possible reoptimization status of the MCF
- solver. */
- enum MCFAnswer { kNo = 0 , ///< no
- kYes ///< yes
- };
-/** Public enum describing the possible file formats in WriteMCF(). */
- enum MCFFlFrmt { kDimacs = 0 , ///< DIMACS file format for MCF
- kQDimacs , ///< quadratic DIMACS file format for MCF
- kMPS , ///< MPS file format for LP
- kFWMPS ///< "Fixed Width" MPS format
- };
-/** Base class for representing the internal state of the MCF algorithm. */
- class MCFState {
- public:
- MCFState( void ) {};
- virtual ~MCFState() {};
- };
- typedef MCFState *MCFStatePtr; ///< pointer to a MCFState
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*--------------------------- PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------*/
-/*---------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR ---------------------------------*/
-/** @name Constructors
- @{ */
- MCFClass( cIndex nmx = 0 , cIndex mmx = 0 )
- {
- nmax = nmx;
- mmax = mmx;
- n = m = 0;
- status = kUnSolved;
- Senstv = true;
- EpsFlw = Eps<FNumber>() * 100;
- EpsCst = Eps<CNumber>() * 100;
- EpsDfct = EpsFlw * ( nmax ? nmax : 100 );
- MaxTime = 0;
- MaxIter = 0;
- MCFt = NULL;
- }
-/**< Constructor of the class.
- nmx and mmx, if provided, are taken to be respectively the maximum number
- of nodes and arcs in the network. If nonzero values are passed, memory
- allocation can be anticipated in the constructor, which is sometimes
- desirable. The maximum values are stored in the protected fields nmax and
- mmax, and can be changed with LoadNet() [see below]; however, changing
- them typically requires memory allocation/deallocation, which is
- sometimes undesirable outside the constructor.
- After that an object has been constructed, no problem is loaded; this has
- to be done with LoadNet() [see below]. Thus, it is an error to invoke any
- method which requires the presence of a problem (typicall all except those
- in the initializations part). The base class provides two protected fields
- n and m for the current number of nodes and arcs, respectively, that are
- set to 0 in the constructor precisely to indicate that no instance is
- currently loaded. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*-------------------------- OTHER INITIALIZATIONS -------------------------*/
-/** @name Other initializations
- @{ */
- virtual void LoadNet( cIndex nmx = 0 , cIndex mmx = 0 , cIndex pn = 0 ,
- cIndex pm = 0 , cFRow pU = NULL , cCRow pC = NULL ,
- cFRow pDfct = NULL , cIndex_Set pSn = NULL ,
- cIndex_Set pEn = NULL ) = 0;
-/**< Inputs a new network.
- The parameters nmx and mmx are the new max number of nodes and arcs,
- possibly overriding those set in the constructor [see above], altough at
- the likely cost of memory allocation and deallocation. Passing nmx ==
- mmx == 0 is intended as a signal to the solver to deallocate everything
- and wait for new orders; in this case, all the other parameters are ignored.
- Otherwise, in principle all the other parameters have to be provided.
- Actually, some of them may not be needed for special classes of MCF
- problems (e.g., costs in a MaxFlow problem, or start/end nodes in a
- problem defined over a graph with fixed topology, such as a complete
- graph). Also, passing NULL is allowed to set default values.
- The meaning of the parameters is the following:
- - pn is the current number of nodes of the network (<= nmax).
- - pm is the number of arcs of the network (<= mmax).
- - pU is the m-vector of the arc upper capacities; capacities must be
- nonnegative, but can in principle be infinite (== F_INF); passing
- pU == NULL means that all capacities are infinite;
- - pC is the m-vector of the arc costs; costs must be finite (< C_INF);
- passing pC == NULL means that all costs must be 0.
- - pDfct is the n-vector of the node deficits; source nodes have negative
- deficits and sink nodes have positive deficits; passing pDfct ==
- NULL means that all deficits must be 0 (a circulation problem);
- - pSn is the m-vector of the arc starting nodes; pSn == NULL is in
- principle not allowed, unless the topology of the graph is fixed;
- - pEn is the m-vector of the arc ending nodes; same comments as for pSn.
- Note that node "names" in the arrays pSn and pEn must go from 1 to pn if
- the macro USANAME0 [see above] is set to 0, while they must go from 0 to
- pn - 1 if USANAME0 is set to 1. In both cases, however, the deficit of the
- first node is read from the first (0-th) position of pDfct, that is if
- USANAME0 == 0 then the deficit of the node with name `i' is read from
- pDfct[ i - 1 ].
- The data passed to LoadNet() can be used to specify that the arc `i' must
- not "exist" in the problem. This is done by passing pC[ i ] == C_INF;
- solvers which don't read costs are forced to read them in order to check
- this, unless they provide alternative solver-specific ways to accomplish
- the same tasks. These arcs are "closed", as for the effect of CloseArc()
- [see below]. "invalid" costs (== C_INF) are set to 0 in order to being
- subsequently capable of "opening" them back with OpenArc() [see below].
- The way in which these non-existent arcs are phisically dealt with is
- solver-specific; in some solvers, for instance, this could be obtained by
- simply putting their capacity to zero. Details about these issues should
- be found in the interface of derived classes.
- Note that the quadratic part of the objective function, if any, is not
- dealt with in LoadNet(); it can only be separately provided with
- ChgQCoef() [see below]. By default, the problem is linear, i.e., all
- coefficients of the second-order terms in the objective function are
- assumed to be zero. */
- virtual inline void LoadDMX( istream &DMXs , bool IsQuad = false );
-/**< Read a MCF instance in DIMACS standard format from the istream. The
- format is the following. The first line must be
- p min <number of nodes> <number of arcs>
- Then the node definition lines must be found, in the form
- n <node number> <node supply>
- Not all nodes need have a node definition line; these are given zero
- supply, i.e., they are transhipment nodes (supplies are the inverse of
- deficits, i.e., a node with positive supply is a source node). Finally,
- the arc definition lines must be found, in the form
- a <start node> <end node> <lower bound> <upper bound> <flow cost>
- There must be exactly <number of arcs> arc definition lines in the file.
- This method is *not* pure virtual because an implementation is provided by
- the base class, using the LoadNet() method (which *is* pure virtual).
- However, the method *is* virtual to allow derived classes to implement
- more efficient versions, should they have any reason to do so.
- \note Actually, the file format accepted by LoadDMX (at least in the
- base class implementation) is more general than the DIMACS standard
- format, in that it is allowed to mix node and arc definitions in
- any order, while the DIMACS file requires all node information to
- appear before all arc information.
- \note Other than for the above, this method is assumed to allow for
- *quadratic* Dimacs files, encoding for convex quadratic separable
- Min Cost Flow instances. This is a simple extension where each arc
- descriptor has a sixth field, <quadratic cost>. The provided
- istream is assumed to be quadratic Dimacs file if IsQuad is true,
- and a regular linear Dimacs file otherwise. */
- virtual void PreProcess( void ) {}
-/**< Extract a smaller/easier equivalent MCF problem. The data of the instance
- is changed and the easier one is solved instead of the original one. In the
- MCF case, preprocessing may involve reducing bounds, identifying
- disconnected components of the graph etc. However, proprocessing is
- solver-specific.
