from clang.cindex import CursorKind from clang.cindex import TypeKind from .util import get_cursor from .util import get_tu kInput = """\ // FIXME: Find nicer way to drop builtins and other cruft. int start_decl; struct s0 { int a; int b; }; struct s1; void f0(int a0, int a1) { int l0, l1; if (a0) return; for (;;) { break; } } """ def test_get_children(): tu = get_tu(kInput) # Skip until past start_decl. it = tu.cursor.get_children() while != 'start_decl': pass tu_nodes = list(it) assert len(tu_nodes) == 3 assert tu_nodes[0] != tu_nodes[1] assert tu_nodes[0].kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL assert tu_nodes[0].spelling == 's0' assert tu_nodes[0].is_definition() == True assert tu_nodes[0] == 't.c' assert tu_nodes[0].location.line == 4 assert tu_nodes[0].location.column == 8 assert tu_nodes[0].hash > 0 s0_nodes = list(tu_nodes[0].get_children()) assert len(s0_nodes) == 2 assert s0_nodes[0].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL assert s0_nodes[0].spelling == 'a' assert s0_nodes[0].type.kind == TypeKind.INT assert s0_nodes[1].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL assert s0_nodes[1].spelling == 'b' assert s0_nodes[1].type.kind == TypeKind.INT assert tu_nodes[1].kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL assert tu_nodes[1].spelling == 's1' assert tu_nodes[1].displayname == 's1' assert tu_nodes[1].is_definition() == False assert tu_nodes[2].kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL assert tu_nodes[2].spelling == 'f0' assert tu_nodes[2].displayname == 'f0(int, int)' assert tu_nodes[2].is_definition() == True def test_underlying_type(): tu = get_tu('typedef int foo;') typedef = get_cursor(tu, 'foo') assert typedef is not None assert typedef.kind.is_declaration() underlying = typedef.underlying_typedef_type assert underlying.kind == TypeKind.INT def test_enum_type(): tu = get_tu('enum TEST { FOO=1, BAR=2 };') enum = get_cursor(tu, 'TEST') assert enum is not None assert enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL enum_type = enum.enum_type assert enum_type.kind == TypeKind.UINT def test_objc_type_encoding(): tu = get_tu('int i;', lang='objc') i = get_cursor(tu, 'i') assert i is not None assert i.objc_type_encoding == 'i'