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-/// \page atsections Using Sections Within Grammar Files
-/// \section intro Introduction
-/// A C targeted grammar can make use of special annotations within a grammar
-/// file, which are prefixed with the <b>\@</b> character. These sections cause the
-/// the placement of their contents within the generated code at defined points
-/// such as within the generated C header file.
-/// The general form of these annotations is:
-/// \code
-/// section
-/// : '@' (( 'parser' | 'lexer' ) '::')? SECTIONNAME '{' yourcode '}'
-/// ;
-/// \endcode
-/// If the 'parser' or lexer keywords are left out of the specification, then the
-/// ANTLR tool assumes a lexer target for a lexer grammar, a parser target for a parser
-/// or tree parser grammar, and a parser target for a combined lexer/parser grammar. You
-/// are advised as a matter of course to include the parser or lexer target keyword.
-/// Documentation regarding the \@sections available for a grammar targeted at C now
-/// follows.
-/// \subsection psrinit Sections \@init and \@declarations
-/// Java targeted grammars allow the special section <code>\@init</code> to be placed after the declaration
-/// of a rule (lexer, parser and tree parser rules). This allows you to both declare and initialize
-/// variables that are local to the code generated for that rule. You can then reference them within
-/// your rule action code.
-/// With the C target, the generated code is subject to the restrictions of C semantics and this
-/// means that you must declare any local variables, then assign to them afterwards. As well as the
-/// <code>\@init</code> section, which C programmers should use to initialize their local variables, the C
-/// target provides the <code>\@declarations</code> section, which is also a rule based section. This section
-/// is where the C programmer should declare the local variables, thus separating their declaration
-/// from their initialization. Here is an example:
-/// \code
-/// translation_unit
-/// @declarations
-/// {
-/// pANTLR3_BOOLEAN hasUsing;
-/// }
-/// @init
-/// {
-/// // Assume no Using directives
-/// //
-/// hasUsing = ANTLR3_FALSE;
-/// }
-/// : rulea ruleb ...
-/// \endcode
-/// Using the <code>\@declarations</code> and <code>\@init</code> sections guarantees that your generated code will
-/// compile correctly on any standard C compiler (assuming, of course, that you type in valid C code.)
-/// \subsection psrheader \@header section.
-/// The <code>\@parser::header</code> or <code>\@lexer::header</code> annotations cause the code they encapsulate
-/// to be placed at the start of each generated file, regardless of whether it is a .c or .h file. This can
-/// be useful for inserting copyright information and so on in all your generated files.
-/// \bNOTE: Be careful not to confuse this concept with placing code in the generated .h header file. The name choice is
-/// unfortunate, but was already used in the Java target to allow the placement of \c imports statements
-/// in generated java classes. We have therefore kept the intent of this section the same.
-/// Here is an example:
-/// \code
-/// @lexer::header
-/// {
-/// // Copyright (c) Jim Idle 2007 - All your grammar are belong to us.
-/// }
-/// @parser::header
-/// {
-/// // Copyright (c) Jim Idle 2007 - All your grammar are belong to us.
-/// }
-/// \endcode
-/// \subsection hdrinclude \@includes section
-/// The <code>\@parser::includes</code> or <code>\@lexer::includes</code> annotations cause
-/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated .h file, \b after the standard
-/// includes required by the ANTLR generated code.
-/// Here you could for instance place a <code>\#include</code>
-/// statement to cause your grammar code to include some standard definitions. Because you
-/// may use multiple parsers and lexers in your solution, you should probably not place
-/// <code>#define</code> statements here, but in the <code>\@postinclude</code> section. Then you
-/// may create different <code>\#defines</code> for different recognizers.
-/// Here is an example:
-/// \code
-/// @lexer::includes
-/// {
-/// #include "myprojectcommondefs.h"
-/// }
-/// @parser::includes
-/// {
-/// #include "myprojectcommondefs.h"
-/// }
-/// \endcode
-/// \subsection hdrpreinclude \@preincludes section
-/// The <code>\@parser::preincludes</code> or <code>\@lexer::preincludes</code> annotations cause
-/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated .h file, \b before the standard
-/// includes required by the ANTLR generated code.
-/// You should use this section when you wish to place #defines and other definitions
-/// in the code before the standard ANTLR runtime includes defined them. This allows you
-/// to override any predefined symbols and options that the includes otherwise take
-/// defaults for. For instance, if you have built a version of the runtime with a
-/// special version of malloc, you can <code>\#define</code> #ANTLR3_MALLOC to match the definition
-/// you used for the ANTLR runtime library.
-/// \subsection hdrpostinclude \@postinclude section
-/// The <code>\@parser::postinclude</code> or <code>\@lexer::postinclude</code> annotations cause
-/// the code they encapsulate to be placed in the generated <b>.C</b> file, after the generated include
-/// file (which includes the standard ANTLR3C library includes.
-/// Code you place here then will be subject to any macros defined by your own includes, by the
-/// generated include and by the standard ANTLR3 includes. This is a good place to <code>\#undef</code>
-/// anything that you don;t like the default values of, but cannot override before the includes
-/// define them.
-/// This is also a good place to <code>#define</code> any macros you may wish to use in the generated
-/// .c file. As you can include multiple parsers in your projects, you will need to include the
-/// generated .h file of each of them, possibly globally, but almost certainly in a context where you
-/// are including more than one .h file simultaneously. Hence if you commonly use the same macro
-/// names for accessing structures and so on, and they change from grammar to grammar, you should
-/// define them here to avoid creating conflicting definitions in the header files.
