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authorCarlo Zancanaro <>2012-11-26 13:59:29 +1100
committerCarlo Zancanaro <>2012-11-26 13:59:29 +1100
commitf823ccc928ae09a63ffef5b6cfe47966e2da1890 (patch)
parente51b7cbae7cb644a2df2cbc62137f4529aaecef4 (diff)
A bunch more writing. Write write write.
5 files changed, 197 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/tex/thesis/abstract/abstract.tex b/tex/thesis/abstract/abstract.tex
index 4333635..2326f61 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/abstract/abstract.tex
+++ b/tex/thesis/abstract/abstract.tex
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
-The abstract goes in here.
+In today's increasingly technological world, software bugs can have
+significant consequences. In order to limit the effect of these bugs
+software engineers employ a wide variety of tests, but these are
+insufficient to guarantee that software is bug free.
+In this thesis we present an implementation of a game-theoretic static
+analyser described in \cite{EasyChair:117} as a method of finding bugs
+and guaranteeing correctness. We present our own enhancements to
+improve the algorithm's running time and evaluate our improvements on
+a number of benchmarks.
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index 48a5e73..fac83c9 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/contribution/contribution.tex
+++ b/tex/thesis/contribution/contribution.tex
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ In this chapter the main theoretical contribution of this thesis is
presented: an extension on a $\max$-strategy iteration algorithm for
solving fixpoint equations over the integers with monotonic
operators\cite{Gawlitza:2007:PFC:1762174.1762203} (see Section
-\ref{sec:gawlitza-algorithm}). We devise an algorithm which runs in
-linear time in the best case.
+\ref{sec:gawlitza-algorithm}). We devise an algorithm which performs
+considerably better for practical equation systems.
In this chapter we will begin by presenting the Work-list Depth First
Search (W-DFS) fixpoint algorithm developed by Seidl et
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ variables. We will also define $\CZ = \Z \cup \{-\infty, \infty\}$.
\textbf{Equation System:} An equation system is a mapping from
variables to expressions. $\system : X \to E$. We define
- $E_\system \subset E$ to be the preimage of system, that is
+ $E_\system \subset E$ to be the preimage of $\system$, that is
$E_\system = \{ e \in E \mid system(x) = e, \forall x \in X \}$. As
each element of $E$ is also a function $(X \to \CZ) \to \CZ$, so an
equation system is considered as a function $\system : X \to
@@ -170,16 +170,6 @@ variables. We will also define $\CZ = \Z \cup \{-\infty, \infty\}$.
- A variable or expression $x$ is said to \textbf{depend} on $y$ if
- $x(\rho) \ne x(\varrho)$ and
- \begin{align*}
- \rho(z) &= \varrho(z) & \forall z \in X \backslash \{y\} \\
- \rho(y) &\ne \varrho(y)
- \end{align*}
- If $x$ depends on $y$ then $y$ is said to \emph{influence} $x$.
\section{Fixpoint Iteration}
\subsection{Kleene Iteration}
@@ -191,7 +181,7 @@ reach the least/greatest solution if there is one to be found, but it
will often perform many more evaluations than are necessary. This
algorithm is presented in Listing \ref{algo:kleene}.
\Function {solvefixpoint} {$\system \in \Systems$}
\State $k = 0$
@@ -223,7 +213,7 @@ iteration will continue without bound, tending towards $\{ x \mapsto
-\infty, y \mapsto 0 \}$ rather than the greatest fixpoint of $\{
x \mapsto -\infty, y \mapsto -\infty \}$.
x &= \min(0, x - 1) \\
y &= \min(0, \infty \oplus x) &
@@ -240,15 +230,41 @@ at most restricted to $|X|$ iterations in the particular case of the
$\max$-strategy iteration algorithm considered in this thesis. Kleene
iteration is therefore restricted to $\Theta(|X|^3)$ right hand side
evaluations at most in our application. We seek to improve on this
-performance in the next section.
+performance in the next section by taking into account dependencies
+between expressions.
+ An expression $x$ is said to \textbf{depend} on $y$ if and only if
+ $x(\rho) \ne x(\varrho)$ and
+ \begin{align*}
+ \rho(z) &= \varrho(z) & \forall z \in X \backslash \{y\} \\
+ \rho(y) &\ne \varrho(y)
+ \end{align*}
+ Intuitively, $x$ depends on $y$ if and only if a change in the value
+ of $y$ induces a change in the value of $x$.
