path: root/src
diff options
authorCarlo Zancanaro <>2013-09-02 10:37:32 +1000
committerCarlo Zancanaro <>2013-09-02 10:37:32 +1000
commit48138c786125f43a89ea0c61718de9cdd6da0b50 (patch)
tree09ab21b9c62929d7f8e9300b40caa4e84d07c968 /src
parent523e00ccda6559c57cce87e488ecfcb722d1fc19 (diff)
Return nil on failure (instead of throwing), eval context with args as provided (instead of nil)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/reverse_routing/core.clj b/src/reverse_routing/core.clj
index 4299eba..1977b2a 100644
--- a/src/reverse_routing/core.clj
+++ b/src/reverse_routing/core.clj
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *lookup-route* nil)
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *root* nil)
+(defn ^:private deref-if-var [arg]
+ (if (var? arg)
+ (deref arg)
+ arg))
(defn wrap-reverse-routing [handler & {:keys [root] :or {:root ""}}]
(fn [request]
(binding [*lookup-route* (->> handler deref-if-var meta ::lookup)
*root* root]
(handler request))))
-(defn ^:private deref-if-var [arg]
- (if (var? arg)
- (deref arg)
- arg))
(defn ^:private lookup-route [route & handlers]
(->> handlers
(map (comp ::lookup meta deref-if-var))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
`(let ~bindings (routes ~@handlers)))
(defmacro when-routes [cond & handlers]
- `(when ~cond (routes ~@handlers)))
+ `(if ~cond (routes ~@handlers) (routes)))
(defmacro defroutes [name & handlers]
`(def ~name (routes ~@handlers)))
@@ -42,15 +42,16 @@
(let [string-path (if (vector? path) (first path) path)
path-keys (vec (:keys (clout.core/route-compile string-path)))
keylen (count path-keys)
- lookup-fn `(fn [[route-name# args-count#]]
- (let [~args (repeat nil) ;; hacky, but necessary - provide nil values for args
- r# (#'lookup-route [route-name# (- args-count# ~keylen)]
- ~@routes)
- {uri# :uri, args# :args} r#]
- (if r#
- (assoc r#
- :uri (str ~string-path uri#)
- :args (vec (concat ~path-keys args#))))))]
+ lookup-fn `(fn [[route-name# args#]]
+ (if (>= (count args#) ~keylen)
+ (let [~args args#
+ r# (#'lookup-route [route-name# (vec (drop ~keylen args#))]
+ ~@routes)
+ {uri# :uri, args# :args} r#]
+ (if r#
+ (assoc r#
+ :uri (str ~string-path uri#)
+ :args (vec (concat ~path-keys args#)))))))]
`(vary-meta (compojure.core/context ~path ~args
(routes ~@routes))
assoc ::lookup ~lookup-fn)))
@@ -58,20 +59,21 @@
(defmacro register-route [route-name [type path args & body :as route]]
(let [string-path (if (vector? path) (first path) path)
route-args (:keys (clout.core/route-compile string-path))
- route-id [route-name (count route-args)]
routes-map {:uri string-path
:type (keyword (string/lower-case (name type)))
:args (vec route-args)}]
`(vary-meta ~route
- assoc ::lookup (fn [signature#]
- (if (= signature# ~route-id)
+ assoc ::lookup (fn [[name# args#]]
+ (if (and (= name# ~route-name)
+ (= (count args#) (count ~(vec route-args))))
(defn url-for [route & arg-values]
- (let [{:keys [uri type args]} (*lookup-route* [route (count arg-values)])
+ (let [spec (*lookup-route* [route arg-values])
+ {:keys [uri type args]} spec
root-path *root*]
- (assert uri)
- (str root-path
- (reduce (fn [string [name val]]
- (clojure.string/replace string (str name) (str val)))
- uri (map vector args arg-values)))))
+ (if spec
+ (str root-path
+ (reduce (fn [string [name val]]
+ (clojure.string/replace string (str name) (str val)))
+ uri (map vector args arg-values))))))