-/// \ No newline at end of file
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-/// \page build Building From Source
-/// The C runtime is provided in source code form only as there are too many binary
-/// versions to sensibly maintain binaries on
-/// The runtime code is provided with .sln and .vcproj files for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008,
-/// and \b configure files for building and installation on UNIX or other systems that support this tool. If your
-/// system is neither Windows nor \b configure compatible, then you should find it
-/// reasonable to build the code manually (see section "Building Manually".)
-/// \section src Source Code Organization
-/// The source code expands from a tar/zip file to give you the following
-/// directories:
-/// - <b>./</b> The location of the configure script and the antlr3config.h file
-/// generated by the running the configure script.This directory also
-/// contains the solution and project files for visual studio 2005 and
-/// 2008.
-/// - <b>./src</b> The location of all the C files in the project.
-/// - <b>./include</b> The location of all the header files for the project
-/// - <b>./doxygen</b> The location of documentation files such as the one that generates this page
-/// - Other ancillary directories used by the build or documentation process.
-/// \section winbuild Building for Windows
-/// If you are building for Cygwin, or a similar UNIX on Windows System, follow the "Building With Configure" instructions below.
-/// Note that the runtime is no longer compatible with the VC6 Microsoft compiler. If you absolutely need to build with
-/// this compiler, you can probably hack the source code to deall with the pieces that VC6 cannot handle such as the
-/// ULL suffix for constants.
-/// If you wish to build the binaries for Windows using Visual Studio 2005, or 2008 you may build using the IDE:
-/// -# Open the C.sln file
-/// -# Select batch Build from the Build menu
-/// -# Select all configurations and press the build button.
-/// If you wish or need to build the libraries from the command line, then you must
-/// use a Windows command shell configured for access to VS2005/VS2008 compilers, such as the one that is
-/// started from:
-/// <i>Start->Microsoft Visual Studio 2005->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt</i>
-/// There appears to be no way to build all targets at once in a batch mode from the command line,
-/// so you may build one or all of the following:
-/// \verbatim
- C:\antlrsrc\code\antlr\main\runtime\C> DEVENV C.sln /Build ReleaseDLL
- C:\antlrsrc\code\antlr\main\runtime\C> DEVENV C.sln /Build Release
- C:\antlrsrc\code\antlr\main\runtime\C> DEVENV C.sln /Build DebugDLL
- C:\antlrsrc\code\antlr\main\runtime\C> DEVENV C.sln /Build Debug
-/// After the build is complete you will find the \c.\cDLL and \c.\cLIB files under the directory containing C.sln,
-/// in a subdirectory named after the /Build target. In the Release and Debug targets, you will find that there is only a \c.\cLIB archive file,
-/// which you can link directly into your own projects if you wish to avoid the DLL. In \c ReleaseDLL and \c DebugDLL you will find both a
-/// \c .LIB file which you should link your projects with and a DLL. The library and names on Windows are as follows:
-/// \verbatim
- - Release : ANTLR3C.LIB
- - Debug : ANTLR3CD.LIB
-/// There currently no .msi modules or other installs built for Windows, so you must place the DLLs in a directory referenced
-/// by the PATH environment variable and make the include directory available to your project configurations.
-/// \section configure Building with configure
-/// Before starting, make sure that you are using a source code distribution and not the source code directly from the
-/// Perforce repository. If you use the source from the perforce tree directly, you will find that there is no configure
-/// script as this is generated as part of the distribution build by the maintainers. If you feel the need to build from
-/// the distribution tree then you must have all the autobuild packages available on your system and can generate the
-/// configure script using autoreconf. If you are not familiar with these tools, then please use the tgz files in the
-/// dist subdirectory (or downloaded from the ANTLR web site).
-/// The source code file should be expanded in a directory of your choice (probably your working directory) using the command:
-/// \verbatim
-gzip -dc antlrtgzname.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-/// Where: <b>antlrtgzname.tar.gz</b> is of course the name of the tar when you downloaded it. You should find a \b configure script in the sub directory thus created.