- This method can be implemented by derived classes in their solver-specific
- way. Preprocessing may reveal unboundedness or unfeasibility of the
- problem; if that happens, PreProcess() should properly set the `status'
- field, that can then be read with MCFGetStatus() [see below].
- Note that preprocessing may destroy all the solution information. Also, it
- may be allowed to change the data of the problem, such as costs/capacities
- of the arcs.
- A valid preprocessing is doing nothing, and that's what the default
- implementation of this method (that is *not* pure virtual) does. */
- virtual inline void SetPar( int par , int val );
-/**< Set integer parameters of the algorithm.
- @param par is the parameter to be set; the enum MCFParam can be used, but
- 'par' is an int (every enum is an int) so that the method can
- be extended by derived classes for the setting of their
- parameters
- @param value is the value to assign to the parameter.
- The base class implementation handles these parameters:
- - kMaxIter: the max number of iterations in which the MCF Solver can find
- an optimal solution (default 0, which means no limit)
- - kReopt: tells the solver if it has to reoptimize. The implementation in
- the base class sets a flag, the protected \c bool field \c
- Senstv; if true (default) this field instructs the MCF solver to
- to try to exploit the information about the latest optimal
- solution to speedup the optimization of the current problem,
- while if the field is false the MCF solver should restart the
- optimization "from scratch" discarding any previous information.
- Usually reoptimization speeds up the computation considerably,
- but this is not always true, especially if the data of the
- problem changes a lot.*/
- virtual inline void SetPar( int par , double val );
-/**< Set float parameters of the algorithm.
- @param par is the parameter to be set; the enum MCFParam can be used, but
- 'par' is an int (every enum is an int) so that the method can
- be extended by derived classes for the setting of their
- parameters
- @param value is the value to assign to the parameter.
- The base class implementation handles these parameters:
- - kEpsFlw: sets the tolerance for controlling if the flow on an arc is zero
- to val. This also sets the tolerance for controlling if a node
- deficit is zero (see kEpsDfct) to val * < max number of nodes >;
- this value should be safe for graphs in which any node has less
- than < max number of nodes > adjacent nodes, i.e., for all graphs
- but for very dense ones with "parallel arcs"
- - kEpsDfct: sets the tolerance for controlling if a node deficit is zero to
- val, in case a better value than that autmatically set by
- kEpsFlw (see above) is available (e.g., val * k would be good
- if no node has more than k neighbours)
- - kEpsCst: sets the tolerance for controlling if the reduced cost of an arc
- is zero to val. A feasible solution satisfying eps-complementary
- slackness, i.e., such that
- \f[
- RC[ i , j ] < - eps \Rightarrow X[ i , j ] = U[ ij ]
- \f]
- and
- \f[
- RC[ i , j ] > eps \Rightarrow X[ i , j ] == 0 ,
- \f]
- is known to be ( eps * n )-optimal.
- - kMaxTime: sets the max time (in seconds) in which the MCF Solver can find
- an optimal solution (default 0, which means no limit). */
- virtual inline void GetPar( int par , int &val );
-/**< This method returns one of the integer parameter of the algorithm.
- @param par is the parameter to return [see SetPar( int ) for comments];
- @param val upon return, it will contain the value of the parameter.
- The base class implementation handles the parameters kMaxIter and kReopt.
- */
- virtual inline void GetPar( int par , double &val );
-/**< This method returns one of the integer parameter of the algorithm.
- @param par is the parameter to return [see SetPar( double ) for comments];
- @param val upon return, it will contain the value of the parameter.
- The base class implementation handles the parameters kEpsFlw, kEpsDfct,
- kEpsCst, and kMaxTime. */
- virtual void SetMCFTime( bool TimeIt = true )
- {
- if( TimeIt )
- if( MCFt )
- MCFt->ReSet();
- else
- MCFt = new OPTtimers();
- else {
- delete MCFt;
- MCFt = NULL;
- }
- }
-/**< Allocate an OPTtimers object [see OPTtypes.h] to be used for timing the
- methods of the class. The time can be read with TimeMCF() [see below]. By
- default, or if SetMCFTime( false ) is called, no timing is done. Note that,
- since all the relevant methods ot the class are pure virtual, MCFClass can
- only manage the OPTtimers object, but it is due to derived classes to
- actually implement the timing.
- @note time accumulates over the calls: calling SetMCFTime(), however,
- resets the counters, allowing to time specific groups of calls.
- @note of course, setting kMaxTime [see SetPar() above] to any nonzero
- value has no effect unless SetMCFTime( true ) has been called. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*---------------------- METHODS FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEM -------------------*/
-/** @name Solving the problem
- @{ */
- virtual void SolveMCF( void ) = 0;
-/**< Solver of the Min Cost Flow Problem. Attempts to solve the MCF instance
- currently loaded in the object. */
- inline int MCFGetStatus( void )
- {
- return( status );
- }
-/**< Returns an int describing the current status of the MCF solver. Possible
- return values are:
- - kUnSolved SolveMCF() has not been called yet, or the data of the
- problem has been changed since the last call;
- - kOK optimization has been carried out succesfully;
- - kStopped optimization have been stopped before that the stopping
- conditions of the solver applied, e.g. because of the
- maximum allowed number of "iterations" [see SetPar( int )]
- or the maximum allowed time [see SetPar( double )] has been
- reached; this is not necessarily an error, as it might just
- be required to re-call SolveMCF() giving it more "resources"
- in order to solve the problem;
- - kUnfeasible if the current MCF instance is (primal) unfeasible;
- - kUnbounded if the current MCF instance is (primal) unbounded (this can
- only happen if the solver actually allows F_INF capacities,
- which is nonstandard in the interface);
- - kError if there was an error during the optimization; this
- typically indicates that computation cannot be resumed,
- although solver-dependent ways of dealing with
- solver-dependent errors may exist.
- MCFClass has a protected \c int \c member \c status \c that can be used by
- derived classes to hold status information and that is returned by the
- standard implementation of this method. Note that \c status \c is an
- \c int \c and not an \c enum \c, and that an \c int \c is returned by this
- method, in order to allow the derived classes to extend the set of return
- values if they need to do so. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*---------------------- METHODS FOR READING RESULTS -----------------------*/
-/** @name Reading flow solution
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFGetX( FRow F , Index_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the optimal flow solution in the vector F[]. If nms == NULL, F[]
- will be in "dense" format, i.e., the flow relative to arc `i'
- (i in 0 .. m - 1) is written in F[ i ]. If nms != NULL, F[] will be in
- "sparse" format, i.e., the indices of the nonzero elements in the flow
- solution are written in nms (that is then Inf<Index>()-terminated) and
- the flow value of arc nms[ i ] is written in F[ i ]. Note that nms is
- *not* guaranteed to be ordered. Also, note that, unlike MCFGetRC() and
- MCFGetPi() [see below], nms is an *output* of the method.
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cFRow MCFGetX( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal data structure containing the
- flow solution in "dense" format. Since this may *not always be available*,
- depending on the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual bool HaveNewX( void )
- {
- return( false );
- }
-/**< Return true if a different (approximately) optimal primal solution is
- available. If the method returns true, then any subsequent call to (any
- form of) MCFGetX() will return a different primal solution w.r.t. the one
- that was being returned *before* the call to HaveNewX(). This solution need
- not be optimal (although, ideally, it has to be "good); this can be checked
- by comparing its objective function value, that will be returned by a call
- to MCFGetFO() [see below].
