from clang.cindex import * import os kInputsDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'INPUTS') def test_spelling(): path = os.path.join(kInputsDir, 'hello.cpp') index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(path) assert tu.spelling == path def test_cursor(): path = os.path.join(kInputsDir, 'hello.cpp') index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(path) c = tu.cursor assert isinstance(c, Cursor) assert c.kind is CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT def test_parse_arguments(): path = os.path.join(kInputsDir, 'parse_arguments.c') index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(path, ['-DDECL_ONE=hello', '-DDECL_TWO=hi']) spellings = [c.spelling for c in tu.cursor.get_children()] assert spellings[-2] == 'hello' assert spellings[-1] == 'hi' def test_reparse_arguments(): path = os.path.join(kInputsDir, 'parse_arguments.c') index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(path, ['-DDECL_ONE=hello', '-DDECL_TWO=hi']) tu.reparse() spellings = [c.spelling for c in tu.cursor.get_children()] assert spellings[-2] == 'hello' assert spellings[-1] == 'hi' def test_unsaved_files(): index = Index.create() tu = index.parse('fake.c', ['-I./'], unsaved_files = [ ('fake.c', """ #include "fake.h" int x; int SOME_DEFINE; """), ('./fake.h', """ #define SOME_DEFINE y """) ]) spellings = [c.spelling for c in tu.cursor.get_children()] assert spellings[-2] == 'x' assert spellings[-1] == 'y' def test_unsaved_files_2(): import StringIO index = Index.create() tu = index.parse('fake.c', unsaved_files = [ ('fake.c', StringIO.StringIO('int x;'))]) spellings = [c.spelling for c in tu.cursor.get_children()] assert spellings[-1] == 'x' def normpaths_equal(path1, path2): """ Compares two paths for equality after normalizing them with os.path.normpath """ return os.path.normpath(path1) == os.path.normpath(path2) def test_includes(): def eq(expected, actual): if not actual.is_input_file: return normpaths_equal(expected[0], and \ normpaths_equal(expected[1], else: return normpaths_equal(expected[1], src = os.path.join(kInputsDir, 'include.cpp') h1 = os.path.join(kInputsDir, "header1.h") h2 = os.path.join(kInputsDir, "header2.h") h3 = os.path.join(kInputsDir, "header3.h") inc = [(src, h1), (h1, h3), (src, h2), (h2, h3)] index = Index.create() tu = index.parse(src) for i in zip(inc, tu.get_includes()): assert eq(i[0], i[1])