from collections import defaultdict, deque from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from random import random from string import ascii_lowercase as lowercase from robots.constants import Action, City, Energy, ENERGY_BY_ACTION from robots.state import GameState from robots.utils import iter_board @contextmanager def protected(value, name): value_copy = deepcopy(value) try: yield value_copy finally: if value_copy != value: raise RuntimeError('Protected value %s was modified.' % name) def extract_spawn_points(map_): points = [] for x, y, cell in iter_board(map_): if cell in lowercase: cell = lowercase.index(cell) try: n = int(cell) except ValueError: pass else: points.append((n, (x, y))) map_[y][x] = City.NORMAL points.sort() return [point for n, point in points] class Game: def __init__(self, map_, victory_by_combat=True): self.bots = {} self.time = 0 self.victory_by_combat = victory_by_combat map_ = deepcopy(map_) self.spawn_points = deque(extract_spawn_points(map_)) self.state = GameState(map_) def add_bot(self, bot, name=None): if name is None: name = bot.__name__ if name in self.bots: raise KeyError( 'There is already a bot named %r in this game!' % (name,) ) self.bots[name] = bot # Place the initial robot for this player. try: x, y = self.spawn_points.popleft() except IndexError: raise IndexError('Not enough spawn points in the map.') self.state.robots_by_player[name] = [ (x, y, Energy.INITIAL), ] @property def finished(self): target = self.state.n_cities_to_win winners = [] roboteers = [] n_allegiances_by_player = self.state.n_allegiances_by_player for name, robots in self.state.robots_by_player.items(): n_cities = n_allegiances_by_player[name] if n_cities >= target: winners.append(name) if robots: roboteers.append(name) won = bool(winners) if len(roboteers) <= 1 and self.victory_by_combat: won = True winners.extend(roboteers) return winners or won def call_bots(self): kill_players = [] for whoami, bot in self.bots.items(): try: with protected(self.state, 'state') as state: result = bot(whoami, state) assert isinstance(result, (str, list, tuple)), \ 'Bot did not return a str/list/tuple, got %r' % (result,) result = str(''.join(result)) my_robots = self.state.robots_by_player[whoami] assert len(result) == len(my_robots), ( 'Bot did not return an action for all robots ' '(%d actions != %d robots)' % (len(result), len(my_robots)) ) for action in result: assert action in Action.all, ( 'Got unexpected action %r' % (action,) ) except Exception: # TODO: log this exception kill_players.append(whoami) # traceback.print_exc() # time.sleep(1) else: for bot, action in zip(my_robots, result): yield whoami, bot, action for player in kill_players: self.state.robots_by_player[player][:] = [] def apply_actions(self, actions): robots_by_player = defaultdict(list) for whoami, bot, action in actions: x, y, energy = bot if energy < ENERGY_BY_ACTION[action]: action = Action.NOTHING if action == Action.PROMOTE: if self.state.allegiances.get((x, y)) != whoami: self.state.allegiances[x, y] = whoami else: action = Action.NOTHING elif action != Action.NOTHING: nx, ny = self.state.expected_position(x, y, action) if x == nx and y == ny: action = Action.NOTHING x, y = nx, ny energy -= ENERGY_BY_ACTION[action] robots_by_player[whoami].append((x, y, energy)) for name, robots in self.state.robots_by_player.items(): robots[:] = robots_by_player[name] def factories_produce_robots(self): state_robots = self.state.robots for x, y in self.state.factories: if state_robots[(x, y)]: continue owner = self.state.allegiances.get((x, y)) if owner is None: continue if random() < 0.2: self.state.robots_by_player[owner].append( (x, y, Energy.INITIAL) ) def robots_gain_energy(self): for robots in self.state.robots_by_player.values(): robots[:] = [ (x, y, min(Energy.MAXIMUM, energy + Energy.GAIN)) for x, y, energy in robots ] def resolve_combats(self): to_remove = set() to_append = defaultdict(list) for (x, y), robots in self.state.robots.items(): if len(robots) <= 1: # No combat here. continue to_remove.add((x, y)) # each player's strength is the sum of their robots' energy strength_by_player = defaultdict(int) total = 0 for player, energy in robots: strength_by_player[player] += energy total += energy winner_count = 0 for player, strength in strength_by_player.items(): # subtract the sum of the other players' strength strength -= total - strength # remove with strength players <= 0 if strength > 0: energy = min(strength, Energy.MAXIMUM) to_append[player].append((x, y, energy)) winner_count += 1 # we should end up with one player. # (and I wrote a proof of that, so something's seriously wrong if # this fails) assert winner_count <= 1 for player, robots in self.state.robots_by_player.items(): extra_robots = to_append[player] robots[:] = [ (x, y, energy) for x, y, energy in robots if (x, y) not in to_remove ] + extra_robots def __iter__(self): while not self.finished: yield self.state if self.time > 400: break yield self.state def next(self): # 1. You give commands you your robots. actions = self.call_bots() # 2. They perform the requested commands. self.apply_actions(actions) # 3. Factories produce new robots. self.factories_produce_robots() # 4. Combats are resolved. self.resolve_combats() # 5. Each robot gains energy, up to the maximum. self.robots_gain_energy() self.time += 1