- Any subsequent call of HaveNewX() that returns true produces a new
- solution, until the first that returns false; from then on, no new
- solutions will be generated until something changes in the problem's
- data.
- Note that a default implementation of HaveNewX() is provided which is
- good for those solvers that only produce one optimal primal solution. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading potentials
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFGetPi( CRow P , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Writes the optimal node potentials in the vector P[]. If nms == NULL,
- the node potential of node `i' (i in 0 .. n - 1) is written in P[ i ]
- (note that here node names always start from zero, regardless to the value
- of USENAME0). If nms != NULL, it must point to a vector of indices in
- 0 .. n - 1 (ordered in increasing sense and Inf<Index>()-terminated), and
- the node potential of nms[ i ] is written in P[ i ]. Note that, unlike
- MCFGetX() above, nms is an *input* of the method.
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the nodes `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFn() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to nodes which are *both* in nms[] and whose index is
- in the correct range are returned. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cCRow MCFGetPi( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal data structure containing the
- node potentials. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on
- the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual bool HaveNewPi( void )
- {
- return( false );
- }
-/**< Return true if a different (approximately) optimal dual solution is
- available. If the method returns true, then any subsequent call to (any
- form of) MCFGetPi() will return a different dual solution, and MCFGetRC()
- [see below] will return the corresponding reduced costs. The new solution
- need not be optimal (although, ideally, it has to be "good); this can be
- checked by comparing its objective function value, that will be returned
- by a call to MCFGetDFO() [see below].
- Any subsequent call of HaveNewPi() that returns true produces a new
- solution, until the first that returns false; from then on, no new
- solutions will be generated until something changes in the problem's
- data.
- Note that a default implementation of HaveNewPi() is provided which is
- good for those solvers that only produce one optimal dual solution. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading reduced costs
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFGetRC( CRow CR , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the reduced costs corresponding to the current dual solution in
- RC[]. If nms == NULL, the reduced cost of arc `i' (i in 0 .. m - 1) is
- written in RC[ i ]; if nms != NULL, it must point to a vector of indices
- in 0 .. m - 1 (ordered in increasing sense and Inf<Index>()-terminated),
- and the reduced cost of arc nms[ i ] is written in RC[ i ]. Note that,
- unlike MCFGetX() above, nms is an *input* of the method.
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to arcs which are *both* in nms[] and whose index is
- in the correct range are returned.
- @note the output of MCFGetRC() will change after any call to HaveNewPi()
- [see above] which returns true. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cCRow MCFGetRC( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal data structure containing the
- reduced costs. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on the
- implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method.
- @note the output of MCFGetRC() will change after any call to HaveNewPi()
- [see above] which returns true. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual CNumber MCFGetRC( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the reduced cost of the i-th arc. This information should be
- cheapily available in most implementations.
- @note the output of MCFGetRC() will change after any call to HaveNewPi()
- [see above] which returns true. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading the objective function value
- @{ */
- virtual FONumber MCFGetFO( void ) = 0;
-/**< Return the objective function value of the primal solution currently
- returned by MCFGetX().
- If MCFGetStatus() == kOK, this is guaranteed to be the optimal objective
- function value of the problem (to within the optimality tolerances), but
- only prior to any call to HaveNewX() that returns true. MCFGetFO()
- typically returns Inf<FONumber>() if MCFGetStatus() == kUnfeasible and
- - Inf<FONumber>() if MCFGetStatus() == kUnbounded. If MCFGetStatus() ==
- kStopped and MCFGetFO() returns a finite value, it must be an upper bound
- on the optimal objective function value (typically, the objective function
- value of one primal feasible solution). */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual FONumber MCFGetDFO( void )
- {
- switch( MCFGetStatus() ) {
- case( kUnSolved ):
- case( kStopped ):
- case( kError ): return( -Inf<FONumber>() );
- default: return( MCFGetFO() );
- }
- }
-/**< Return the objective function value of the dual solution currently
- returned by MCFGetPi() / MCFGetRC(). This value (possibly) changes after
- any call to HaveNewPi() that returns true. The relations between
- MCFGetStatus() and MCFGetDFO() are analogous to these of MCFGetFO(),
- except that a finite value corresponding to kStopped must be a lower
- bound on the optimal objective function value (typically, the objective
- function value one dual feasible solution).
- A default implementation is provided for MCFGetDFO(), which is good for
- MCF solvers where the primal and dual optimal solution values always
- are identical (except if the problem is unfeasible/unbounded). */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Getting unfeasibility certificate
- @{ */
- virtual FNumber MCFGetUnfCut( Index_Set Cut )
- {
- *Cut = Inf<Index>();
- return( 0 );
- }
-/**< Return an unfeasibility certificate. In an unfeasible MCF problem,
- unfeasibility can always be reduced to the existence of a cut (subset of
- nodes of the graph) such as either:
- - the inverse of the deficit of the cut (the sum of all the deficits of the
- nodes in the cut) is larger than the forward capacity of the cut (sum of
- the capacities of forward arcs in the cut); that is, the nodes in the
- cut globally produce more flow than can be routed to sinks outside the
- cut;
- - the deficit of the cut is larger than the backward capacity of the cut
- (sum of the capacities of backward arcs in the cut); that is, the nodes
- in the cut globally require more flow than can be routed to them from
- sources outside the cut.
- When detecting unfeasibility, MCF solvers are typically capable to provide
- one such cut. This information can be useful - typically, the only way to
- make the problem feasible is to increase the capacity of at least one of
- the forward/backward arcs of the cut -, and this method is provided for
- getting it. It can be called only if MCFGetStatus() == kUnfeasible, and
- should write in Cut the set of names of nodes in the unfeasible cut (note
- that node names depend on USENAME0), Inf<Index>()-terminated, returning the
- deficit of the cut (which allows to distinguish which of the two cases
- above hold). In general, no special properties can be expected from the
- returned cut, but solvers should be able to provide e.g. "small" cuts.
- However, not all solvers may be (easily) capable of providing this
- information; thus, returning 0 (no cut) is allowed, as in the base class
- implementation, to signify that this information is not available. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Getting unboundedness certificate
- @{ */
- virtual Index MCFGetUnbCycl( Index_Set Pred , Index_Set ArcPred )
- {
- return( Inf<Index>() );
- }
-/**< Return an unboundedness certificate. In an unbounded MCF problem,
- unboundedness can always be reduced to the existence of a directed cycle
- with negative cost and all arcs having infinite capacity.
- When detecting unboundedness, MCF solvers are typically capable to provide
- one such cycle. This information can be useful, and this method is provided
- for getting it. It can be called only if MCFGetStatus() == kUnbounded, and
- writes in Pred[] and ArcPred[], respectively, the node and arc predecessor
- function of the cycle. That is, if node `i' belongs to the cycle then
- `Pred[ i ]' contains the name of the predecessor of `j' of `i' in the cycle
- (note that node names depend on USENAME0), and `ArcPred[ i ]' contains the
- index of the arc joining the two (note that in general there may be
- multiple copies of each arc). Entries of the vectors for nodes not
- belonging to the cycle are in principle undefined, and the name of one node
- belonging to the cycle is returned by the method.
- Note that if there are multiple cycles with negative costs this method
- will return just one of them (finding the cycle with most negative cost
- is an NO-hard problem), although solvers should be able to produce cycles
- with "large negative" cost.
