* Scorpion ** What is it? Scorpion is a simple dependency injection framework for Javascript. It provides the ability to both construct and destroy dependencies, as well as injecting a wide variety of things (extensible via "plugins"). ** How do I use it? Just include `scorpion.js` or `scorpion.min.js` in your page to get started. Then create an injector with some plugins (this one will use the standard "value plugin", which behaves similarly to other dependency injection frameworks): :::javascript var injector = new Scorpion([new Scorpion.ValuePlugin()]); injector .register("DepA", function() { return "Dependency A"; }) .register("DepB", ["DepA", function(DepA) { return ["Dependency B", DepA]; }]); Now we can create our dependencies: :::javascript // we can just get a value (in a promise) injector.get("DepB").then(function(value) { console.log("Value returned:", value); }, console.error.bind(console)); // or we can invoke a function (with the result returned in a promise) injector.invoke(["DepA", "DepB", function(DepA, DepB) { return {A: DepA, B: DepB}; }]).then(function(value) { console.log("Value returned:", value); }, console.error.bind(console)); Dependencies are constructed asynchronously, which lets us also create different types of plugins, like the HTTPPlugin which comes with Scorpion: :::javascript var injector = new Scorpion([ Scorpion.prefixPlugin("http!", new Scorpion.HTTPPlugin()), new Scorpion.ValuePlugin() ]); injector.register("LoginDOM", ["$", "http!/partials/login.html", function($, login) [ return $(login); }]); injector.get("LoginDOM").then(function(value) { console.log("dom:", value); });