+ If $x$ depends on $y$ then $y$ is said to \emph{influence} $x$.
\subsection{W-DFS algorithm} \label{sec:wdfs}
-The W-DFS algorithm of Seidl et al.~takes into account dependencies
-between variables as it solves the system. By taking into account
-dependencies we can leave portions of the system unevaluated when we
-are certain that those values have not changed. The algorithm is
-presented in Listing \ref{algo:wdfs}.
+Several algorithms have been presented in literature for finding
+solutions to general fixpoint equation systems. In particular has been
+the \emph{topdown solver} of Charlier and Van
+Hentenryck\cite{TD-fixpoint} and the \emph{worklist} solver of
+Kildall\cite{Kildall:1973:UAG:512927.512945} which has been further
+extended by others\cite{Jorgensen94findingfixpoints,FP-efficient}. The
+W-DFS algorithm of Seidl et al.\cite{DBLP:tr/trier/MI96-11} is an
+attempt to combine the best aspects of these general fixpoint
+The W-DFS algorithm takes into account dependencies between variables
+as it solves the system. By taking into account dependencies we can
+leave portions of the system unevaluated when we are certain that
+those values have not changed. The algorithm is presented in Listing
@@ -343,7 +359,7 @@ The W-DFS algorithm provides us with a \emph{local},
\emph{demand-driven} solver for greatest fixpoints of monotonic
fixpoint problems.
\node[draw] (full) at (0,-2) {
@@ -399,14 +415,10 @@ other subsystem. To compute the value of $x$ in the greatest fixpoint
it is unnecessary to compute the value of the variable $d$, but it is
necessary to compute the value of $y$. The W-DFS algorithm, will only
evaluate the necessary subsystem for a requested variable, leaving the
-other system unevaluated. In order to capture this property we will
-define the notion of a \emph{local} solver.
+other subsystem unevaluated. We call this algorithm \emph{local},
+because it considers only as many variables as are necessary to
+compute the requested values.
- \textbf{Local:} A solver is said be \emph{local} if, for some
- equation system, $\system$, and some $e \in E_\system$, it will
- solve for $e_x$ without evaluating every element of $E_\system$.
\section{$\max$-strategy Iteration}
@@ -475,7 +487,7 @@ approach is to perform a loop, improving the strategy at each step,
until an equilibrium point is reached. The approach is presented in
Listing \ref{algo:naive-strategy}.
@@ -526,7 +538,7 @@ the W-DFS algorithm presented above in Section \ref{sec:wdfs}. Listing
\ref{algo:adapted-wdfs} presents one variation on W-DFS to solve
$\max$-strategy iteration problems.
@@ -665,7 +677,8 @@ stabilises (at which point the fixpoint will also stabilise).
Both portions of the LDSI algorithm are \emph{demand driven}, and so
any necessary evaluation of strategies or fixpoint values is delayed
until the point when it is required. This means that the solver will
-be \emph{local} (see Section \ref{sec:wdfs}).
+be \emph{local}, considering only the subset of variables necessary to
+calculate the values we are interested in..
@@ -701,7 +714,7 @@ This algorithm is presented in three parts.
\subsection{Top level} \label{sec:ldsi:top-level}
@@ -749,7 +762,7 @@ in Sections \ref{sec:wdfs} and \ref{sec:adapted-wdfs}. The only
exception is $\touchedFP$, which is a newly introduced variable to
track variables which are touched by the fixpoint iteration steps.
\Function {init} {$s \in \Systems$}
\State $D = \underline{-\infty}$
@@ -803,7 +816,7 @@ have already been computed to avoid performing additional work. The
last stable value is stored in this procedure to identify
\emph{changed} values, rather than only \emph{unstable} ones.
\Function {evalfixpoint} {$x \in X$, $y \in X$}
\State $\solve \fixpoint(y)$
@@ -822,7 +835,7 @@ algorithm, except for the fact that $\solve$ has been renamed to
$\solve \fixpoint$. $\eval \fixpoint$ performs the same function as
the $\eval$ function in Listing \ref{algo:wdfs}.
\Procedure {invalidatefixpoint} {$x \in X$}
\Comment{Invalidate a fixpoint variable}
@@ -863,7 +876,7 @@ set of changed variables for the $\max$-strategy iteration phase.