- However, not all solvers may be (easily) capable of providing this
- information; thus, returning Inf<Index>() is allowed, as in the base class
- implementation, to signify that this information is not available. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Saving/restoring the state of the solver
- @{ */
- virtual MCFStatePtr MCFGetState( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- /**< Save the state of the MCF solver. The MCFClass interface supports the
- notion of saving and restoring the state of the MCF solver, such as the
- current/optimal basis in a simplex solver. The "empty" class MCFState is
- defined as a placeholder for state descriptions.
- MCFGetState() creates and returns a pointer to an object of (a proper
- derived class of) class MCFState which describes the current state of the
- MCF solver. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void MCFPutState( MCFStatePtr S ) {}
-/**< Restore the solver to the state in which it was when the state `S' was
- created with MCFGetState() [see above].
- The typical use of this method is the following: a MCF problem is solved
- and the "optimal state" is set aside. Then the problem changes and it is
- re-solved. Then, the problem has to be changed again to a form that is
- close to the original one but rather different from the second one (think
- of a long backtracking in a Branch & Bound) to which the current "state"
- referes. Then, the old optimal state can be expected to provide a better
- starting point for reoptimization [see ReOptimize() below].
- Note, however, that the state is only relative to the optimization process,
- i.e., this operation is meaningless if the data of the problem has changed
- in the meantime. So, if a state has to be used for speeding up
- reoptimization, the following has to be done:
- - first, the data of the solver is brought back to *exactly* the same as
- it was at the moment where the state `S' was created (prior than this
- operation a ReOptimize( false ) call is probably advisable);
- - then, MCFPutState() is called (and ReOptimize( true ) is called);
- - only afterwards the data of the problem is changed to the final state
- and the problem is solved.
- A "put state" operation does not "deplete" the state, which can therefore
- be used more than once. Indeed, a state is constructed inside the solver
- for each call to MCFGetState(), but the solver never deletes statuses;
- this has to be done on the outside when they are no longer needed (the
- solver must be "resistent" to deletion of the state at any moment).
- Since not all the MCF solvers reoptimize (efficiently enough to make these
- operations worth), an "empty" implementation that does nothing is provided
- by the base class. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Time the code
- @{ */
- void TimeMCF( double &t_us , double &t_ss )
- {
- t_us = t_ss = 0;
- if( MCFt )
- MCFt->Read( t_us , t_ss );
- }
-/**< Time the code. If called within any of the methods of the class that are
- "actively timed" (this depends on the subclasses), this method returns the
- user and sistem time (in seconds) since the start of that method. If
- methods that are actively timed call other methods that are actively
- timed, TimeMCF() returns the (...) time since the beginning of the
- *outer* actively timed method. If called outside of any actively timed
- method, this method returns the (...) time spent in all the previous
- executions of all the actively timed methods of the class.
- Implementing the proper calls to MCFt->Start() and MCFt->Stop() is due to
- derived classes; these should at least be placed at the beginning and at
- the end, respectively, of SolveMCF() and presumably the Chg***() methods,
- that is, at least these methods should be "actively timed". */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- double TimeMCF( void )
- {
- return( MCFt ? MCFt->Read() : 0 );
- }
-/**< Like TimeMCF(double,double) [see above], but returns the total time. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Check the solutions
- @{ */
- inline void CheckPSol( void );
-/**< Check that the primal solution returned by the solver is primal feasible.
- (to within the tolerances set by SetPar(kEps****) [see above], if any). Also,
- check that the objective function value is correct.
- This method is implemented by the base class, using the above methods
- for collecting the solutions and the methods of the next section for
- reading the data of the problem; as such, they will work for any derived
- class that properly implements all these methods. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- inline void CheckDSol( void );
-/**< Check that the dual solution returned by the solver is dual feasible.
- (to within the tolerances set by SetPar(kEps****) [see above], if any). Also,
- check that the objective function value is correct.
- This method is implemented by the base class, using the above methods
- for collecting the solutions and the methods of the next section for
- reading the data of the problem; as such, they will work for any derived
- class that properly implements all these methods. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*-------------- METHODS FOR READING THE DATA OF THE PROBLEM ---------------*/
-/** @name Reading graph size
- @{ */
- inline Index MCFnmax( void )
- {
- return( nmax );
- }
-/**< Return the maximum number of nodes for this instance of MCFClass.
- The implementation of the method in the base class returns the protected
- fields \c nmax, which is provided for derived classes to hold this
- information. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- inline Index MCFmmax( void )
- {
- return( mmax );
- }
-/**< Return the maximum number of arcs for this instance of MCFClass.
- The implementation of the method in the base class returns the protected
- fields \c mmax, which is provided for derived classes to hold this
- information. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- inline Index MCFn( void )
- {
- return( n );
- }
-/**< Return the number of nodes in the current graph.
- The implementation of the method in the base class returns the protected
- fields \c n, which is provided for derived classes to hold this
- information. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- inline Index MCFm( void )
- {
- return( m );
- }
-/**< Return the number of arcs in the current graph.
- The implementation of the method in the base class returns the protected
- fields \c m, which is provided for derived classes to hold this
- information. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading graph topology
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFArcs( Index_Set Startv , Index_Set Endv ,
- cIndex_Set nms = NULL , cIndex strt = 0 ,
- Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the starting (tail) and ending (head) nodes of the arcs in Startv[]
- and Endv[]. If nms == NULL, then the information relative to all arcs is
- written into Startv[] and Endv[], otherwise Startv[ i ] and Endv[ i ]
- contain the information relative to arc nms[ i ] (nms[] must be
- Inf<Index>()-terminated).
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to arcs which are *both* in nms and whose index is in
- the correct range are returned.
- Startv or Endv can be NULL, meaning that only the other information is
- required.
- @note If USENAME0 == 0 then the returned node names will be in the range
- 1 .. n, while if USENAME0 == 1 the returned node names will be in
- the range 0 .. n - 1.
- @note If the graph is "dynamic", be careful to use MCFn() e MCFm() to
- properly choose the dimension of nodes and arcs arrays. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual Index MCFSNde( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the starting (tail) node of the arc `i'.
- @note If USENAME0 == 0 then the returned node names will be in the range
- 1 .. n, while if USENAME0 == 1 the returned node names will be in
- the range 0 .. n - 1. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual Index MCFENde( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the ending (head) node of the arc `i'.
- @note If USENAME0 == 0 then the returned node names will be in the range
- 1 .. n, while if USENAME0 == 1 the returned node names will be in
- the range 0 .. n - 1. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cIndex_Set MCFSNdes( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the starting
- (tail) nodes for each arc. Since this may *not always be available*,
- depending on the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cIndex_Set MCFENdes( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the ending
- (head) nodes for each arc. Since this may *not always be available*,
- depending on the implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading arc costs
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFCosts( CRow Costv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the arc costs into Costv[]. If nms == NULL, then all the costs are
- written, otherwise Costv[ i ] contains the information relative to arc
- nms[ i ] (nms[] must be Inf<Index>()-terminated).
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to arcs which are *both* in nms and whose index is in
- the correct range are returned. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual CNumber MCFCost( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the cost of the i-th arc. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cCRow MCFCosts( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the arc
- costs. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on the
- implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void MCFQCoef( CRow Qv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() )
-/**< Write the quadratic coefficients of the arc costs into Qv[]. If
- nms == NULL, then all the costs are written, otherwise Costv[ i ] contains
- the information relative to arc nms[ i ] (nms[] must be
- Inf<Index>()-terminated).