-/// The configure script accepts the usual options, such as --prefix= but the default is to build in the source directory and to place libraries in
-/// <b>/usr/local/lib</b> and include files (for building your recognizers) in <b>/usr/local/include</b>. There are also a number of antlr specific options, which you may wish to utilize. The command:
-/// \verbatim
-./configure --help
-/// Will document the latest incarnations of these options in case this documentation is ever out of date. At this time the options are:
-/// \verbatim
- --enable-debuginfo Compiles debug info into the library (default no)
- --enable-64bit Turns on flags that produce 64 bit object code if
- any are required (default no)
-/// Unless you need 64 bit builds, or a change in library types, you will generally use the configure command without options:
-/// Here is a sample configure output:
-/// \verbatim
-[jimi@localhost dist]$ tar zvxf libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8.tar.gz
-/// \verbatim
-[jimi@localhost dist]$ cd libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc
-/// \verbatim
-[jimi@localhost libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8]$ ./configure
-checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
-checking whether build environment is sane... yes
-checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
-checking for gawk... gawk
-checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
-checking for xlc... no
-checking for aCC... no
-checking for gcc... gcc
-checking for strdup... yes
-configure: creating ./config.status
-config.status: creating Makefile
-config.status: creating antlr3config.h
-config.status: antlr3config.h is unchanged
-config.status: executing depfiles commands
-/// Having configured the library successfully, you need only make it, and install it:
-/// \verbatim
-[jimi@localhost libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8]$ make
-/// \verbatim
-make all-am
-make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jimi/antlrsrc/code/antlr/main/runtime/C/dist/libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8'
-/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -Iinclude -Iinclude -O2 -MT antlr3baserecognizer.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/antlr3baserecognizer.Tpo -c -o antlr3baserecognizer.lo `test -f 'src/antlr3baserecognizer.c' || echo './'`src/antlr3baserecognizer.c
-gcc -shared .libs/antlr3baserecognizer.o .libs/antlr3basetree.o .libs/antlr3basetreeadaptor.o .libs/antlr3bitset.o .libs/antlr3collections.o .libs/antlr3commontoken.o .libs/antlr3commontree.o .libs/antlr3commontreeadaptor.o .libs/antlr3commontreenodestream.o .libs/antlr3cyclicdfa.o .libs/antlr3encodings.o .libs/antlr3exception.o .libs/antlr3filestream.o .libs/antlr3inputstream.o .libs/antlr3intstream.o .libs/antlr3lexer.o .libs/antlr3parser.o .libs/antlr3string.o .libs/antlr3stringstream.o .libs/antlr3tokenstream.o .libs/antlr3treeparser.o .libs/antlr3rewritestreams.o .libs/antlr3ucs2inputstream.o -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
-ar cru .libs/libantlr3c.a antlr3baserecognizer.o antlr3basetree.o antlr3basetreeadaptor.o antlr3bitset.o antlr3collections.o antlr3commontoken.o antlr3commontree.o antlr3commontreeadaptor.o antlr3commontreenodestream.o antlr3cyclicdfa.o antlr3encodings.o antlr3exception.o antlr3filestream.o antlr3inputstream.o antlr3intstream.o antlr3lexer.o antlr3parser.o antlr3string.o antlr3stringstream.o antlr3tokenstream.o antlr3treeparser.o antlr3rewritestreams.o antlr3ucs2inputstream.o
-ranlib .libs/libantlr3c.a
-(cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s ../
-make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jimi/antlrsrc/code/antlr/main/runtime/C/dist/libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8'
-/// \verbatim
-[jimi@localhost libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8]$ sudo make install
-/// \verbatim
-make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jimi/antlrsrc/code/antlr/main/runtime/C/dist/libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8'
-test -z "/usr/local/lib" || /bin/mkdir -p "/usr/local/lib"
- /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c '' '/usr/local/lib/'
-/usr/bin/install -c .libs/ /usr/local/lib/
-/usr/bin/install -c .libs/libantlr3c.lai /usr/local/lib/
-/usr/bin/install -c .libs/libantlr3c.a /usr/local/lib/libantlr3c.a
- /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 'include/antlr3stringstream.h' '/usr/local/include/antlr3stringstream.h'
- /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 'antlr3config.h' '/usr/local/include/antlr3config.h'
-make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jimi/antlrsrc/code/antlr/main/runtime/C/dist/libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8'
-[jimi@localhost libantlr3c-3.0.0-rc8]$
-/// You are now ready to generate C recognizers and compile and link them with the ANTLR 3 C Runtime.
-/// \section buildman Building Manually
-/// The only step that configure performs that cannot be done
-/// manually (without effort) is to produce the header file
-/// \c antlr3config.h, which contains typedefs of the fundamental types
-/// that your local C compiler supports. The easiest way to produce
-/// this file for your system, if you cannot port \b automake and \b configure
-/// to the system is:
-/// -# Run configure on a system that does support configure
-/// -# Copy the generated \c antlr3config.h file to the target system
-/// -# Edit the file locally and change any types that differ on this
-/// system to the target systems. There are only a few types and you should
-/// find this relatively easy.
-/// Having produced a compatible antlr3config.h file, then you should be able to
-/// compile the source files in the \c ./src subdirectory, providing an include path
-/// to the location of \c antlr3config.h and the \c ./include subdirectory. Something akin
-/// to:
-/// \verbatim
-~/C/src: cc -c -O -I.. -I../include *.c
-/// Having produced the .o (or equivalent) files for the local system you can then
-/// build an archive or shared library for the C runtime.
-/// When you wish to build and link with the C runtime, specify the path to the
-/// supplied header files, and the path to the library that you built.
-/// \ No newline at end of file
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-/// \page buildrec How to build Generated C Code
-/// \section generated Generated Files
-/// The antlr tool jar, run against a grammar file that targets the C language, will generate the following files
-/// according to whether your grammar file contains a lexer, parser, combined or treeparser specification.
-/// Your grammar file name and the subject of the grammar line in your file are expected to match. Here the generic name G is used:
-/// <table>
-/// <tr>
-/// <th> Suffix </th>
-/// <th> Generated files </th>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> lexer grammar (G.g3l) </td>
-/// <td> GLexer.c GLexer.h</td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> parser grammar (G.g3p) </td>
-/// <td> GParser.c GParser.h </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> grammar G (G.g3pl) </td>
-/// <td> GParser.c GParser.h GLexer.c GLexer.h</td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> tree grammar G; (G.g3t) </td>
-/// <td> G.c G.h </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// </table>
-/// The generated .c files reference the .h files using <G.h>, so you must use <code>-I.</code> on your compiler command line
-/// (or include the current directory in your include paths in Visual Studio). Additionally, the generated .h files reference
-/// <code>antlr3.h</code>, so you must use <code>-I/path/to/antlr/include</code> (E.g. <code>-I /usr/local/include</code>) to reference the standard ANTLR include files.
