path: root/tex/thesis/implementation/implementation.tex
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diff --git a/tex/thesis/implementation/implementation.tex b/tex/thesis/implementation/implementation.tex
index 7e432f8..02f2180 100644
--- a/tex/thesis/implementation/implementation.tex
+++ b/tex/thesis/implementation/implementation.tex
@@ -13,18 +13,99 @@ develop it in C++ for two major reasons:
obvious choice of language.
+The solver is a straightforward implementation of the algorithm
+presented in Chapter \ref{chap:contribution}. The primary difference
+is the use of objects instead of higher-order functions, as C++'s
+support for higher-order functions was insufficient for our purposes.
The solver was developed using only the STL for the core of the
solver. A front-end was developed using the ANTLR parser generator
\cite{antlr} to test the solver separately to the LLVM/Clang
+We implemented our analysis as a Clang Static Analysis pass, building
+off the Clang Static Analysis framework~\cite{clang-analysis}. Using
+the infrastructure of the Clang project provided us with a CFG without
+any extra work parsing, or otherwise handling, C code itself.
+Figure \ref{fig:clang-diagram} gives a very high-level idea of the
+structure of our analysis pass and how it interfaces with other
+components. The Clang framework provides the Zone analysis with a
+Control Flow Graph. This CFG is then translated to a system of
+monotonic, expansive equations. The DSI algorithm is designed to solve
+these equation systems, and so we invoke our solver to provide us with
+a solution. This solution identifies the bounds for variables at
+different points in the program.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node
+ distance=4cm,main node/.style={rectangle,draw,minimum
+ height=2cm,minimum width=3cm}]
+ %\node[main node] (clang) {Clang Framework};
+ \node[main node] (clang-analysis) {Clang Static Analysis Framework};
+ \node[main node,fill=red!60] (eqns) [below of=clang-analysis]
+ {Zone analysis};
+ \node[main node] (dsi) [below of=eqns] {DSI};
+ \node (reality) [node distance=5cm,right of=eqns] {};
-\subsection{Chain construction}
+ \path []
+ %(clang) edge[bend right] node[anchor=east] {CFG} (clang-analysis)
+ (clang-analysis) edge[bend right] node[anchor=east] {CFG} (eqns)
+ (eqns) edge[bend right] node[anchor=east] {Equation System} (dsi)
+ (dsi) edge[bend right] node[anchor=west] {Solution} (eqns)
+ (eqns) edge node[anchor=north] {Variable bounds} (reality)
+ %(eqns) edge[bend right] node[anchor=west] {Variable bounds} (clang-analysis)
+ %(clang-analysis) edge[bend right] node[anchor=west] {Errors/warnings} (clang)
+ ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{High-level diagram of our analysis pass}
+ \label{fig:clang-diagram}
+\subsection{Nested Loops}
+\subsection{Double counting}