\chapter{Introduction} \section{Motivation} %Main points: % - software is taking on more important roles % - software bugs are dangerous % - software bugs are expensive % - we have to minimise the number of bugs we have In today's increasingly technological world, software bugs can have significant consequences, ranging from the relatively minor frustration caused to average users to causing deaths. There have been several incidents in recent years in which a bug in a software system has led directly to injury or death. X-ray machines which provide too high a dose of radiation, cars which continue to accelerate against the driver's wishes and other dangerous situations have all come about as a direct result of software bugs. Software bugs also have significant financial costs, with Hailpern and Santhanam static that debugging, verification and testing can easily comprise 50\% to 75\% of the total development cost of a system\cite{Hailpern01softwaredebugging}. In order to limit the number of bugs we have it has become commonplace to employ sophisticated approaches to testing. Many different types of testing are done to attempt to ensure that software is bug-free. These tests, although extremely useful, are inherently incapable of \emph{guaranteeing} that software is free of bugs. This is especially a problem in critical software systems, such as those found in aeroplanes or large industrial machinery, where software failure can have catastrophic consequences. In order to provide a guarantee that software is free of bugs we must in some way \emph{verify} the software before running it. While it is possible to write programs in a way that is easier to verify, it is still a difficult and expensive process to provide verification. Recently there has been work done in automatically analysing programs in order to identify bugs. This work is broadly classed \emph{static analysis} and this thesis contributes to this work. \section{Contribution} In this thesis we present an implementation of the strategy-iteration based static analyser presented by Gawlitza et al.\cite{EasyChair:117}. Our implementation has several enhancements which significantly improve the practical performance of the analyser on real-world programs. Theoretical contribution: \begin{enumerate} \item We present a demand-driven strategy improvement algorithm for solving monotonic, expansive equation systems involving $\min$ and $\max$ operators \end{enumerate} Systems contribution: \begin{enumerate} \item We develop a solver for monotonic, expansive equation systems based on the work of Gawlitza et al.\cite{EasyChair:117} with several improvements \item We analyse the performance of our improved solver on a set of equation systems to demonstrate the effect of our improvements \item We integrate our solver into the LLVM framework to perform analysis over Zones\cite{mine:padoII} \item We analyse the performance of our LLVM analysis on various program inputs \end{enumerate}