-/// In order to reference the library file at compile time (you can/should only reference one) you need to use the
-/// <code>-L/path/to/antlr/lib</code> (E.g. <code>-L /usr/local/lib</code>) on Unix, or add the path to your "Additional Library Path" in
-/// Visual Studio. You also need to specify the library using <code>-L</code> on Unix (E.g. <code>-L /usr/local/lib -l antlr3c</code>) or add <code>antlr3c_dll.lib</code>
-/// to your Additional Library Dependencies in Visual Studio.
-/// In case it isn't obvious, the generated files may be used to produce either a library or an executable (.EXE on Windows) file.
-/// If you use the shared version of the libraries, DLL or .so/.so/.a then you must ship the library with your
-/// application must run in an environment whereby the library can be found by the runtime linker/loader.
-/// This usually involves specifying the directory in which the library lives to an environment variable.
-/// On Windows, X:{yourwininstalldir}\system32 will be searched automatically.
-/// \section invoke Invoking Your Generated Recognizer
-/// In order to run your lexer/parser/tree parser combination, you will need a small function (or main)
-/// function that controls the sequence of events, from reading the input file or string, through to
-/// invoking the tree parser(s) and retrieving the results. See "Using the ANTLR3C C Target" for more
-/// detailed instructions, but if you just want to get going as fast as possible, study the following
-/// code example.
-/// \code
-/// // You may adopt your own practices by all means, but in general it is best
-/// // to create a single include for your project, that will include the ANTLR3 C
-/// // runtime header files, the generated header files (all of which are safe to include
-/// // multiple times) and your own project related header files. Use <> to include and
-/// // -I on the compile line (which vs2005 now handles, where vs2003 did not).
-/// //
-/// #include <treeparser.h>
-/// // Main entry point for this example
-/// //
-/// int ANTLR3_CDECL
-/// main (int argc, char *argv[])
-/// {
-/// // Now we declare the ANTLR related local variables we need.
-/// // Note that unless you are convinced you will never need thread safe
-/// // versions for your project, then you should always create such things
-/// // as instance variables for each invocation.
-/// // -------------------
-/// // Name of the input file. Note that we always use the abstract type pANTLR3_UINT8
-/// // for ASCII/8 bit strings - the runtime library guarantees that this will be
-/// // good on all platforms. This is a general rule - always use the ANTLR3 supplied
-/// // typedefs for pointers/types/etc.
-/// //
-/// pANTLR3_UINT8 fName;
-/// // The ANTLR3 character input stream, which abstracts the input source such that
-/// // it is easy to privide inpput from different sources such as files, or
-/// // memory strings.
-/// //
-/// // For an 8Bit/latin-1/etc memory string use:
-/// // input = antlr3New8BitStringInPlaceStream (stringtouse, (ANTLR3_UINT32) length, NULL);
-/// //
-/// // For a UTF16 memory string use:
-/// // input = antlr3NewUTF16StringInPlaceStream (stringtouse, (ANTLR3_UINT32) length, NULL);
-/// //
-/// // For input from a file, see code below
-/// //
-/// // Note that this is essentially a pointer to a structure containing pointers to functions.
-/// // You can create your own input stream type (copy one of the existing ones) and override any
-/// // individual function by installing your own pointer after you have created the standard
-/// // version.
-/// //
-/// pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM input;
-/// // The lexer is of course generated by ANTLR, and so the lexer type is not upper case.
-/// // The lexer is supplied with a pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM from whence it consumes its
-/// // input and generates a token stream as output. This is the ctx (CTX macro) pointer
-/// // for your lexer.
-/// //
-/// pLangLexer lxr;
-/// // The token stream is produced by the ANTLR3 generated lexer. Again it is a structure based
-/// // API/Object, which you can customise and override methods of as you wish. a Token stream is
-/// // supplied to the generated parser, and you can write your own token stream and pass this in
-/// // if you wish.
-/// //
-/// // The Lang parser is also generated by ANTLR and accepts a token stream as explained
-/// // above. The token stream can be any source in fact, so long as it implements the
-/// // ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE interface. In this case the parser does not return anything
-/// // but it can of course specify any kind of return type from the rule you invoke
-/// // when calling it. This is the ctx (CTX macro) pointer for your parser.
-/// //
-/// pLangParser psr;
-/// // The parser produces an AST, which is returned as a member of the return type of
-/// // the starting rule (any rule can start first of course). This is a generated type
-/// // based upon the rule we start with.
-/// //
-/// LangParser_decl_return langAST;
-/// // The tree nodes are managed by a tree adaptor, which doles
-/// // out the nodes upon request. You can make your own tree types and adaptors
-/// // and override the built in versions. See runtime source for details and
-/// // eventually the wiki entry for the C target.
-/// //
-/// // Finally, when the parser runs, it will produce an AST that can be traversed by the
-/// // the tree parser: c.f. LangDumpDecl.g3t This is the ctx (CTX macro) pointer for your
-/// // tree parser.
-/// //
-/// pLangDumpDecl treePsr;
-/// // Create the input stream based upon the argument supplied to us on the command line
-/// // for this example, the input will always default to ./input if there is no explicit
-/// // argument.
-/// //
-/// if (argc < 2 || argv[1] == NULL)
-/// {
-/// fName =(pANTLR3_UINT8)"./input"; // Note in VS2005 debug, working directory must be configured
-/// }
-/// else
-/// {
-/// fName = (pANTLR3_UINT8)argv[1];
-/// }
-/// // Create the input stream using the supplied file name
-/// // (Use antlr38BitFileStreamNew for UTF16 input).
