diff options
authorCarlo Zancanaro <>2013-06-13 18:24:05 +1000
committerCarlo Zancanaro <>2013-06-13 18:24:05 +1000
commit148f752b5f48707dc3d7fe448d1faf33d5cd0228 (patch)
parente2bd4b4939d34fc9400c9843b691428d3888ecc4 (diff)
Starting a re-write of the DSL, to be followed by the compiler.
Flip around field/table aliases, do joins a bit differently. They're my main aims at the moment! I'll also add a preprocessor for the compiler to massage it into a nicer form there. I discovered that joins can be done with a pretty sweet syntax in SQL: (tableA LEFT JOIN tableB) RIGHT JOIN tableC This is pretty much perfect for my purposes. Flipping alias maps just makes more sense and removes a whole bunch of `flip-map` calls that would be unnecessary if the aliases were the other way around. The user-facing side of the DSL will be left unchanged, though. The user provides an `{old-name new-name}` map and internally we convert that into `{new-name old-name}`. Like magic. I'm also adding a bunch more tests. Hopefully that will make things more likely to work for long periods of time. Peace out!
8 files changed, 317 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/.midje.clj b/.midje.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788127a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.midje.clj
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(change-defaults :partial-prerequisites true)
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index a568c1d..30932b7 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
- [midje "1.5.0"]])
+ [midje "1.5.1"]])
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
index 7ded112..ecd7bd6 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/compiler.clj
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
(defn insert! [db query & records]
{:pre [(empty? (:joins query))]}
;; some code here
- ($str (return "Carlo"))
+ #_($str (return "Carlo"))
(defn update! [db query & partial-records]
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/core.clj b/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
index 4f88a53..4e3db34 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/core.clj
@@ -17,16 +17,18 @@
(binding [*out* writer]
(pr (c/compile nil query))))
-(def table #'d/table)
-(def project #'d/project)
-(def rename #'d/rename)
-(def join #'d/join)
-(def select #'d/select)
-(def sort-by #'d/sort-by)
-(def insert! #'c/insert!)
-(def update! #'c/update!)
-(def delete! #'c/delete!)
+ (def table #'d/table)
+ (def project #'d/project)
+ (def rename #'d/rename)
+ (def join #'d/join)
+ (def select #'d/select)
+ (def sort-by #'d/sort-by)
+ (def insert! #'c/insert!)
+ (def update! #'c/update!)
+ (def delete! #'c/delete!))
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/dsl.clj b/src/clojure_sql/dsl.clj
index 8c9c31d..68446d1 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/dsl.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/dsl.clj
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
;; {
-;; :table => tablename -> table_alias,
+;; :tables => tablename -> table_alias
;; :fields => (table_alias, fieldname) -> field_alias
-;; :joins => [tablename -> (type, table_alias, on)]
+;; :joins => [left-table type right-table on?]
;; :where => expression
;; :sort-by => [(field, direction)]
;; }
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
(defn table [arg]
(into (q/->Query)
(if (map? arg)
- {:table arg}
- {:table {arg arg}})))
+ {:tables (u/flip-map arg)}
+ {:tables {arg arg}})))
(defn ^:private ambiguous-error [field & [query]]
(throw (ex-info (str "Ambiguous field " field " in query with more than one table")
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
:query query})))
(defn ^:private resolve-field [table aliases field]
- (let [field-alias-lookup (u/flip-map aliases)]
+ (let [field-alias-lookup aliases]
(or (field-alias-lookup field)
(if table
[table field]
@@ -51,25 +51,27 @@
:else expression))
(defn project [query fields]
- (let [table (if-not (:joins query)
- (-> query :table first val))
- alias-lookup (u/flip-map (:fields query))
- original-name #(resolve-fields table (:fields query) %)]
+ (let [table (if (= (count (:tables query)) 1)
+ (-> query :tables first key))
+ alias-lookup (or (:fields query) {})
+ original-name #(resolve-fields table alias-lookup %)]
(assoc query
:fields (->> (for [[key val] (if (map? fields)
(zipmap fields fields))]
- [(original-name key) val])
+ [val (original-name key)])
(into {})))))
(defn rename [query field-renames]
{:pre [(map? field-renames)
;; the intersection of the new aliases with the old aliases NOT renamed by this operation
