\chapter{Conclusion} \label{chap:conclusion} In this thesis we have presented an enhancement on a game-theoretic algorithm for efficiently solving systems of monotonic, expansive equations for their least fixpoints. We implemented this algorithm in C++ and evaluated its performance relative to the existing approach, finding it to be significantly faster for practical instances of equation systems. We further have integrated our solver into the LLVM/Clang static analysis framework to perform static analysis of C programs. We implemented a translation from C programs into monotonic, expansive equation systems to analyse C programs with abstract interpretation, in the domain of zones. We have evaluated the results of this analysis on a number of test cases to evaluate its precision. \section{Further work} There are still several areas in which the work of this thesis could be improved upon: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Refine variable dependencies} The enhanced DSI algorithm still over approximates dependencies between variables to a slight degree. Reducing this over approximation could result in a slight improvement in the running time of the algorithm. \item {\bf Complete the implementation} The provided LLVM/Clang integration is currently only at a proof-of-concept stage. Only a subset of the C semantics are currently considered in the analysis pass. There is significant work to be done to ensure that analysis can be performed for all, or at least most, C code. \end{itemize}