-/// //
-/// input = antlr38BitFileStreamNew(fName);
-/// // The input will be created successfully, providing that there is enough
-/// // memory and the file exists etc
-/// //
-/// if ( input == NULL )
-/// {
-/// ANTLR3_FPRINTF(stderr, "Unable to open file %s due to malloc() failure1\n", (char *)fName);
-/// }
-/// // Our input stream is now open and all set to go, so we can create a new instance of our
-/// // lexer and set the lexer input to our input stream:
-/// // (file | memory | ?) --> inputstream -> lexer --> tokenstream --> parser ( --> treeparser )?
-/// //
-/// lxr = LangLexerNew(input); // CLexerNew is generated by ANTLR
-/// // Need to check for errors
-/// //
-/// if ( lxr == NULL )
-/// {
-/// ANTLR3_FPRINTF(stderr, "Unable to create the lexer due to malloc() failure1\n");
-/// exit(ANTLR3_ERR_NOMEM);
-/// }
-/// // Our lexer is in place, so we can create the token stream from it
-/// // NB: Nothing happens yet other than the file has been read. We are just
-/// // connecting all these things together and they will be invoked when we
-/// // call the parser rule. ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT can be left at the default usually
-/// // unless you have a very large token stream/input. Each generated lexer
-/// // provides a token source interface, which is the second argument to the
-/// // token stream creator.
-/// // Note tha even if you implement your own token structure, it will always
-/// // contain a standard common token within it and this is the pointer that
-/// // you pass around to everything else. A common token as a pointer within
-/// // it that should point to your own outer token structure.
-/// //
-/// tstream = antlr3CommonTokenStreamSourceNew(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, lxr->pLexer->tokSource);
-/// if (tstream == NULL)
-/// {
-/// ANTLR3_FPRINTF(stderr, "Out of memory trying to allocate token stream\n");
-/// exit(ANTLR3_ERR_NOMEM);
-/// }
-/// // Finally, now that we have our lexer constructed, we can create the parser
-/// //
-/// psr = LangParserNew(tstream); // CParserNew is generated by ANTLR3
-/// if (psr == NULL)
-/// {
-/// ANTLR3_FPRINTF(stderr, "Out of memory trying to allocate parser\n");
-/// exit(ANTLR3_ERR_NOMEM);
-/// }
-/// // We are all ready to go. Though that looked complicated at first glance,
-/// // I am sure, you will see that in fact most of the code above is dealing
-/// // with errors and there isn;t really that much to do (isn;t this always the
-/// // case in C? ;-).
-/// //
-/// // So, we now invoke the parser. All elements of ANTLR3 generated C components
-/// // as well as the ANTLR C runtime library itself are pseudo objects. This means
-/// // that they are represented as pointers to structures, which contain any
-/// // instance data they need, and a set of pointers to other interfaces or
-/// // 'methods'. Note that in general, these few pointers we have created here are
-/// // the only things you will ever explicitly free() as everything else is created
-/// // via factories, that allocate memory efficiently and free() everything they use
-/// // automatically when you close the parser/lexer/etc.
-/// //
-/// // Note that this means only that the methods are always called via the object
-/// // pointer and the first argument to any method, is a pointer to the structure itself.
-/// // It also has the side advantage, if you are using an IDE such as VS2005 that can do it
-/// // that when you type ->, you will see a list of all the methods the object supports.
-/// //
-/// langAST = psr->decl(psr);
-/// // If the parser ran correctly, we will have a tree to parse. In general I recommend
-/// // keeping your own flags as part of the error trapping, but here is how you can
-/// // work out if there were errors if you are using the generic error messages
-/// //
-/// if (psr->pParser->rec->errorCount > 0)
-/// {
-/// ANTLR3_FPRINTF(stderr, "The parser returned %d errors, tree walking aborted.\n", psr->pParser->rec->errorCount);
-/// }
-/// else
-/// {
-/// nodes = antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamNewTree(langAST.tree, ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT); // sIZE HINT WILL SOON BE DEPRECATED!!
-/// // Tree parsers are given a common tree node stream (or your override)
-/// //
-/// treePsr = LangDumpDeclNew(nodes);
-/// treePsr->decl(treePsr);
-/// nodes ->free (nodes); nodes = NULL;
-/// treePsr ->free (treePsr); treePsr = NULL;
-/// }
-/// // We did not return anything from this parser rule, so we can finish. It only remains
-/// // to close down our open objects, in the reverse order we created them
-/// //
-/// psr ->free (psr); psr = NULL;
-/// tstream ->free (tstream); tstream = NULL;
-/// lxr ->free (lxr); lxr = NULL;
-/// input ->close (input); input = NULL;
-/// return 0;
-/// }
-/// \endcode
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-/// \page changes31 Changes in 3.1 from 3.0
-/// The following changes have taken place from 3.0 to 3.1. Some of
-/// them may require minor changes to your grammar files or the
-/// programs that invoke your grammar. Please take the time to read
-/// through this list as it may save you time later.
-/// \section returns Constructor Return Values
-/// In previous releases the return value from both the generated constructors and
-/// built in constructor functions would return a value of -1 or -2 if a problem
-/// occurred. However, the only problem that can really occur is lack of memory,
-/// hence to avoid the remote change that some memory allocation scheme would return
-/// an address of -1 for a pointer, the return address is now NULL if there was
-/// no memory available. The old macros for this mechanism have been removed which
-/// will force you to read this information. You now need only check the return
-/// address for NULL, or you could not bother doing that and join with 95% of the world's
-/// C code.
-/// \section trees Tree Parser Rewrites
-/// The 3.1 runtime now supports tree rewrites from tree parsers. See the main ANTLR
-/// documentation for more details. This beta version contains \subpage knownissues regarding
-/// the release of mmeory allocated to tree nodes when they are rewritten in some combinations
-/// of re-writing tree parsers. These issues will be corrected before release.
