path: root/tex/presentation/thomas/proof.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/presentation/thomas/proof.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/tex/presentation/thomas/proof.sty b/tex/presentation/thomas/proof.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e9fc7..0000000
--- a/tex/presentation/thomas/proof.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-%% Build proof tree for Natural Deduction, Sequent Calculus, etc.
-%% \prooftree
-%% hyp1 produces:
-%% hyp2
-%% hyp3 hyp1 hyp2 hyp3
-%% \justifies -------------------- rulename
-%% concl concl
-%% \thickness=0.08em
-%% \shiftright 2em
-%% \using
-%% rulename
-%% \endprooftree
-%% where the hypotheses may be similar structures or just formulae.
-%% To get a vertical string of dots instead of the proof rule, do
-%% \prooftree which produces:
-%% [hyp]
-%% \using [hyp]
-%% name .
-%% \proofdotseparation=1.2ex .name
-%% \proofdotnumber=4 .
-%% \leadsto .
-%% concl concl
-%% \endprooftree
-%% Within a prooftree, \[ and \] may be used instead of \prooftree and
-%% \endprooftree; this is not permitted at the outer level because it
-%% conflicts with LaTeX. Also,
-%% \Justifies
-%% produces a double line. In LaTeX you can use \begin{prooftree} and
-%% \end{prootree} at the outer level (however this will not work for the inner
-%% levels, but in any case why would you want to be so verbose?).
-%% All of of the keywords except \prooftree and \endprooftree are optional
-%% and may appear in any order. They may also be combined in \newcommand's
-%% eg "\def\Cut{\using\sf cut\thickness.08em\justifies}" with the abbreviation
-%% "\prooftree hyp1 hyp2 \Cut \concl \endprooftree". This is recommended and
-%% some standard abbreviations will be found at the end of this file.
-%% \thickness specifies the breadth of the rule in any units, although
-%% font-relative units such as "ex" or "em" are preferable.
-%% It may optionally be followed by "=".
-%% \proofrulebreadth=.08em or \setlength\proofrulebreadth{.08em} may also be
-%% used either in place of \thickness or globally; the default is 0.04em.
-%% \proofdotseparation and \proofdotnumber control the size of the
-%% string of dots
-%% If proof trees and formulae are mixed, some explicit spacing is needed,
-%% but don't put anything to the left of the left-most (or the right of
-%% the right-most) hypothesis, or put it in braces, because this will cause
-%% the indentation to be lost.
-%% By default the conclusion is centered wrt the left-most and right-most
-%% immediate hypotheses (not their proofs); \shiftright or \shiftleft moves
-%% it relative to this position. (Not sure about this specification or how
-%% it should affect spreading of proof tree.)
-% global assignments to dimensions seem to have the effect of stretching
-% diagrams horizontally.
-\def\introrule{{\cal I}}\def\elimrule{{\cal E}}%%
-%% #1 is meant to be 1 or 2 for the first or second formula
-%% #1 is meant to be a label corresponding to the discharged hypothesis/es
-\newdimen\proofrulebreadth \proofrulebreadth=.05em
-\newdimen\proofdotseparation \proofdotseparation=1.25ex
-\newdimen\proofrulebaseline \proofrulebaseline=2ex
-\newcount\proofdotnumber \proofdotnumber=3
-\def\hfi{\hskip0pt plus.0001fil}
-% flag where we are
-% dimensions and boxes of bits
-% miscellaneous commands for setting values
-\def\shiftproofbelow{\let\next\relax\afterassignment\setshiftproofbelow\dimen0 }
-\def\shiftproofbelowneg{\def\next{\multiply\dimen0 by-1 }%
-\afterassignment\setshiftproofbelow\dimen0 }
-\def\setshiftproofbelow{\next\proofbelowshift=\dimen0 }
-\def\prooftree{% NESTED ZERO (\ifonleftofproofrule)
-% first find out whether we're at the left-hand end of a proof rule
-\ifnum \lastpenalty=1
-\then \unpenalty
-\else \onleftofproofrulefalse
-% some space on left (except if we're on left, and no infinity for outermost)
-\else \ifinsideprooftree
- \then \hskip.5em plus1fil
- \fi
-% begin our proof tree environment
-\bgroup% NESTED ONE (\proofbelow, \proofrulename, \proofabove,
-% \shortenproofleft, \shortenproofright, \proofrulebreadth)
-\let\shiftright\shiftproofbelow \let\shift\shiftproofbelow
-% now begin to set the top of the rule (definitions local to it)
-\setbox\proofabove=\hbox\bgroup$\displaystyle % NESTED TWO
-% these local variables will be copied out:
-\shortenproofleft=0pt \shortenproofright=0pt \proofbelowshift=0pt
-% flags to enable inner proof tree to detect if on left:
-% end whatever box and copy crucial values out of it
-\def\eproofbit{% NESTED TWO
-% various hacks applicable to hypothesis list
-\ifx \wereinproofbit\prooftree
-\then \ifcase \lastpenalty
- \then \shortenproofright=0pt % 0: some other object, no indentation
- \or \unpenalty\hfil % 1: empty hypotheses, just glue
- \or \unpenalty\unskip % 2: just had a tree, remove glue
- \else \shortenproofright=0pt % eh?
