#!/usr/bin/env python """New and improved bot, OPTIMISED!!""" import random import sys EMPTY_TILE = '.' APPLE_TILE = '*' WIDTH, HEIGHT, SNAKE_BODY = raw_input().split() WIDTH = int(HEIGHT) HEIGHT = int(HEIGHT) SNAKE_BODY = SNAKE_BODY.lower() SNAKE_HEAD = SNAKE_BODY.upper() HEADX = None HEADY = None def get_cell(board, x, y): if x < 0 or x >= WIDTH or y < 0 or y >= HEIGHT: raise KeyError, 'out of range.' return board[y][x] BOARD = [] for y in xrange(HEIGHT): row = raw_input() for x, char in enumerate(row): if char == SNAKE_HEAD: HEADX = x HEADY = y BOARD.append(row) md_two = { (-1, 0, 'l'): ((-2, 0), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)), (0, -1, 'u'): ((-1, -1), (1, -1), (0, -2)), (1, 0, 'r'): ((2, 0), (1, 1), (1, -1)), (0, 1, 'd'): (((0, 2), (-1, 1), (1, 1))), } max_score = 0 max_moves = [] for (dx, dy, move), adj in md_two.items(): score = 0 try: square = get_cell(BOARD, HEADX + dx, HEADY + dy) except KeyError: continue if square == APPLE_TILE: score += 2 elif square != EMPTY_TILE: continue # Definitely cannot move here. for ddx, ddy in adj: try: square = get_cell(BOARD, HEADX + ddx, HEADY + ddy) except KeyError: score -= 1 continue if square == APPLE_TILE: score += 2 elif square == EMPTY_TILE: score += 1 elif square == SNAKE_BODY: score -= 1 elif square.isupper(): score += 3 if score == max_score: max_moves.append(move) elif score > max_score: max_score = score max_moves = [move] if max_moves: print random.choice(max_moves) else: print 'U' # Suicide!