-/// \section debugger ANTLRWorks Debugger
-/// The ANTLRWorks debugger is now fully supported by this version of the runtime. It
-/// supports remote debugging only (you cannot generate C, compile and debug it from the
-/// ANTLRWorks IDE.) However both parser and tree parser debugging is supported providing
-/// you are using a version of ANTLRWorks that supports tree parser debugging. Generate
-/// the C code with the -debug option of the ANTLR tool, as per any other target.
-/// Note that when you invoke your debugging version of the parser, it will appear to hang
-/// but is in fact waiting on a local TCP socket connection from the ANTLRWorks debugger. As the
-/// target environment is unknown, it is not prudent to generate notification status messages
-/// using something like printf, as the target environment may not have a console or implement
-/// printf.
-/// \section macros Macro Changes
-/// Prior to the 3.1 release, accessing the token source of a lexer required knowledge of where
-/// the token source pointer was located wihtin the lexer. In 3.1, the token source was burried
-/// further in the innards of the C runtime and such knowledge is considerd irreleavant and confusing.
-/// Hence, when creating a token stream from a token source, it is now mandatory to use the new
-/// C macro TOKENSOURCE(lxr), which will expand to point at the token source interface. This MACRO
-/// will be maintained across future versions. You can see how to use it in the downloadable
-/// examples, avaiable from the downloads page of the ANTLR web site. Here is the relevant code
-/// for creating a token stream, extracted from those examples:
-/// \code
-/// tstream = antlr3CommonTokenStreamSourceNew(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, TOKENSOURCE(lxr));
-/// \endcode
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-// Definitions of documentation groups so we can organize the API and
-// usage documentation nicely.
-/// \defgroup apiclasses API Classes
-/// The API classes are divided into the typdefs (and their underlying structs)
-/// that are the containers for each 'object' within the ANTLR3C runtime, and
-/// their implementations (the functions that are installed by default in to
-/// these structures when you create them.)
-/// The typedefs contain data and function pointers, which together define
-/// the object. The implementation functions are the default implementations
-/// of the 'methds' encapsulated by the typdef structures.You may override
-/// any of the methods once their objects are created by installing a pointer to
-/// your own function. Some of these methods create other 'objects' (instances of
-/// typedef structures), which allows you install your own method and create your
-/// own implementation of these.
- /// \defgroup apistructures API Typedefs and Structs
- /// \ingroup apiclasses
- ///
- /// These structures (and the typedefs that you use to reference them
- /// and their pointers) are the C equivalent of objects. They correspond
- /// (roughly) to the Java runtime system classes and contain all the
- /// data elements for a particular interface as well as all the pointers
- /// to functions that implement these interfaces.
- ///
- /// There are constructor functions exported from the C runtime, which you
- /// use to create a default implementation of one of these 'classes'. You can
- /// then override any part of the implementation by installing your own
- /// function pointers, before using the interface 'object' you have created.
- ///
- /// For instance, you can override the default error message reporting function
- /// by replacing the standard (example) implementation of this function with
- /// your own. In your grammar, you would place the following
- ///
- /// \code
- /// @parser::apifuncs
- /// {
- /// // Install custom error message display
- /// //
- /// RECOGNIZER->displayRecognitionError = produceError;
- /// }
- /// \endcode
- ///
- /// The special section @parser::apiFuncs is guaranteed to be generated after
- /// the RECONGIZER 'object' has already be created and initialized, so you may
- /// install your own implementations of the #ANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER interface
- /// functions. The error display function is likely to be the only one you are
- /// interested in replacing.
- ///
- /// Some typedef structures contain either pointers to 'inherited' objects (usual)
- /// or embedded structures/typedefs (unusual). In some cases, the pointers passed
- /// around by the paresr or tree parser are actually the pointers to these embedded
- /// structures (such as #pANTLR3_BASE_TREE), and these embedded 'objects' contain
- /// pointers to their encapsulating objects. This is the equivalent of passing
- /// interface objects around in object oriented languages.
- ///
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER ANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER - Base Recognizer Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- ///
- /// This is the definition of the base recognizer interface, instantiations
- /// of which are referred to via #pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER.
- ///
- /// In general you will not refer to one of these structures directly as a
- /// a #pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER will be embedded within a higher level
- /// object such as #pANTLR3_PARSER
- ///
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE ANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE Recognizer Shared State Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_BITSET ANTLR3_BITSET - Bitset Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY ANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY - Token Factory Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN - Common Token Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_EXCEPTION ANTLR3_EXCEPTION - Exception Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_HASH_BUCKET ANTLR3_HASH_BUCKET - Hash Table Bucket Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_HASH_ENTRY ANTLR3_HASH_ENTRY - Hash Table Entry Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_HASH_ENUM ANTLR3_HASH_ENUM - Hash Table Enumerator Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_HASH_TABLE ANTLR3_HASH_TABLE - Hash Table Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_LIST ANTLR3_LIST - List Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_VECTOR_FACTORY ANTLR3_VECTOR_FACTORY - Vector Factory Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_VECTOR ANTLR3_VECTOR - Vector Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_STACK ANTLR3_STACK - Stack Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM ANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM - Input Stream Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_LEX_STATE ANTLR3_LEX_STATE - Lexer State Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY ANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY - String Factory Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_STRING ANTLR3_STRING - String Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE - Token Source Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM - Token Stream Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM - Common Token Stream Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_CYCLIC_DFA ANTLR3_CYCLIC_DFA - Cyclic DFA Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_LEXER ANTLR3_LEXER - Lexer Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_PARSER ANTLR3_PARSER - Parser Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_BASE_TREE ANTLR3_BASE_TREE - Base Tree Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE - Common Tree Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_ARBORETUM ANTLR3_ARBORETUM - Tree Factory Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_PARSE_TREE ANTLR3_PARSE_TREE - Parse Tree Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TREE_NODE_STREAM ANTLR3_TREE_NODE_STREAM - Tree Node Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM - Common Tree Node Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TREE_WALK_STATE ANTLR3_TREE_WALK_STATE - Tree Walk State Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_BASE_TREE_ADAPTOR ANTLR3_BASE_TREE_ADAPTOR - Base Tree Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_ADAPTOR ANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_ADAPTOR - Common Tree Adaptor Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_TREE_PARSER ANTLR3_TREE_PARSER - Tree Parser Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_INT_TRIE ANTLR3_INT_TRIE - Trie Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup ANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER ANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER - Debugger Class Definition
- /// \ingroup apistructures
- /// \defgroup apiimplementations API Implementation functions
- /// \ingroup apiclasses
- ///
- /// API implementation functions are the default implementation of each of the
- /// methods in a particular typedef structure.