\Procedure {solvefixpoint} {$x \in X$}
\If {$x \not \in \stableFP$}
@@ -909,7 +922,7 @@ being stabilised.
\Function {evalstrategy} {$x \in E_{\max}$, $y \in E_{\max}$}
\State $\solve \strategy(y)$
@@ -957,7 +970,7 @@ directly, but if it is dependent on its own value (as in $\{ x = x + 1
\}$, for example), then it will be destabilised by the transitivity of
$\invalidate \strategy$.
\Procedure {invalidatestrategy} {$x \in E_{\max}$}
\If {$x \in \stableSI$}
@@ -982,7 +995,7 @@ by a $\solve \strategy$ call. All $\max$-expressions which
(transitively) depend on $x$ are destabilised recursively.
\Procedure {solvestrategy} {$x \in E_{\max}$}
\If {$x \not \in \stableSI$}
@@ -1019,13 +1032,6 @@ Section \ref{sec:adapted-wdfs}.
\subsection{Correctness} \label{sec:ldsi:correctness}
-To argue the correctness of our LDSI algorithm we will first argue the
-correctness of the fixpoint iteration portion of the algorithm. We
-will then argue the correctness of the $\max$-strategy iteration
-portion, including the communication between the fixpoint iteration
-and $\max$-strategy iteration.
The fixpoint iteration portion of the algorithm is concerned with
finding the greatest fixpoint, $\solnFP(s) : X \to D$ for the system $s
= \sigma(\system)$. If we consider all valid fixpoints, $\fix(s) = \{
@@ -1187,6 +1193,4 @@ correctly solve their respective portions of the problem, and the
communication between them is correct, then we know that the overall
algorithm is correct.
\subsection{Implementation} \label{sec:ldsi:implementation}
diff --git a/tex/thesis/introduction/introduction.tex b/tex/thesis/introduction/introduction.tex
index f59f30f..ffc6cd2 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/introduction/introduction.tex
+++ b/tex/thesis/introduction/introduction.tex
@@ -2,19 +2,54 @@
-Software bugs are bad. Bugs have significant costs in terms of time,
-money, security and lives. Hailpern and Santhanam state that
-debugging, verification and testing can easily range from 50\% to 75\%
-of the total development cost of a
+%Main points:
+% - software is taking on more important roles
+% - software bugs are dangerous
+% - software bugs are expensive
+% - we have to minimise the number of bugs we have
+In today's increasingly technological world, software bugs can have
+significant consequences, ranging from the relatively minor
+frustration caused to average users to causing deaths. There have been
+several incidents in recent years in which a bug in a software system
+has led directly to injury or death. X-ray machines which provide too
+high a dose of radiation, cars which continue to accelerate against
+the driver's wishes and other dangerous situations have all come about
+as a direct result of software bugs.
+Software bugs also have significant financial costs, with Hailpern and
+Santhanam static that debugging, verification and testing can easily
+comprise 50\% to 75\% of the total development cost of a
+In order to limit the number of bugs we have it has become commonplace
+to employ sophisticated approaches to testing. Many different types of
+testing are done to attempt to ensure that software is bug-free. These
+tests, although extremely useful, are inherently incapable of
+\emph{guaranteeing} that software is free of bugs. This is especially
+a problem in critical software systems, such as those found in
+aeroplanes or large industrial machinery, where software failure can
+have catastrophic consequences.
+In order to provide a guarantee that software is free of bugs we must
+in some way \emph{verify} the software before running it. While it is
+possible to write programs in a way that is easier to verify, it is
+still a difficult and expensive process to provide verification.
+Recently there has been work done in automatically analysing programs
+in order to identify bugs. This work is broadly classed \emph{static
+ analysis} and this thesis contributes to this work.
In this thesis we present an implementation of the strategy-iteration
based static analyser presented by Gawlitza et
al.\cite{EasyChair:117}. Our implementation has several enhancements
which significantly improve the practical performance of the analyser
-on real-world data.
+on real-world programs.
Theoretical contribution:
diff --git a/tex/thesis/litreview/litreview.tex b/tex/thesis/litreview/litreview.tex
index 1e0ef90..109864e 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/litreview/litreview.tex
+++ b/tex/thesis/litreview/litreview.tex
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
\chapter{Preliminaries} \label{chap:litreview}
-In this chapter we will review the relevant portion of literature
-pertaining to static analysis. We will briefly cover the semantics of
-programs generally before looking more closely at the framework of
-abstract interpretation for program analysis. The chapter will
-conclude with an explanation of one particular method of abstract
-interpretation over zones.