(empty? (set/intersection (set (vals field-renames))
- (set/difference (set (vals (:fields query)))
+ (set/difference (set (keys (:fields query)))
(set (keys field-renames)))))]}
(let [fields (:fields query)
- alias-lookup (u/flip-map (:fields query))
+ alias-lookup (or (:fields query) {})
+ fields-to-remove (set/difference (set (keys field-renames))
+ (set (vals field-renames)))
original-name (fn [field]
(cond (vector? field) field
(contains? alias-lookup field) (get alias-lookup field)
@@ -77,72 +79,75 @@
{:field field
:query query
:renames field-renames})))
- (get alias-lookup field))]
- (update-in query
- [:fields] #(->> (for [[key val] field-renames]
- ;(if (contains? val (:fields query)))
- [(original-name key) val])
- (into %)))))
+ (get alias-lookup field))
+ ;; do the renaming we want here:
+ fields (->> (for [[key val] field-renames]
+ [val (original-name key)])
+ (into fields))
+ ;; remove the things we no longer have here:
+ fields (->> (remove (comp fields-to-remove key) fields)
+ (into {}))]
+ (assoc query :fields fields)))
-(defn ^:private combine-wheres [& wheres]
- (reduce (fn [acc where]
- (cond (nil? acc) where
- (nil? where) acc
- :else (or (if (and (sequential? where)
- (= (name (first where)) "and"))
- `(and ~acc ~@(next where)))
- (if (and (sequential? acc)
- (= (name (first acc)) "and"))
- `(and ~@(next acc) ~where))
- `(and ~acc ~where))))
- nil wheres))
+;; (defn ^:private combine-wheres [& wheres]
+;; (reduce (fn [acc where]
+;; (cond (nil? acc) where
+;; (nil? where) acc
+;; :else (or (if (and (sequential? where)
+;; (= (name (first where)) "and"))
+;; `(and ~acc ~@(next where)))
+;; (if (and (sequential? acc)
+;; (= (name (first acc)) "and"))
+;; `(and ~@(next acc) ~where))
+;; `(and ~acc ~where))))
+;; nil wheres))
-(defn join [left right & {:keys [on type]}]
- (let [joins-vector (or (:join left) [])
- common-fields (set/intersection (set (vals (:fields left)))
- (set (vals (:fields right))))
- joined-fields (if (:type :right)
- (merge (->> (:fields left)
- (filter (comp not common-fields val))
- (into {}))
- (:fields right))
- (merge (:fields left)
- (->> (:fields right)
- (filter (comp not common-fields val))
- (into {}))))
- implicit-on (if (seq common-fields)
- (map (fn [field]
- `(= ~(resolve-field (:table left) (:fields left) field)
- ~(resolve-field (:table right) (:fields right) field)))
- common-fields))
- on (if on
- [(resolve-fields nil joined-fields on)])
- join-condition (if-let [condition (seq (concat implicit-on on))]
- `(and ~@condition)
- true)]
- (-> left
- (assoc :fields joined-fields)
- (assoc :joins (into (conj joins-vector
- [(or type :inner) (:table right) join-condition])
- (:joins right)))
- (assoc :where (combine-wheres (:where left) (:where right))))))
+;; (defn join [left right & {:keys [on type]}]
+;; (let [joins-vector (or (:join left) [])
+;; common-fields (set/intersection (set (vals (:fields left)))
+;; (set (vals (:fields right))))
+;; joined-fields (if (= type :right)
+;; (merge (->> (:fields left)
+;; (filter (comp not common-fields val))
+;; (into {}))
+;; (:fields right))
+;; (merge (:fields left)
+;; (->> (:fields right)
+;; (filter (comp not common-fields val))
+;; (into {}))))
+;; implicit-on (if (seq common-fields)
+;; (map (fn [field]
+;; `(= ~(resolve-field (:table left) (:fields left) field)
+;; ~(resolve-field (:table right) (:fields right) field)))
+;; common-fields))
+;; on (if on
+;; [(resolve-fields nil joined-fields on)])
+;; join-condition (if-let [condition (seq (concat implicit-on on))]
+;; `(and ~@condition)
+;; true)]
+;; (-> left
+;; (assoc :fields joined-fields)
+;; (assoc :joins (into (conj joins-vector
+;; [(or type :inner) (:table right) join-condition])
+;; (:joins left)))
+;; (assoc :where (combine-wheres (:where left) (:where right))))))
-(defn select [query expression]
- (let [table-name (if-not (:joins query)
- (-> query :table first val))
- old-where (:where query)
- resolved-expression (resolve-fields table-name (:fields query) expression)
- new-where (combine-wheres old-where resolved-expression)]
- (assoc query :where new-where)))
+;; (defn select [query expression]
+;; (let [table-name (if-not (:joins query)
+;; (-> query :table first val))
+;; old-where (:where query)
+;; resolved-expression (resolve-fields table-name (:fields query) expression)
+;; new-where (combine-wheres old-where resolved-expression)]
+;; (assoc query :where new-where)))
-(defn sort-by [query fields]
- (let [table-name (if-not (:joins query)
- (-> query :table first val))
