from threading import Lock as Mutex import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop from gi.repository import GLib import logbook import zmq from network import avahi from network.browser import ConsoleServerBrowser log = logbook.Logger(__name__) dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop() system_bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=dbus_loop) avahi_server = dbus.Interface( system_bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi.DBUS_PATH_SERVER), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVER, ) def acquire_or_die(mutex, error): if not mutex.acquire(False): raise RuntimeError(error) class Discoverer(object): # there seems to be a bug in my current zmq version # otherwise, just set this to False. IPv4_ONLY = True def __init__(self, kind): super(Discoverer, self).__init__() self.kind = '_%s._tcp' % kind = {} proto = avahi.PROTO_INET if self.IPv4_ONLY else avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC self.avahi_browser = dbus.Interface( system_bus.get_object( avahi.DBUS_NAME, avahi_server.ServiceBrowserNew( avahi.IF_UNSPEC, proto, self.kind, '', dbus.UInt32(0), ) ), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVICE_BROWSER, ) self.avahi_browser.connect_to_signal('ItemNew', self.on_service_discovered) self.avahi_browser.connect_to_signal('ItemRemove', self.on_service_removed) def on_services_changed(self): pass def on_service_resolved( self, interface, protocol, name, kind, domain, host, aprotocol, address, port, text, flags, ): key = (interface, protocol, name, kind, domain) target = 'tcp://%s:%d' % ( '[' + address + ']' if aprotocol == avahi.PROTO_INET6 else address, port, )[key] = { 'name': name, 'domain': domain, 'host': host, 'address': address, 'port': port, 'text': text, 'target': target, } self.on_services_changed() def on_service_error(self, key, error): log.warning('Error resolving {}: {}', key, error), None) self.on_services_changed() def on_service_discovered( self, interface, protocol, name, kind, domain, flags, ): key = (interface, protocol, name, kind, domain) log.debug('Discovered service {}', key) if key in log.warning('Discovered a service twice: {}', key) return[key] = None avahi_server.ResolveService( interface, protocol, name, kind, domain, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, dbus.UInt32(0), reply_handler=self.on_service_resolved, error_handler=lambda error: self.on_service_error(key, error), ) def on_service_removed( self, interface, protocol, name, kind, domain, flags, ): key = (interface, protocol, name, kind, domain), None) self.on_services_changed() class Client(Discoverer): """ This is the counterpart to the Server. This client is capable of discovering servers on the LAN and connecting to them (or to any other server) using the same request/reply protocol (ZeroMQ). :param kind: The machine-readable kind of server you want to connect to. Currently only used by ``find_server()``. """ def __init__(self, kind): super(Client, self).__init__(kind) self._send_mutex = Mutex() self.socket = None def connect(self, target, ctx=None): """ Connect to a server. If you connect to multiple servers, ZeroMQ will load-balance between them. :param target: A ZeroMQ endpoint (e.g., "tcp://") :param ctx: A ZeroMQ context (optional) """ if ctx is None: ctx = zmq.Context.instance() self.socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) self.socket.connect(target) def send(self, data): """ Send a message to the server, wait for the response, and return it. Both the sent and received messages are binary strings, not unicode. :param data: The data to be sent to the server. :rtype: string (the data returned from the server) """ acquire_or_die( self._send_mutex, "You called send_async(), then send(): " "you need to call recv_async() first.", ) try: self.socket.send(data) except Exception: raise else: return self.socket.recv() finally: self._send_mutex.release() def send_async(self, data): """ Send a message to the server, without waiting for a response. Currently this method waits for acknowledgement of the message by a server, but this extra latency will be removed in the future. In order to get the result of the message, call ``.read_async``. :param data: The data to be sent to the server. """ acquire_or_die( self._send_mutex, "You tried to call send_async() twice. " "You need to call recv_async() first.", ) self.socket.send(data) def recv_async(self): """ After sending a message to the server with ``.send_async()``, calling this method will wait for the response from the server and return it. :rtype: string (the data returned from the server) """ return self.socket.recv() def on_services_changed(self): super(Client, self).on_services_changed() services = [ service for service in if service is not None ] self._browser.update(services) def find_server(self, browser_cls=ConsoleServerBrowser, connect=True): """ Find a server on the local network (using avahi) and (optionally) connect to it. :param browser: A Browser class to provide the user interface. :param connect: If true, the client will immediately connect to the chosen server. :rtype: (string) The ZeroMQ endpoint of the chosen server. """ mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() self._browser = browser_cls(self) endpoint = if connect and endpoint is not None: self.connect(endpoint) return endpoint