- ///
- /// They are generally grouped together in the same source code file.
- /// For instance the default implementations of the
- /// methods contained by a #pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER will be found in the file
- /// antlr3baserecognizer.c
- ///
- /// A source file that provides the default implementations of functions will usually
- /// also supply the public (exported from the .DLL or code library) 'constructor' functions
- /// that create and initialize the typedef structure that they implement. For instance,
- /// in the antlr3baserecognizer.c file, you will find the function antlr3BaseRecognizerNew()
- ///
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER Base Recognizer Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- ///
- /// The base recognizer interface is implemented by all higher level recognizers
- /// such as #pANTLR3_PARSER and provides methods common to all recognizers.
- ///
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE - Recognizer Shared State Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- ///
- /// The recognizer shared state class does not have an implementation because it contains only
- /// data fields, documented at #ANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE
- ///
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_BITSET pANTLR3_BITSET - Bitset Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY pANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY - Token Factory Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN - Common Token Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_EXCEPTION pANTLR3_EXCEPTION - Exception Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_HASH_BUCKET pANTLR3_HASH_BUCKET - Hash Table Bucket Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_HASH_ENTRY pANTLR3_HASH_ENTRY - Hash Table Entry Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_HASH_ENUM pANTLR3_HASH_ENUM - Hash Table Enumerator Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_HASH_TABLE pANTLR3_HASH_TABLE - Hash Table Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_LIST pANTLR3_LIST - List Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_VECTOR_FACTORY pANTLR3_VECTOR_FACTORY - Vector Factory Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_VECTOR pANTLR3_VECTOR - Vector Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_STACK pANTLR3_STACK - Stack Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM - Input Stream Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_LEX_STATE pANTLR3_LEX_STATE - Lexer State Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY pANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY - String Factory Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_STRING pANTLR3_STRING - String Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE - Token Source Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM pANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM - Token Stream Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM - Common Token Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_CYCLIC_DFA pANTLR3_CYCLIC_DFA - Cyclic DFA Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_LEXER pANTLR3_LEXER - Lexer Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_PARSER pANTLR3_PARSER - Parser Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_BASE_TREE pANTLR3_BASE_TREE - Base Tree Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE - Common Tree Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_ARBORETUM pANTLR3_ARBORETUM - Tree Factory Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_PARSE_TREE pANTLR3_PARSE_TREE - Parse Tree Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TREE_NODE_STREAM pANTLR3_TREE_NODE_STREAM - Tree Node Stream Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM - Common Tree Node Stream Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TREE_WALK_STATE pANTLR3_TREE_WALK_STATE - Tree Walk State Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_BASE_TREE_ADAPTOR pANTLR3_BASE_TREE_ADAPTOR - Base Tree Adaptor Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_ADAPTOR pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_ADAPTOR - Common Tree Adaptor Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_TREE_PARSER pANTLR3_TREE_PARSER - Tree ParserImplementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_INT_TRIE pANTLR3_INT_TRIE - Trie Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_REWRITE_RULE_ELEMENT_STREAM pANTLR3_REWRITE_RULE_ELEMENT_STREAM - Token Rewrite Stream Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- /// \defgroup pANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER pANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER - Debugger Implementation
- /// \ingroup apiimplementations
- \ No newline at end of file
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-/// \page generate Generating Code for the C Target
-/// \section generate Generating C
-/// Before discussing how we compile or call the generated C code, we need to know how to invoke the C code generator.
-/// This is achieved within the grammar file itself, using the language option:
-/// \verbatim
-options { language = C;}
-/// The code generator consists of a single .java file within the standard ANTLR tool jar, and a code generation template,
-/// used by the StringTemplate engine, which drives code generation for all language targets. In fact you can make copies of the C.stg
-/// and AST.stg templates and make changes to them (though you are encouraged not to, as it is better to provide bug fixes or
-/// enhancements which we are happy to receive requests for and will do out best to incorporate.
-/// If you are working in the Windows environment, with Visual Studio 2005 or later, you may wish to utilize the custom rulefile
-/// provided in the C source code distribution under the <code>./vs2005</code> directory for this purpose. If you are using a pre-built
-/// library then you can also download this rule file directly from the FishEye source code browser for ANTLR3.