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to arcs which are *both* in nms and whose index is in
- the correct range are returned.
- Note that the method is *not* pure virtual: an implementation is provided
- for "pure linear" MCF solvers that only work with all zero quadratic
- coefficients. */
- {
- if( nms ) {
- while( *nms < strt )
- nms++;
- for( Index h ; ( h = *(nms++) ) < stp ; )
- *(Qv++) = 0;
- }
- else {
- if( stp > m )
- stp = m;
- while( stp-- > strt )
- *(Qv++) = 0;
- }
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual CNumber MCFQCoef( cIndex i )
-/**< Return the quadratic coefficients of the cost of the i-th arc. Note that
- the method is *not* pure virtual: an implementation is provided for "pure
- linear" MCF solvers that only work with all zero quadratic coefficients. */
- {
- return( 0 );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cCRow MCFQCoef( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the arc
- costs. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on the
- implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready (such as "pure linear" MCF solvers that only
- work with all zero quadratic coefficients) does not need to implement the
- method. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading arc capacities
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFUCaps( FRow UCapv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the arc capacities into UCapv[]. If nms == NULL, then all the
- capacities are written, otherwise UCapv[ i ] contains the information
- relative to arc nms[ i ] (nms[] must be Inf<Index>()-terminated).
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the arcs `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFm() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to arcs which are *both* in nms and whose index is in
- the correct range are returned. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual FNumber MCFUCap( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the capacity of the i-th arc. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cFRow MCFUCaps( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the arc
- capacities. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on the
- implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Reading node deficits
- @{ */
- virtual void MCFDfcts( FRow Dfctv , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Write the node deficits into Dfctv[]. If nms == NULL, then all the
- defcits are written, otherwise Dfctvv[ i ] contains the information
- relative to node nms[ i ] (nms[] must be Inf<Index>()-terminated).
- The parameters `strt' and `stp' allow to restrict the output of the method
- to all and only the nodes `i' with strt <= i < min( MCFn() , stp ). `strt'
- and `stp' work in "&&" with nms; that is, if nms != NULL then only the
- values corresponding to nodes which are *both* in nms and whose index is in
- the correct range are returned.
- @note Here node "names" (strt and stp, those contained in nms[] or `i'
- in MCFDfct()) go from 0 to n - 1, regardless to the value of
- USENAME0; hence, if USENAME0 == 0 then the first node is "named 1",
- but its deficit is returned by MCFDfcts( Dfctv , NULL , 0 , 1 ). */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual FNumber MCFDfct( cIndex i ) = 0;
-/**< Return the deficit of the i-th node.
- @note Here node "names" go from 0 to n - 1, regardless to the value of
- USENAME0; hence, if USENAME0 == 0 then the first node is "named 1",
- but its deficit is returned by MCFDfct( 0 ). */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual cFRow MCFDfcts( void )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
-/**< Return a read-only pointer to an internal vector containing the node
- deficits. Since this may *not always be available*, depending on the
- implementation, this method can (uniformly) return NULL.
- This is done by the base class already, so a derived class that does not
- have the information ready does not need to implement the method.
- @note Here node "names" go from 0 to n - 1, regardless to the value of
- USENAME0; hence, if USENAME0 == 0 then the first node is "named 1",
- but its deficit is contained in MCFDfcts()[ 0 ]. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Write problem to file
- @{ */
- virtual inline void WriteMCF( ostream &oStrm , int frmt = 0 );
-/**< Write the current MCF problem to an ostream. This may be useful e.g. for
- debugging purposes.
- The base MCFClass class provides output in two different formats, depending
- on the value of the parameter frmt:
- - kDimacs the problem is written in DIMACS standard format, read by most
- MCF codes available;
- - kMPS the problem is written in the "modern version" (tab-separated)
- of the MPS format, read by most LP/MIP solvers;
- - kFWMPS the problem is written in the "old version" (fixed width
- fields) of the MPS format; this is read by most LP/MIP
- solvers, but some codes still require the old format.
- The implementation of WriteMCF() in the base class uses all the above
- methods for reading the data; as such it will work for any derived class
- that properly implements this part of the interface, but it may not be
- very efficient. Thus, the method is virtual to allow the derived classes
- to either re-implement WriteMCF() for the above two formats in a more
- efficient way, and/or to extend it to support other solver-specific
- formats.
- @note None of the above two formats supports quadratic MCFs, so if
- nonzero quadratic coefficients are present, they are just ignored.
- */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*------------- METHODS FOR ADDING / REMOVING / CHANGING DATA --------------*/
-/** @name Changing the costs
- @{ */
- virtual void ChgCosts( cCRow NCost , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Change the arc costs. In particular, change the costs that are:
- - listed in into the vector of indices `nms' (ordered in increasing
- sense and Inf<Index>()-terminated),
- - *and* whose name belongs to the interval [`strt', `stp').
- That is, if strt <= nms[ i ] < stp, then the nms[ i ]-th cost will be
- changed to NCost[ i ]. If nms == NULL (as the default), *all* the
- entries in the given range will be changed; if stp > MCFm(), then the
- smaller bound is used.
- @note changing the costs of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs which have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChgCost( Index arc , cCNumber NCost ) = 0;
-/**< Change the cost of the i-th arc.
- @note changing the costs of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs which have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChgQCoef( cCRow NQCoef = NULL , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() )
-/**< Change the quadratic coefficients of the arc costs. In particular,
- change the coefficients that are:
- - listed in into the vector of indices `nms' (ordered in increasing
- sense and Inf<Index>()-terminated),
- - *and* whose name belongs to the interval [`strt', `stp').
- That is, if strt <= nms[ i ] < stp, then the nms[ i ]-th cost will be
- changed to NCost[ i ]. If nms == NULL (as the default), *all* the
- entries in the given range will be changed; if stp > MCFm(), then the
- smaller bound is used. If NQCoef == NULL, all the specified coefficients
- are set to zero.
- Note that the method is *not* pure virtual: an implementation is provided
- for "pure linear" MCF solvers that only work with all zero quadratic
- coefficients.
- @note changing the costs of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs which have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
- {
- assert(NQCoef);
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChgQCoef( Index arc , cCNumber NQCoef )
-/**< Change the quadratic coefficient of the cost of the i-th arc.
- Note that the method is *not* pure virtual: an implementation is provided
- for "pure linear" MCF solvers that only work with all zero quadratic
- coefficients.
- @note changing the costs of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs which have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
- {
- assert(NQCoef);
- }
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Changing the capacities
- @{ */
- virtual void ChgUCaps( cFRow NCap , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Change the arc capacities. In particular, change the capacities that are:
- - listed in into the vector of indices `nms' (ordered in increasing sense
- and Inf<Index>()-terminated),
- - *and* whose name belongs to the interval [`strt', `stp').
- That is, if strt <= nms[ i ] < stp, then the nms[ i ]-th capacity will be
- changed to NCap[ i ]. If nms == NULL (as the default), *all* the
- entries in the given range will be changed; if stp > MCFm(), then the
- smaller bound is used.