+In this chapter we review the relevant literature pertaining to static
+analysis. We briefly cover the semantics of programs generally before
+looking more closely at the framework of abstract interpretation for
+program analysis. The chapter concludes with an explanation of the
+particular method of abstract interpretation over intervals and zones
+which is implemented in this thesis.
\section{Program Semantics}
In order to perform any static analysis of a program it is necessary
to have some notion of the \emph{semantics}, or meaning, of a
program. The semantics of a program can be captured in several ways,
-but for our purposes we will consider \emph{denotational}, or
+but for our purposes we consider \emph{denotational}, or
\emph{mathematical}, \emph{semantics}\cite{SCOTT70B}.
Denotational semantics views a program as a (partial) function built
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ following example:
One possible abstraction would be to instead consider a variable's
\emph{sign}. That is, to consider $x$ as satisfying one of the
- following (the symbols in parentheses will be used to refer to these
+ following (the symbols in parentheses are used to refer to these
values from now):
x &\in \Z & (\pm) \\
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ to perform abstract interpretation over zones.
\subsection{Partial-ordering Formulation}
-To begin our construction of the equation systems we first need to
-formalise one of a CFG. For our purposes we will consider a CFG to be
-a tuple $G = (N, E, s, st)$. A finite set of \emph{control-points}
-$N$, a finite set $E \subseteq N \times N$ of \emph{edges} between
-these control points (ie. if $(u,v) \in E$ then an edge exists in the
-CFG from $u$ to $v$). A mapping $s: N \times N \to \Stmt$ taking each
-edge in the CFG to a \emph{statement} $\in \Stmt$. $st \in N$ denotes
-the special \emph{start control-point}.
+To begin our construction of the equation systems we need to formalise
+one of a CFG. We consider a CFG to be a tuple $G = (N, E, s, st)$. A
+finite set of \emph{control-points} $N$, a finite set $E \subseteq N
+\times N$ of \emph{edges} between these control points (ie. if $(u,v)
+\in E$ then an edge exists in the CFG from $u$ to $v$). A mapping $s:
+N \times N \to \Stmt$ taking each edge in the CFG to a
+\emph{statement} $\in \Stmt$. $st \in N$ denotes the special
+\emph{start control-point}.
We can now begin our construction of our abstract semantics $V^\#[v],
\forall v \in N$.
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ least as big as the complete set of abstract states (as in
- We will now attempt to derive a system of inequalities from this for
- the \emph{least upper bound}
+ We now attempt to derive a system of inequalities from this for the
+ \emph{least upper bound}
ub: {} & ~\Vars \to \CZ \\
ub(x) &= \min\{v \in \CZ ~|~ x \le v\}.
We wish to find a value for $ub(x)$ at each program point in our
- original program. We will denote these values by $ub_A(x)$,
- $ub_B(x)$ and $ub_C(x)$.
+ original program. We denote these values by $ub_A(x)$, $ub_B(x)$ and
+ $ub_C(x)$.
For $A$ the value of $x$ is entirely unknown, so no useful bound can
be given. The possible values of $x$ are bounded only by the top
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ least as big as the complete set of abstract states (as in
The edge from $B$ to itself is somewhat more complex. To begin with
it changes the value of $x$ depending on the previous value of
- $x$. It also is executed conditionally (when $x \le 99$), which will
- affect the bound on $x$. Because the condition limits the growth of
- $x$ the corresponding equation for this edge is $ub(x_B) \ge
- \min(x, 99) + 1$.
+ $x$. It also is executed conditionally (when $x \le 99$), which
+ affects the bound on $x$. Because the condition limits the growth of
+ $x$ the corresponding equation for this edge is $ub(x_B) \ge \min(x,
+ 99) + 1$.
This leaves us with two simultaneous constraints on the value of
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ least as big as the complete set of abstract states (as in
The partial-ordering formulation considered above is a helpful
presentation of the problem in terms of constraints, but an equivalent
system can be constructed to aid us in locating the \emph{least}
-solution to the system.
+solution to the constraint system.
