diff options
3 files changed, 39 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
index 9ba0c3a..c7f907f 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
[clojure-sql.util :as u :refer [named?]]
[clojure-sql.writer :as w :refer [return lift p-lift sequence do-m tell >>]]))
+(defn no-args-operator-error [op]
+ (throw (ex-info (str "Argument called with no args doesn't have identity value: " op)
+ {:operator op})))
(defn add-parentheses [s]
(str \( s \)))
@@ -39,10 +45,18 @@
;; Utility functions for the compile-* functions
;; ==============================================================
+(def ^:private boolean? (some-fn true? false?))
+(def ^:private regex? (partial instance? (class #"")))
+(def ^:private operator-name (some-fn (comp {"$" "~"} name) name))
(def quote? (comp boolean '#{"quote"} name))
-(def unary? (comp boolean '#{"not" "exists"} name))
-(def binary? (comp boolean '#{"=" "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "is" "in"} name))
-(def operator? (comp boolean '#{"and" "or" "+" "-" "/" "*"} name))
+(def unary? (comp boolean '#{"not" "exists" "-"} name))
+(def binary? (comp boolean '#{"=" "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "is" "in" "like" "~"} name))
+(def n-ary? (comp boolean '#{"and" "or" "+" "-" "/" "*"} name))
+(def operator-identity (comp {"and" true
+ "or" false
+ "+" 0
+ "*" 1} name))
;; ==============================================================
@@ -64,24 +78,31 @@
(defmulti compile-expression-sequential (fn [db _] db))
(defmethod compile-expression-sequential :default [db ex]
(let [compile-exprs #(map (partial compile-expression db) %)
- op (name (first ex))
+ op-name (operator-name (first ex))
num-args (dec (count ex))]
- (-> (condp u/funcall (first ex)
+ (-> (condp u/funcall op-name
quote? (do (assert (= num-args 1) "`quote` must only take one argument")
(if (sequential? (second ex))
(compile-expression-list db (second ex))
(>> (tell (second ex)) (return "?"))))
- unary? (do (assert (= num-args 1) (str "Unary operator `" op "` must take one argument"))
+ n-ary? (do-m :let [[op & exprs] (compile-exprs ex)]
+ vals <- (apply sequence (interpose op exprs))
+ (condp = (count vals)
+ 0 (if-let [id (operator-identity op-name)]
+ (compile-expression db id)
+ (no-args-operator-error (name (first ex))))
+ 1 (if (unary? op-name)
+ (do-m compiled-op <- op
+ (return (str compiled-op (first vals)))))
+ (return (string/join " " vals))))
+ unary? (do (assert (= num-args 1) (str "Unary operator `" (first ex) "` must take one argument"))
(do-m :let [exprs (compile-exprs ex)]
vals <- (apply sequence exprs)
(return (string/join "" vals))))
- binary? (do (assert (= num-args 2) (str "Binary operator `" op "` must take two arguments"))
+ binary? (do (assert (= num-args 2) (str "Binary operator `" (first ex) "` must take two arguments"))
(do-m :let [[op left right] (compile-exprs ex)]
vals <- (sequence left op right)
(return (string/join " " vals))))
- operator? (do-m :let [[op & exprs] (compile-exprs ex)]
- vals <- (apply sequence (interpose op exprs))
- (return (string/join " " vals)))
(do-m :let [fn-name (function-name db (first ex))
exprs (compile-exprs (rest ex))]
vals <- (apply sequence exprs)
@@ -92,12 +113,14 @@
(defmulti compile-expression (fn [db _] db))
(defmethod compile-expression :default [db ex]
(condp u/funcall ex
+ boolean? (return (string/upper-case (str ex)))
query? ($add-parentheses (compile-query db ex))
nil? (return "NULL")
vector? (return (str (table-name db (first ex)) \. (field-name db (second ex))))
keyword? (return (field-name db ex))
+ regex? (>> (tell (str ex)) (return "?"))
string? (>> (tell ex) (return "?")) ;;(sql-string db ex)
- symbol? (return (string/upper-case (name ex)))
+ symbol? (return (string/upper-case (operator-name ex)))
sequential? (compile-expression-sequential db ex)
(return ex)))
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/core.clj b/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
index 72438a6..bd4b431 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@
(def group #'d/group)
(def having #'d/having)
(def sort #'d/sort)
+(-> (table :x)
+ (select `($ (- :a) #"bloo")))
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/writer.clj b/src/clojure_sql/writer.clj
index 5f4250b..176cc67 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/writer.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/writer.clj
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(if (= (first args) :let)
`(let ~(second args)
~(apply do-m* (nnext args))))
- (if (= (name (second args)) "<-")
+ (if (every? #(% (second args)) [symbol? #(= (name %) "<-")])
(let [[var <- val & others] args]
`(bind ~val
(fn [~var]