// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s namespace N { struct X { }; X operator+(X, X); void f(X); void g(X); // expected-note{{candidate function}} void test_multiadd(X x) { (void)(x + x); } } namespace M { struct Y : N::X { }; } void f(); // expected-note 2 {{'f' declared here}} void test_operator_adl(N::X x, M::Y y) { (void)(x + x); (void)(y + y); } void test_func_adl(N::X x, M::Y y) { f(x); f(y); (f)(x); // expected-error{{too many arguments to function call}} ::f(x); // expected-error{{too many arguments to function call}} } namespace N { void test_multiadd2(X x) { (void)(x + x); } } void test_func_adl_only(N::X x) { g(x); } namespace M { int g(N::X); // expected-note{{candidate function}} void test(N::X x) { g(x); // expected-error{{call to 'g' is ambiguous}} int i = (g)(x); int g(N::X); g(x); // okay; calls locally-declared function, no ADL } } void test_operator_name_adl(N::X x) { (void)operator+(x, x); } struct Z { }; int& f(Z); namespace O { char &f(); void test_global_scope_adl(Z z) { { int& ir = f(z); } } } extern "C" { struct L { }; } void h(L); // expected-note{{candidate function}} namespace P { void h(L); // expected-note{{candidate function}} void test_transparent_context_adl(L l) { { h(l); // expected-error {{call to 'h' is ambiguous}} } } } namespace test5 { namespace NS { struct A; void foo(void (*)(A&)); } void bar(NS::A& a); void test() { foo(&bar); } } // PR6762: __builtin_va_list should be invisible to ADL on all platforms. void test6_function(__builtin_va_list &argv); namespace test6 { void test6_function(__builtin_va_list &argv); void test() { __builtin_va_list args; test6_function(args); } }