For every partial-ordering on a set there exists an equivalent
lattice, defined in terms of a meet operator ($\vee$) and a join
@@ -358,10 +358,11 @@ operator ($\land$), which are defined by the following relationships:
x \le y ~&\iff~ x \land y = x
-In the case that we are considering, with $x, y \in \CZ$, the meet and
-join operators correspond with $\max$ and $\min$, respectively. This
-allows us to simplify the system of inequalities in Example
-\ref{example:partial-ordered-construction} to the following:
+In the case of Example \ref{example:partial-ordered-construction},
+with $x, y \in \CZ$, the meet and join operators correspond with
+$\max$ and $\min$, respectively. This allows us to simplify the system
+of inequalities in Example \ref{example:partial-ordered-construction}
+to the following:
ub(x_A) &= \infty \\
ub(x_B) &= \max(1, \min(ub(x_B), 99) + 1) \\
@@ -370,7 +371,11 @@ allows us to simplify the system of inequalities in Example
The two constraints on the upper bound of $x_B$ can be combined into
one constraint by taking the maximum of them. This is because $x \ge
-\max(a, b) ~\implies~ x \ge a \text{ and } x \ge b$
+\max(a, b) ~\implies~ x \ge a \text{ and } x \ge b$. The
+Knaster-Tarski Fixpoint
+%We change from using $\ge$ in our constraints to using $=$ in our
+%equation system as a consequence of the Knaster-Tarski Fixpoint
@@ -378,19 +383,19 @@ one constraint by taking the maximum of them. This is because $x \ge
In order to determine a lower bound for $x$ at each program point it
- is sufficient to determine an \emph{upper} bound for $-x$. We will
- again consider the program fragment in Figure
+ is sufficient to determine an \emph{upper} bound for $-x$. We again
+ consider the program fragment in Figure
- We will now try to derive an equation system for the \emph{upper}
- and \emph{lower} bounds of $x$.
+ We now try to derive an equation system for the \emph{upper} and
+ \emph{lower} bounds of $x$.
In order to capture the state of the variables at each program point
- we will consider the abstract state as the two-dimensional vector
+ we consider the abstract state as the two-dimensional vector
$(ub(x), -lb(x))$, that is the upper bound of $x$, $ub(x)$, and the
\emph{negated} lower bound of $x$, $-lb(x)$. The least fixpoint of
- our system of equations over $\CZ^2$ will then give us our bounds
- for $ub(x)$ and $lb(x)$.
+ our system of equations over $\CZ^2$ then gives us bounds for
+ $ub(x)$ and $lb(x)$.
To begin with, let us once again consider the node $A$. At the point
of $A$ there is no information as to the bounds of $x$, so our
@@ -580,7 +585,7 @@ one constraint by taking the maximum of them. This is because $x \ge
-Reconsidering our earlier equation system, we will now attempt to find
+Reconsidering our earlier equation system, we now attempt to find
the minimal fixpoint by means of \emph{policy iteration} and
\emph{fixpoint iteration}.
diff --git a/tex/thesis/references.bib b/tex/thesis/references.bib
index 3993b5e..9b0eb6b 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/references.bib
+++ b/tex/thesis/references.bib
@@ -207,3 +207,55 @@ Entscheidungsproblem},
volume = 42,
year = 1936
+ author = {Tarski, Alfred},
+ journal = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {285-309},
+ title = {A Lattice-Theoretical Fixpoint Theorem and its Applications},
+ volume = {5},
+ year = {1955},
+ author = {Baudouin Le Charlier and Pascal Van Hentenryck},
+ title = {A Universal Top-Down Fixpoint Algorithm},
+ institution = {},
+ year = {1992}
+ author = {Niels Jørgensen},
+ title = {Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neededness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration},
+ booktitle = {In SAS'94},
+ year = {1994},
+ pages = {329--345},
+ publisher = {Springer, LNCS}
+ author = {Kildall, Gary A.},
+ title = {A unified approach to global program optimization},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st annual ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of programming languages},
+ series = {POPL '73},
+ year = {1973},
+ location = {Boston, Massachusetts},
+ pages = {194--206},
+ numpages = {13},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1145/512927.512945},
+ acmid = {512945},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+booktitle={Static Analysis},
+series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+editor={Charlier, Baudouin},
+title={Efficient fixpoint computation},
+publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
+author={Vergauwen, B. and Wauman, J. and Lewi, J.},