- @note changing the capacities of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs that have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChgUCap( Index arc , cFNumber NCap ) = 0;
-/**< Change the capacity of the i-th arc.
- @note changing the capacities of arcs that *do not exist* is *not allowed*;
- only arcs that have not been closed/deleted [see CloseArc() /
- DelArc() below and LoadNet() above about C_INF costs] can be
- touched with these methods. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Changing the deficits
- @{ */
- virtual void ChgDfcts( cFRow NDfct , cIndex_Set nms = NULL ,
- cIndex strt = 0 , Index stp = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Change the node deficits. In particular, change the deficits that are:
- - listed in into the vector of indices `nms' (ordered in increasing sense
- and Inf<Index>()-terminated),
- - *and* whose name belongs to the interval [`strt', `stp').
- That is, if strt <= nms[ i ] < stp, then the nms[ i ]-th deficit will be
- changed to NDfct[ i ]. If nms == NULL (as the default), *all* the
- entries in the given range will be changed; if stp > MCFn(), then the
- smaller bound is used.
- Note that, in ChgDfcts(), node "names" (strt, stp or those contained
- in nms[]) go from 0 to n - 1, regardless to the value of USENAME0; hence,
- if USENAME0 == 0 then the first node is "named 1", but its deficit can be
- changed e.g. with ChgDfcts( &new_deficit , NULL , 0 , 1 ).
- @note changing the capacities of nodes that *do not exist* is *not
- allowed*; only nodes that have not been deleted [see DelNode()
- below] can be touched with these methods. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChgDfct( Index node , cFNumber NDfct ) = 0;
-/**< Change the deficit of the i-th node.
- Note that, in ChgDfct[s](), node "names" (i, strt/ stp or those contained
- in nms[]) go from 0 to n - 1, regardless to the value of USENAME0; hence,
- if USENAME0 == 0 then the first node is "named 1", but its deficit can be
- changed e.g. with ChgDfcts( 0 , new_deficit ).
- @note changing the capacities of nodes that *do not exist* is *not
- allowed*; only nodes that have not been deleted [see DelNode()
- below] can be touched with these methods. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @name Changing graph topology
- @{ */
- virtual void CloseArc( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< "Close" the arc `name'. Although all the associated information (name,
- cost, capacity, end and start node) is kept, the arc is removed from the
- problem until OpenArc( i ) [see below] is called.
- "closed" arcs always have 0 flow, but are otherwise counted as any other
- arc; for instance, MCFm() does *not* decrease as an effect of a call to
- CloseArc(). How this closure is implemented is solver-specific. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual bool IsClosedArc( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< IsClosedArc() returns true if and only if the arc `name' is closed. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void DelNode( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< Delete the node `name'.
- For any value of `name', all incident arcs to that node are closed [see
- CloseArc() above] (*not* Deleted, see DelArc() below) and the deficit is
- set to zero.
- Il furthermore `name' is the last node, the number of nodes as reported by
- MCFn() is reduced by at least one, until the n-th node is not a deleted
- one. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void OpenArc( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< Restore the previously closed arc `name'. It is an error to open an arc
- that has not been previously closed. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual Index AddNode( cFNumber aDfct ) = 0;
-/**< Add a new node with deficit aDfct, returning its name. Inf<Index>() is
- returned if there is no room for a new node. Remember that the node names
- are either { 0 .. nmax - 1 } or { 1 .. nmax }, depending on the value of
- USENAME0. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void ChangeArc( cIndex name , cIndex nSN = Inf<Index>() ,
- cIndex nEN = Inf<Index>() ) = 0;
-/**< Change the starting and/or ending node of arc `name' to nSN and nEN.
- Each parameter being Inf<Index>() means to leave the previous starting or
- ending node untouched. When this method is called `name' can be either the
- name of a "normal" arc or that of a "closed" arc [see CloseArc() above]:
- in the latter case, at the end of ChangeArc() the arc is *still closed*,
- and it remains so until OpenArc( name ) [see above] is called. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual void DelArc( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< Delete the arc `name'. Unlike "closed" arcs, all the information
- associated with a deleted arc is lost and `name' is made available as a
- name for new arcs to be created with AddArc() [see below].
- Il furthermore `name' is the last arc, the number of arcs as reported by
- MCFm() is reduced by at least one, until the m-th arc is not a deleted
- one. Otherwise, the flow on the arc is always ensured to be 0. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual bool IsDeletedArc( cIndex name ) = 0;
-/**< Return true if and only if the arc `name' is deleted. It should only
- be called with name < MCFm(), as every other arc is deleted by
- definition. */
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- virtual Index AddArc( cIndex Start , cIndex End , cFNumber aU ,
- cCNumber aC ) = 0;
-/**< Add the new arc ( Start , End ) with cost aC and capacity aU,
- returning its name. Inf<Index>() is returned if there is no room for a new
- arc. Remember that arc names go from 0 to mmax - 1. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*------------------------------ DESTRUCTOR --------------------------------*/
-/** @name Destructor
- @{ */
- virtual ~MCFClass()
- {
- delete MCFt;
- }
-/**< Destructor of the class. The implementation in the base class only
- deletes the MCFt field. It is virtual, as it should be. */
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*-------------------- PROTECTED PART OF THE CLASS -------------------------*/
-/*-- --*/
-/*-- The following fields are believed to be general enough to make it --*/
-/*-- worth adding them to the abstract base class. --*/
-/*-- --*/
- protected:
-/*--------------------------- PROTECTED METHODS ----------------------------*/
-/*-------------------------- MANAGING COMPARISONS --------------------------*/
-/** @name Managing comparisons.
- The following methods are provided for making it easier to perform
- comparisons, with and without tolerances.
- @{ */
-/** true if flow x is equal to zero (possibly considering tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool ETZ( T x , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x == 0 );
- else
- return( (x <= eps ) && ( x >= -eps ) );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is greater than zero (possibly considering tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool GTZ( T x , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x > 0 );
- else
- return( x > eps );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is greater than or equal to zero (possibly considering
- tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool GEZ( T x , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x >= 0 );
- else
- return( x >= - eps );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is less than zero (possibly considering tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool LTZ( T x , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x < 0 );
- else
- return( x < - eps );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is less than or equal to zero (possibly considering
- tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool LEZ( T x , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x <= 0 );
- else
- return( x <= eps );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is greater than flow y (possibly considering tolerances).
- */
- template<class T>
- inline bool GT( T x , T y , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x > y );
- else
- return( x > y + eps );
- }
-/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
-/** true if flow x is less than flow y (possibly considering tolerances). */
- template<class T>
- inline bool LT( T x , T y , const T eps )
- {
- if( numeric_limits<T>::is_integer )
- return( x < y );
- else
- return( x < y - eps );
- }
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*---------------------- PROTECTED DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------*/
- Index n; ///< total number of nodes
- Index nmax; ///< maximum number of nodes
- Index m; ///< total number of arcs
- Index mmax; ///< maximum number of arcs
- int status; ///< return status, see the comments to MCFGetStatus() above.