- \fi
-% pass out crucial values from scope
-%\global\mscount=\proofdotnumber %suppressed by jg (conflict with diagrams.tex, probably)
-% end the box
-$\egroup % NESTED ONE
-% restore the values
-%\proofdotnumber=\mscount %suppressed by jg (conflict with diagrams.tex, probably)
-\def\proofover{% NESTED TWO
-\eproofbit % NESTED ONE
-\setbox\proofbelow=\hbox\bgroup % NESTED TWO
-\def\proofoverdbl{% NESTED TWO
-\eproofbit % NESTED ONE
-\setbox\proofbelow=\hbox\bgroup % NESTED TWO
-\def\proofoverdots{% NESTED TWO
-\eproofbit % NESTED ONE
-\setbox\proofbelow=\hbox\bgroup % NESTED TWO
-\def\proofusing{% NESTED TWO
-\eproofbit % NESTED ONE
-\setbox\proofrulename=\hbox\bgroup % NESTED TWO
-\def\endprooftree{% NESTED TWO
-\eproofbit % NESTED ONE
-% \dimen0 = length of proof rule
-% \dimen1 = indentation of conclusion wrt rule
-% \dimen2 = new \shortenproofleft, ie indentation of conclusion
-% \dimen3 = new \shortenproofright, ie
-% space on right of conclusion to end of tree
-% \dimen4 = space on right of conclusion below rule
- \dimen5 =0pt% spread of hypotheses
-% \dimen6, \dimen7 = height & depth of rule
-% length of rule needed by proof above
-\dimen0=\wd\proofabove \advance\dimen0-\shortenproofleft
-% amount of spare space below
-\dimen1=.5\dimen0 \advance\dimen1-.5\wd\proofbelow
-\advance\dimen1\proofbelowshift \advance\dimen4-\proofbelowshift
-% conclusion sticks out to left of immediate hypotheses
-\ifdim \dimen1<0pt
-\then \advance\shortenproofleft\dimen1
- \advance\dimen0-\dimen1
- \dimen1=0pt
-% now it sticks out to left of tree!
- \ifdim \shortenproofleft<0pt
- \then \setbox\proofabove=\hbox{%
- \kern-\shortenproofleft\unhbox\proofabove}%
- \shortenproofleft=0pt
- \fi
-% and to the right
-\ifdim \dimen4<0pt
-\then \advance\shortenproofright\dimen4
- \advance\dimen0-\dimen4
- \dimen4=0pt
-% make sure enough space for label
-\ifdim \shortenproofright<\wd\proofrulename
-\then \shortenproofright=\wd\proofrulename
-% calculate new indentations
-\dimen2=\shortenproofleft \advance\dimen2 by\dimen1
-\dimen3=\shortenproofright\advance\dimen3 by\dimen4
-% make the rule or dots, with name attached
- \dimen6=\shortenproofleft \advance\dimen6 .5\dimen0
- \setbox1=\vbox to\proofdotseparation{\vss\hbox{$\cdot$}\vss}%
- \setbox0=\hbox{%
- \advance\dimen6-.5\wd1
- \kern\dimen6
- $\vcenter to\proofdotnumber\proofdotseparation
- {\leaders\box1\vfill}$%
- \unhbox\proofrulename}%
-\else \dimen6=\fontdimen22\the\textfont2 % height of maths axis
- \dimen7=\dimen6
- \advance\dimen6by.5\proofrulebreadth
- \advance\dimen7by-.5\proofrulebreadth
- \setbox0=\hbox{%
- \kern\shortenproofleft
- \ifdoubleproof
- \then \hbox to\dimen0{%
- $\mathsurround0pt\mathord=\mkern-6mu%
- \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu=\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
- \mkern-6mu\mathord=$}%
- \else \vrule height\dimen6 depth-\dimen7 width\dimen0
- \fi
- \unhbox\proofrulename}%
- \ht0=\dimen6 \dp0=-\dimen7
-% set up to centre outermost tree only
-\then \let\VBOX\vbox
-\else \ifmmode\else$\let\doll=$\fi
- \let\VBOX\vcenter
-% this \vbox or \vcenter is the actual output:
-\VBOX {\baselineskip\proofrulebaseline \lineskip.2ex
- \expandafter\lineskiplimit\ifproofdots0ex\else-0.6ex\fi
- \hbox spread\dimen5 {\hfi\unhbox\proofabove\hfi}%
- \hbox{\box0}%
- \hbox {\kern\dimen2 \box\proofbelow}}\doll%
-% pass new indentations out of scope
-\egroup % NESTED ZERO
-\then \shortenproofleft=\dimen2
-% some space on right and flag we've just made a tree
-\then \hskip.5em plus 1fil \penalty2
-\def\LL{Linear Logic}
-\def\IL{Intuitionistic Logic}
-\def\inl{{\sf inl}}
-\def\inr{{\sf inr}}
-\def\case#1#2#3#4#5{{\sf case}\; {#1}\; {\sf of}\; {#2} \Longrightarrow {#3}\;|\;{#4} \Longrightarrow{#5}}
-\def\llet#1#2#3{{\sf let}\; {#1}\; {\sf be}\; {#2}\; {\sf in} \; {#3}}
-%Linear Logic
-\def\llwith{\; \& \;}%