- fields-seq (if (sequential? fields)
- fields
- [fields])]
- (assoc query
- :sort-by (for [field fields-seq]
- (if (vector? field)
- (resolve-field table-name (:fields query) field)
- [(resolve-field table-name (:fields query) field) :asc])))))
+;; (defn sort-by [query fields]
+;; (let [table-name (if-not (:joins query)
+;; (-> query :table first val))
+;; fields-seq (if (sequential? fields)
+;; fields
+;; [fields])]
+;; (assoc query
+;; :sort-by (for [field fields-seq]
+;; (if (vector? field)
+;; (resolve-field table-name (:fields query) field)
+;; [(resolve-field table-name (:fields query) field) :asc])))))
diff --git a/src/clojure_sql/util.clj b/src/clojure_sql/util.clj
index cd8e8b6..f2edf30 100644
--- a/src/clojure_sql/util.clj
+++ b/src/clojure_sql/util.clj
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(ns clojure-sql.util)
+(ns clojure-sql.util
+ (:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(defn funcall [f & args]
(apply f args))
@@ -11,3 +12,15 @@
(->> m
(map (comp vec reverse))
(into {})))
+(defn map-kv [f & maps]
+ (let [all-keys (into #{} (mapcat keys maps))]
+ (->> all-keys
+ (map (fn [key]
+ (apply f key (map #(get % key) maps))))
+ (into {}))))
+(defn map-vals [f & maps]
+ (apply map-kv (fn [k & vs]
+ [k (apply f vs)])
+ maps))
diff --git a/test/clojure_sql/core_test.clj b/test/clojure_sql/core_test.clj
index 236e421..6a12698 100644
--- a/test/clojure_sql/core_test.clj
+++ b/test/clojure_sql/core_test.clj
@@ -3,28 +3,41 @@
(:require [clojure-sql.core :refer :all]
[midje.sweet :refer :all]))
- @(table :user)
- => ["SELECT * FROM \"user\""]
- @(-> (table :user) (select '(= :username "george")))
- => ["SELECT * FROM \"user\" WHERE (\"user\".\"username\" = ?)" "george"]
- @(-> (table :user) (project {:username :u}))
- => ["SELECT \"user\".\"username\" AS \"u\" FROM \"user\""]
- @(-> (table :user) (project {'(+ :username :password) :u}))
- => ["SELECT (\"user\".\"username\" + \"user\".\"password\") AS \"u\" FROM \"user\""])
-(into {} (-> (table :user) (project '{(+ :username :password) :u})))
-(-> (table :users)
- (project '[:username (+ 1 2 3)])
- (rename '{(+ 1 2 3) :x})
- (select `(exists ~(-> (table :users)
- (select '(= 10 :username)))))
- println)
-(-> (table :users)
- (project {:username :un})
- (select '(= :username 10)))
+ (fact
+ @(table :user)
+ => ["SELECT * FROM \"user\""]
+ @(-> (table :user) (project [:username]))
+ => ["SELECT \"user\".\"username\" AS \"username\" FROM \"user\""]
+ @(-> (table :user) (select '(= :username "george")))
+ => ["SELECT * FROM \"user\" WHERE (\"user\".\"username\" = ?)" "george"]
+ @(-> (table :user) (project {:username :u}))
+ => ["SELECT \"user\".\"username\" AS \"u\" FROM \"user\""]
+ @(-> (table :user) (project {'(+ :age :modifier) :u}))
+ => ["SELECT (\"user\".\"age\" + \"user\".\"modifier\") AS \"u\" FROM \"user\""]
+ @(-> (table :user)
+ (project [:id])
+ (join (-> (table :x)
+ (project [:id])
+ (join (-> (table :y)
+ (project [:id]))
+ :type :left))))
+ => ["SELECT \"user\".\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"user\" INNER JOIN \"x\" ON ((\"user\".\"id\" = \"x\".\"id\"))"])
+ (into {} (-> (table :user) (project '{(+ :username :password) :u})))
+ (-> (table :users)
+ (project '[:username (+ 1 2 3)])
+ (rename '{(+ 1 2 3) :x})
+ (select `(exists ~(-> (table :users)
+ (select '(= 10 :username))))))
+ (-> (table :users)
+ (project {:username :un})
+ (select '(= :username 10))))
diff --git a/test/clojure_sql/dsl_test.clj b/test/clojure_sql/dsl_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182749e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/clojure_sql/dsl_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+(ns clojure-sql.dsl-test
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [sort-by])
+ (:require [clojure-sql.dsl :refer :all]
+ [midje.sweet :refer :all]))
+(unfinished join)
+(fact "Table creates basic queries on tables"
+ (table
+ => {:tables {}}
+ ;(provided (keyword? => true)
+ (table { ..alias..})
+ => {:tables {..alias..}}
+ (table { ..alias.., ..name2.. ..alias2..})
+ => {:tables {..alias..,
+ ..alias2.. ..name2..}})
+(fact "Project restricts (and/or adds) fields of a query"
+ (prerequisites (keyword? ..table-alias..) => true
+ (keyword? ..table..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field-alias..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field2..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field2-alias..) => true)
+ (fact "projecting onto a single field from one table"
+ (-> (table {..table.. ..table-alias..})
+ (project [..field..]))