- ///< Note that the variable is defined int to allow derived
- ///< classes to return their own specialized status codes
- bool Senstv; ///< true <=> the latest optimal solution should be exploited
- OPTtimers *MCFt; ///< timer for performances evaluation
- FNumber EpsFlw; ///< precision for comparing arc flows / capacities
- FNumber EpsDfct; ///< precision for comparing node deficits
- CNumber EpsCst; ///< precision for comparing arc costs
- double MaxTime; ///< max time (in seconds) in which MCF Solver can find
- ///< an optimal solution (0 = no limits)
- int MaxIter; ///< max number of iterations in which MCF Solver can find
- ///< an optimal solution (0 = no limits)
- }; // end( class MCFClass )
-/*@} -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*------------------- inline methods implementation ------------------------*/
-inline void MCFClass::LoadDMX( istream &DMXs , bool IsQuad )
- // read first non-comment line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- char c;
- for(;;) {
- if( ! ( DMXs >> c ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading the input stream" ) );
- if( c != 'c' ) // if it's not a comment
- break;
- do // skip the entire line
- if( ! DMXs.get( c ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading the input stream" ) );
- while( c != '\n' );
- }
- if( c != 'p' )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: format error in the input stream" ) );
- char buf[ 3 ]; // free space
- DMXs >> buf; // skip (in has to be "min")
- Index tn;
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tn ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading number of nodes" ) );
- Index tm;
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tm ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading number of arcs" ) );
- // allocate memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- FRow tU = new FNumber[ tm ]; // arc upper capacities
- FRow tDfct = new FNumber[ tn ]; // node deficits
- Index_Set tStartn = new Index[ tm ]; // arc start nodes
- Index_Set tEndn = new Index[ tm ]; // arc end nodes
- CRow tC = new CNumber[ tm ]; // arc costs
- CRow tQ = NULL;
- if( IsQuad )
- tQ = new CNumber[ tm ]; // arc quadratic costs
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < tn ; ) // all deficits are 0
- tDfct[ i++ ] = 0; // unless otherwise stated
- // read problem data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Index i = 0; // arc counter
- for(;;) {
- if( ! ( DMXs >> c ) )
- break;
- switch( c ) {
- case( 'c' ): // comment line- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- do
- if( ! DMXs.get( c ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading the input stream" ) );
- while( c != '\n' );
- break;
- case( 'n' ): // description of a node - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Index j;
- if( ! ( DMXs >> j ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading node name" ) );
- if( ( j < 1 ) || ( j > tn ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: invalid node name" ) );
- FNumber Dfctj;
- if( ! ( DMXs >> Dfctj ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading deficit" ) );
- tDfct[ j - 1 ] -= Dfctj;
- break;
- case( 'a' ): // description of an arc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- if( i == tm )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: too many arc descriptors" ) );
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tStartn[ i ] ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading start node" ) );
- if( ( tStartn[ i ] < 1 ) || ( tStartn[ i ] > tn ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: invalid start node" ) );
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tEndn[ i ] ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading end node" ) );
- if( ( tEndn[ i ] < 1 ) || ( tEndn[ i ] > tn ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: invalid end node" ) );
- if( tStartn[ i ] == tEndn[ i ] )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: self-loops not permitted" ) );
- FNumber LB;
- if( ! ( DMXs >> LB ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading lower bound" ) );
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tU[ i ] ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading upper bound" ) );
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tC[ i ] ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading arc cost" ) );
- if( tQ ) {
- if( ! ( DMXs >> tQ[ i ] ) )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: error reading arc quadratic cost" ) );
- if( tQ[ i ] < 0 )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: negative arc quadratic cost" ) );
- }
- if( tU[ i ] < LB )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: lower bound > upper bound" ) );
- tU[ i ] -= LB;
- tDfct[ tStartn[ i ] - 1 ] += LB;
- tDfct[ tEndn[ i ] - 1 ] -= LB;
- #if( USENAME0 )
- tStartn[ i ]--; // in the DIMACS format, node names start from 1
- tEndn[ i ]--;
- #endif
- i++;
- break;
- default: // invalid code- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: invalid code" ) );
- } // end( switch( c ) )
- } // end( for( ever ) )
- if( i < tm )
- throw( MCFException( "LoadDMX: too few arc descriptors" ) );
- // call LoadNet- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- LoadNet( tn , tm , tn , tm , tU , tC , tDfct , tStartn , tEndn );
- // then pass quadratic costs, if any
- if( tQ )
- ChgQCoef( tQ );
- // delete the original data structures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- delete[] tQ;
- delete[] tC;
- delete[] tEndn;
- delete[] tStartn;
- delete[] tDfct;
- delete[] tU;
- } // end( MCFClass::LoadDMX )
-inline void MCFClass::SetPar( int par , int val )
- switch( par ) {
- case( kMaxIter ):
- MaxIter = val;
- break;
- case( kReopt ):
- Senstv = (val == kYes);
- break;
- default:
- throw( MCFException( "Error using SetPar: unknown parameter" ) );
- }
- }
-inline void MCFClass::SetPar( int par, double val )
- switch( par ) {
- case( kEpsFlw ):
- if( EpsFlw != FNumber( val ) ) {
- EpsFlw = FNumber( val );
- EpsDfct = EpsFlw * ( nmax ? nmax : 100 );
- status = kUnSolved;
- }
- break;
- case( kEpsDfct ):
- if( EpsDfct != FNumber( val ) ) {
- EpsDfct = FNumber( val );
- status = kUnSolved;
- }
- break;
- case( kEpsCst ):
- if( EpsCst != CNumber( val ) ) {
- EpsCst = CNumber( val );
- status = kUnSolved;
- }
- break;
- case( kMaxTime ):
- MaxTime = val;
- break;
- default:
- throw( MCFException( "Error using SetPar: unknown parameter" ) );
- }
- }
-inline void MCFClass::GetPar( int par, int &val )
- switch( par ) {
- case( kMaxIter ):
- val = MaxIter;
- break;
- case( kReopt ):
- if( Senstv ) val = kYes;
- else val = kNo;
- break;
- default:
- throw( MCFException( "Error using GetPar: unknown parameter" ) );
- }
- }
-inline void MCFClass::GetPar( int par , double &val )
- switch( par ) {
- case( kEpsFlw ):
- val = double( EpsFlw );
- break;
- case( kEpsDfct ):
- val = double( EpsDfct );
- break;
- case( kEpsCst ):
- val = double( EpsCst );
- break;
- case( kMaxTime ):
- val = MaxTime;
- break;
- default:
- throw( MCFException( "Error using GetPar: unknown parameter" ) );
- }
- }
-inline void MCFClass::CheckPSol( void )
- FRow tB = new FNumber[ MCFn() ];
- MCFDfcts( tB );
- #if( ! USENAME0 )
- tB--;
- #endif
- FRow tX = new FNumber[ MCFm() ];
- MCFGetX( tX );
- FONumber CX = 0;
