import random import robots from robots.algorithms import distance_relaxer from robots.constants import City from robots.utils import add_spawns class CaptureSpawns(object): def __init__(self, variance=0.1): self.iterations = 10 self.variance = variance def __call__(self, whoami, state): my_robots = state.robots_by_player[whoami] # Create a distance matrix. distances = [] for y, row in enumerate(state.cities): output = [] for x, city in enumerate(row): d = float('inf') if city == City.FACTORY: if state.allegiances.get((x, y)) != whoami: d = 0 elif city == City.GHOST: d = None output.append(d) distances.append(output) # Find the shortest path to a target from each cell. predecessors = distance_relaxer(distances) # Direct the robots to follow those paths. results = [] for x, y, energy in my_robots: if random.random() < self.variance: result = random.choice('ULDR') elif predecessors[y][x]: result = random.choice(predecessors[y][x]) elif state.allegiances.get((x, y)) != whoami: result = 'P' else: result = random.choice('UDLR') results.append(result) return results if __name__ == '__main__': server = robots.Server() server.SERVER_NAME = 'Capturer Server' server.add_bot(CaptureSpawns, 'Capture')