path: root/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8d2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+(ns clojure-sql.compiler
+ (:require [clojure.string :as string]))
+(defn add-parentheses [s]
+ (str \( s \)))
+;; ==============================================================
+;; DB specific escaping methods
+;; ==============================================================
+(defmulti field-name (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod field-name :default [_ field]
+ (str \" (name field) \"))
+(defmulti table-name (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod table-name :default [_ table]
+ (str \" (name table) \"))
+(defmulti function-name (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod function-name :default [_ function]
+ (str \" (name function) \"))
+;; ==============================================================
+;; Utility functions for the compile-* functions
+;; ==============================================================
+;; compile-* multimethods are of the signature:
+;; (db, expr) -> [SQL & replacements]
+(def is-unary? (comp boolean '#{"not"} name))
+(def is-binary? (comp boolean '#{"=" "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "is" "in" "+" "-" "/" "*"} name))
+(def is-operator? (comp boolean '#{"and" "or"} name))
+(defn c-return [val] [val])
+(defn c-lift [f & orig-args]
+ (fn [& c-args]
+ (apply vector
+ (apply f (concat orig-args
+ (map first c-args)))
+ (apply concat (map rest c-args)))))
+(def c-str (c-lift str))
+(def c-join (fn [sep args]
+ (apply vector
+ (string/join sep (map first args))
+ (apply concat (map rest args)))))
+(def c-add-parentheses (c-lift add-parentheses))
+;; ==============================================================
+;; compile-* functions (turning a map into a query string)
+;; ==============================================================
+(defmulti compile-expression (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-expression :default [db ex]
+ (condp #(%1 %2) ex
+ nil? (c-return "NULL")
+ vector? (c-return (str (table-name db (first ex)) \. (field-name db (second ex))))
+ keyword? (c-return (field-name db ex))
+ string? ["?" ex] ;;(sql-string db ex)
+ symbol? (c-return (string/upper-case (name ex)))
+ sequential? (-> (condp #(%1 %2) (first ex)
+ is-unary? (if (= (count ex) 2)
+ (->> ex
+ (map (partial compile-expression db))
+ (c-join " "))
+ (throw (ex-info "Unary operators can only take one argument."
+ {:operator (first ex)
+ :arguments (rest ex)})))
+ is-binary? (if (= (count ex) 3)
+ (->> (rest ex)
+ (map (partial compile-expression db))
+ (interpose (compile-expression db (first ex)))
+ (c-join " "))
+ (throw (ex-info "Binary operators must take two arguments."
+ {:operator (first ex)
+ :arguments (rest ex)})))
+ is-operator? (->> (rest ex)
+ (map (partial compile-expression db))
+ (interpose (compile-expression db (first ex)))
+ (c-join " "))
+ (->> (rest ex)
+ (map (partial compile-expression db))
+ (c-join ", ")
+ c-add-parentheses
+ (c-str (c-return (function-name db (first ex))))))
+ c-add-parentheses)
+ (c-return ex)))
+(defn ^:private make-table-name [db table & [alias]]
+ (if (or (= table alias) (nil? alias))
+ (table-name db table)
+ (str (table-name db table) " AS " (field-name db alias))) )
+(defn ^:private make-field-name [db table field & [alias]]
+ (if (or (= field alias) (nil? alias))
+ (str (table-name db table) \. (field-name db field))
+ (str (table-name db table) \. (field-name db field) " AS " (field-name db alias))))
+(defmulti compile-fields (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-fields :default [db fields-map]
+ (if (seq fields-map)
+ (->> (for [[[table field] alias] fields-map]
+ (make-field-name db table field alias))
+ (string/join ", ")
+ c-return)
+ (c-return "*")))
+(defmulti compile-tables (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-tables :default [db tables-map]
+ (->> (for [[table alias] tables-map]
+ (make-table-name db table alias))
+ (string/join ", ")
+ c-return))
+(defmulti compile-join (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-join :default [db [type table-map on]]
+ (c-str (c-return (case type
+ :left " LEFT OUTER"
+ :right " RIGHT OUTER"
+ " INNER"))
+ (c-return " JOIN ")
+ (compile-tables db table-map)
+ (c-return " ON ")
+ (compile-expression db on)))
+(defmulti compile-joins (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-joins :default [db joins]
+ (->> joins
+ (map (partial compile-join db))
+ (c-join "")))
+(defmulti compile-where (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-where :default [db expr]
+ (if expr
+ (c-str (c-return " WHERE ") (compile-expression db expr))))
+(defmulti compile-sort-by (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-sort-by :default [db fields]
+ (if fields
+ (->> (for [[[table field] dir] fields]
+ (str (make-field-name db table field) \space (string/upper-case (name dir))))
+ (string/join ",")
+ (apply str " ORDER BY ")
+ c-return)))
+(defmulti compile-query (fn [db _] db))
+(defmethod compile-query :default [db {:keys [table fields joins where sort-by]}]
+ (c-str (c-return "SELECT ")
+ (compile-fields db fields)
+ (if table
+ (c-return " FROM "))
+ (compile-tables db table)
+ (compile-joins db joins)
+ (compile-where db where)
+ (compile-sort-by db sort-by)))
+;; ==============================================================
+;; A few DB specific overrides
+;; ==============================================================
+(defmethod field-name :sql-server [_ field]
+ (str \[ (name field) \]))
+(defmethod table-name :sql-server [_ table]
+ (str \[ (name table) \]))
+;; mySQL
+(defmethod field-name :mysql [_ field]
+ (str \` (name field) \`))
+(defmethod table-name :mysql [_ table]
+ (str \` (name table) \`))