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table-alias.. ..field..]}}
+ (-> (table {..table.. ..table-alias..})
+ (project {..field.. ..field-alias..}))
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table-alias.. ..field..]}})
+ (fact "projecting onto multiple fields from one table"
+ (-> (table {..table.. ..table-alias..})
+ (project [..field.. ..field2..]))
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table-alias.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table-alias.. ..field2..]}}
+ (-> (table {..table.. ..table-alias..})
+ (project {..field.. ..field-alias.., ..field2.. ..field2-alias..}))
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table-alias.. ..field..]
+ ..field2-alias.. [..table-alias.. ..field2..]}})
+ (fact "projecting one a field from multiple tables"
+ (prerequisites ..tables.. =contains=> {:tables {..table.. ..table.., ..table2.. ..table2..}})
+ (project ..tables.. [..field..])
+ => (throws clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo)
+ (project ..tables.. {..field.. ..field-alias..})
+ => (throws clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo))
+ (fact "projecting a subset of the current projection from one table"
+ ;; Note that these two facts are retaining the ..table.. in the
+ ;; fields rather than using the ..table-alias.. they would have
+ ;; used otherwise. This shows they are filtering the existing
+ ;; fields rather than removing and re-adding the fields.
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ [..field..])
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]}}
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ {..field.. ..field-alias..})
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table.. ..field..]}})
+ (fact "projecting a disjoint set from the current projection from one table"
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {[..table.. ..field..] ..field..}}
+ [..field2..])
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field2.. [..table-alias.. ..field2..]}})
+ (fact "projecting a superset from the current projection from one table"
+ (project {:tables {..table.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]}}
+ [..field.. ..field2..])
+ => {:tables {..table.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ ;; once again - note the table aliases
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]}}
+ [..field.. ..field2..])
+ => {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table-alias.. ..field2..]}})
+ (fact "projecting a subset of the current projection from two table"
+ (prerequisites ..tables.. =contains=> {:tables {..table.. ..table.., ..table2.. ..table2..}})
+ (project {:tables ..tables..
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ [..field..])
+ => {:tables ..tables..
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]}}
+ (project {:tables ..tables..
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ {..field.. ..field-alias..})
+ => {:tables ..tables..
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table.. ..field..]}})
+ (fact "projecting a disjoint set from the current projection from two tables"
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table.., ..table2-alias.. ..table2..}
+ :fields {[..table.. ..field..] ..field..}}
+ [..field2..])
+ => (throws clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo))
+ (fact "projecting a superset from the current projection from two tables"
+ (project {:tables {..table-alias.. ..table.., ..table2-alias.. ..table2..}
+ :fields {[..table.. ..field..] ..field..}}
+ [..field.. ..field2..])
+ => (throws clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo)))
+(fact "renaming fields does what you'd expect (renames them, removes the old alias)"
+ (prerequisites (keyword? ..table..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field2..) => true
+ (keyword? ..field-alias..) => true)
+ (-> (table ..table..)
+ (project [..field..])
+ (rename {..field.. ..field-alias..}))
+ => {:tables {..table.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table.. ..field..]}}
+ (-> (table ..table..)
+ (project [..field.. ..field2..])
+ (rename {..field.. ..field-alias..}))
+ => {:tables {..table.. ..table..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ (-> {:tables {..table.. ..table..,
+ ..table2.. ..table2..}
+ :fields {..field.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}}
+ (rename {..field.. ..field-alias..}))
+ => {:tables {..table.. ..table.., ..table2.. ..table2..}
+ :fields {..field-alias.. [..table.. ..field..]
+ ..field2.. [..table.. ..field2..]}})