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ )
- if( GTZ( tX[ i ] , EpsFlw ) ) {
- if( IsClosedArc( i ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Closed arc with nonzero flow (CheckPSol)" ) );
- if( GT( tX[ i ] , MCFUCap( i ) , EpsFlw ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Arc flow exceeds capacity (CheckPSol)" ) );
- if( LTZ( tX[ i ] , EpsFlw ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Arc flow is negative (CheckPSol)" ) );
- CX += ( FONumber( MCFCost( i ) ) +
- FONumber( MCFQCoef( i ) ) * FONumber( tX[ i ] ) / 2 )
- * FONumber( tX[ i ] );
- tB[ MCFSNde( i ) ] += tX[ i ];
- tB[ MCFENde( i ) ] -= tX[ i ];
- }
- delete[] tX;
- #if( ! USENAME0 )
- tB++;
- #endif
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; i++ )
- if( ! ETZ( tB[ i ] , EpsDfct ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Node is not balanced (CheckPSol)" ) );
- delete[] tB;
- CX -= MCFGetFO();
- if( ( CX >= 0 ? CX : - CX ) > EpsCst * MCFn() )
- throw( MCFException( "Objective function value is wrong (CheckPSol)" ) );
- } // end( CheckPSol )
-inline void MCFClass::CheckDSol( void )
- CRow tPi = new CNumber[ MCFn() ];
- MCFGetPi( tPi );
- FONumber BY = 0;
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; i++ )
- BY += FONumber( tPi[ i ] ) * FONumber( MCFDfct( i ) );
- CRow tRC = new CNumber[ MCFm() ];
- MCFGetRC( tRC );
- FRow tX = new FNumber[ MCFm() ];
- MCFGetX( tX );
- #if( ! USENAME0 )
- tPi--;
- #endif
- FONumber QdrtcCmpnt = 0; // the quadratic part of the objective
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ ) {
- if( IsClosedArc( i ) )
- continue;
- cFONumber tXi = FONumber( tX[ i ] );
- cCNumber QCi = CNumber( MCFQCoef( i ) * tXi );
- QdrtcCmpnt += QCi * tXi;
- CNumber RCi = MCFCost( i ) + QCi
- + tPi[ MCFSNde( i ) ] - tPi[ MCFENde( i ) ];
- RCi -= tRC[ i ];
- if( ! ETZ( RCi , EpsCst ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Reduced Cost value is wrong (CheckDSol)" ) );
- if( LTZ( tRC[ i ] , EpsCst ) ) {
- BY += FONumber( tRC[ i ] ) * FONumber( MCFUCap( i ) );
- if( LT( tX[ i ] , MCFUCap( i ) , EpsFlw ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Csomplementary Slackness violated (CheckDSol)" ) );
- }
- else
- if( GTZ( tRC[ i ] , EpsCst ) && GTZ( tX[ i ] , EpsFlw ) )
- throw( MCFException( "Complementary Slackness violated (CheckDSol)" ) );
- } // end( for( i ) )
- delete[] tX;
- delete[] tRC;
- #if( ! USENAME0 )
- tPi++;
- #endif
- delete[] tPi;
- BY -= ( MCFGetFO() + QdrtcCmpnt / 2 );
- if( ( BY >= 0 ? BY : - BY ) > EpsCst * MCFn() )
- throw( MCFException( "Objective function value is wrong (CheckDSol)" ) );
- } // end( CheckDSol )
-inline void MCFClass::WriteMCF( ostream &oStrm , int frmt )
- if( ( ! numeric_limits<FNumber>::is_integer ) ||
- ( ! numeric_limits<CNumber>::is_integer ) )
- oStrm.precision( 12 );
- switch( frmt ) {
- case( kDimacs ): // DIMACS standard format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- case( kQDimacs ): // ... linear or quadratic
- // compute and output preamble and size- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "p min " << MCFn() << " ";
- {
- Index tm = MCFm();
- for( Index i = MCFm() ; i-- ; )
- if( IsClosedArc( i ) || IsDeletedArc( i ) )
- tm--;
- oStrm << tm << endl;
- }
- // output arc information- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ )
- if( ( ! IsClosedArc( i ) ) && ( ! IsDeletedArc( i ) ) ) {
- oStrm << "a\t";
- #if( USENAME0 )
- oStrm << MCFSNde( i ) + 1 << "\t" << MCFENde( i ) + 1 << "\t";
- #else
- oStrm << MCFSNde( i ) << "\t" << MCFENde( i ) << "\t";
- #endif
- oStrm << "0\t" << MCFUCap( i ) << "\t" << MCFCost( i );
- if( frmt == kQDimacs )
- oStrm << "\t" << MCFQCoef( i );
- oStrm << endl;
- }
- // output node information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; ) {
- cFNumber Dfcti = MCFDfct( i++ );
- if( Dfcti )
- oStrm << "n\t" << i << "\t" << - Dfcti << endl;
- }
- break;
- case( kMPS ): // MPS format(s)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- case( kFWMPS ): //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // writing problem name- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "NAME MCF" << endl;
- // writing ROWS section: flow balance constraints- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "ROWS" << endl << " N obj" << endl;
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; )
- oStrm << " E c" << i++ << endl;
- // writing COLUMNS section - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "COLUMNS" << endl;
- if( frmt == kMPS ) { // "modern" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ )
- if( ( ! IsClosedArc( i ) ) && ( ! IsDeletedArc( i ) ) ) {
- oStrm << " x" << i << "\tobj\t" << MCFCost( i ) << "\tc";
- #if( USENAME0 )
- oStrm << MCFSNde( i ) << "\t-1" << endl << " x" << i << "\tc"
- << MCFENde( i ) << "\t1" << endl;
- #else
- oStrm << MCFSNde( i ) - 1 << "\t-1" << endl << " x" << i << "\tc"
- << MCFENde( i ) - 1 << "\t1" << endl;
- #endif
- }
- }
- else // "old" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ ) {
- ostringstream myField;
- myField << "x" << i << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str()
- << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << "obj"
- << " " << setw( 12 ) << left << MCFCost( i );
- myField.seekp( 0 );
- myField << "c" << MCFSNde( i ) - ( 1 - USENAME0 ) << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str()
- << " " << setw( 12 ) << left << -1 << endl;
- myField.seekp( 0 );
- myField << "x" << i << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str();
- myField.seekp( 0 );
- myField << "c" << MCFENde( i ) - ( 1 - USENAME0 ) << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str() << endl;
- }
- // writing RHS section: flow balance constraints - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "RHS" << endl;
- if( frmt == kMPS ) // "modern" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; i++ )
- oStrm << " rhs\tc" << i << "\t" << MCFDfct( i ) << endl;
- else // "old" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFn() ; i++ ) {
- ostringstream myField;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << "rhs";
- myField << "c" << i << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str()
- << " " << setw( 12 ) << left << MCFDfct( i ) << endl;
- }
- // writing BOUNDS section- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "BOUNDS" << endl;
- if( frmt == kMPS ) { // "modern" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ )
- if( ( ! IsClosedArc( i ) ) && ( ! IsDeletedArc( i ) ) )
- oStrm << " UP BOUND\tx" << i << "\t" << MCFUCap( i ) << endl;
- }
- else // "old" MPS
- for( Index i = 0 ; i < MCFm() ; i++ )
- if( ( ! IsClosedArc( i ) ) && ( ! IsDeletedArc( i ) ) ) {
- ostringstream myField;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 2 ) << left << "UP"
- << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << "BOUND";
- myField << "x" << i << ends;
- oStrm << " " << setw( 8 ) << left << myField.str()
- << " " << setw( 12 ) << left << MCFUCap( i ) << endl;
- }
- oStrm << "ENDATA" << endl;
- break;
- default: // unknown format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- oStrm << "Error: unknown format " << frmt << endl;
- }
- } // end( MCFClass::WriteMCF )
- }; // end( namespace MCFClass_di_unipi_it )
-#endif /* MCFClass.h included */
-/*------------------------- End File MCFClass.h ----------------------------*/