-/// In order to use the rulefile, you must adopt the following suffixes for your grammar files, though they are otherwise optional:
-/// <table>
-/// <tr>
-/// <th> Suffix </th>
-/// <th> Grammar should contain... </th>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> .g3l </td>
-/// <td> A lexer grammar specification only. </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> .g3p </td>
-/// <td> A parser grammar specification only. </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> .g3pl </td>
-/// <td> A combined lexer and parser specification. </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// <tr>
-/// <td> .g3t </td>
-/// <td> A tree grammar specification. </td>
-/// </tr>
-/// </table>
-/// You may also wish to use these suffixes if you are building your projects using Makefiles, as this makes the output deterministic.
-/// However in this case a much better solution is probably to utilize the -depend option of the Antlr tool, which should tell your
-/// Makefile what the grammar files generates, irrespective of its suffix. ANTLR does not care about the actual suffix you use for
-/// your grammar file, so building for multiple platforms is relatively easy.
-/// <b>NOTE:</b> Your grammar source, regardless of suffix must be named the same as the grammar statement within it. Grammar xyz
-/// must be contained within a file called xyz.<i>anything</i>
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-/// \page interop Interacting with the Generated Code
-/// \section intro Introduction
-/// The main way to interact with the generated code is via action code placed within <code>{</code> and
-/// <code>}</code> characters in your rules. In general, you are advised to keep the code you embed within
-/// these actions, and the grammar itself to an absolute minimum. Rather than embed code directly in your
-/// grammar, you should construct an API, that is called from the actions within your grammar. This way
-/// you will keep the grammar clean and maintainable and separate the code generators or other code
-/// from the definition of the grammar itself.
-/// However, when you wish to call your API functions, or insert small pieces of code that do not
-/// warrant external functions, you will need to access elements of tokens, return elements from
-/// parser rules and perhaps the internals of the recognizer itself. The C runtime provides a number
-/// of MACROs that you can use within your action code. It also provides a number of performant
-/// structures that you may find useful for building symbol tables, lists, tries, stacks, arrays and so on (all
-/// of which are managed so that your memory allocation problems are minimized.)
-/// \section rules Parameters and Returns from Parser Rules
-/// The C target does not differ from the Java target in any major ways here, and you should consult
-/// the standard documentation for the use of parameters on rules and the returns clause. You should
-/// be aware though, that the rules generate C function calls and therefore the input and returns
-/// clauses are subject to the constraints of C scoping.
-/// You should note that if your parser rule returns more than a single entity, then the return
-/// type of the generated rule function is a struct, which is returned by value. This is also the case
-/// if your rule is part of a tree building grammar (uses the <code>output=AST;</code> option.
-/// Other than the notes above, you can use any pre-declared type as an input or output parameter
-/// for your rule.
-/// \section memory Memory Management
-/// You are responsible for allocating and freeing any memory used by your own
-/// constructs, ANTLR will track and release any memory allocated internally for tokens, trees, stacks, scopes
-/// and so on. This memory is returned to the malloc pool when you call the free method of any
-/// ANTLR3 produced structure.
-/// For performance reasons, and to avoid thrashing the malloc allocation system, memory for amy elements
-/// of your generated parser is allocated in chunks and parcelled out by factories. For instance memory
-/// for tokens is created as an array of tokens, and a token factory hands out the next available slot
-/// to the lexer. When you free the lexer, the allocated memory is returned to the pool. The same applies
-/// to 'strings' that contain the token text and various other text elements accessed within the lexer.
-/// The only side effect of this is that after your parse and analysis is complete, if you wish to retain
-/// anything generated automatically, you must copy it before freeing the recognizer structures. In practice
-/// it is usually practical to retain the recognizer context objects until your processing is complete or
-/// to use your own allocation scheme for generating output etc.
-/// The advantage of using object factories is of course that memory leaks and accessing de-allocated
-/// memory are bugs that rarely occur within the ANTLR3 C runtime. Further, allocating memory for
-/// tokens, trees and so on is very fast.
-/// \section ctx The CTX Macro
-/// The CTX macro is a fundamental parameter that is passed as the first parameter to any generated function
-/// concerned with your lexer, parser, or tree parser. The is is the context pointer for your generated
-/// recognizer and is how you invoke the generated functions, and access the data embedded within your generated
-/// recognizer. While you can use it to directly access stacks, scopes and so on, this is not really recommended
-/// as you should use the $xxx references that are available generically within ANTLR grammars.
-/// The context pointer is used because this removes the need for any global/static variables at all, either
-/// within the generated code, or the C runtime. This is of course fundamental to creating free threading
-/// recognizers. Wherever a function call or rule call required the ctx parameter, you either reference it
-/// via the CTX macro, or the ctx parameter is in fact the return type from calling the 'constructor'
-/// function for your parser/lexer/tree parser (see code example in "How to build Generated Code" .)
-/// \section macros Pre-Defined convenience MACROs
-/// While the author is not fond of using C MACROs to hide code or structure access, in the case of generated
-/// code, they serve two useful purposes. The first is to simplify the references to internal constructs,
-/// the second is to facilitate the change of any internal interface without requiring you to port grammars
-/// from earlier versions (just regenerate and recompile). As of release 3.1, these macros are stable and
-/// will only change their usage interface in the event of bugs being discovered. You are encouraged to
-/// use these macros in your code, rather than access the raw interface.
-/// \bNB: Macros that act like statements must be terminated with a ';'. The macro body does not
-/// supply this, nor should it. Macros that call functions are declared with () even if they
-/// have no parameters, macros that reference fields do not have a () declaration.
-/// \section lexermacros Lexer Macros
-/// There are a number of macros that are useful exclusively within lexer rules. There are additional
-/// macros, common to all recognizer, and these are documented in the section Common Macros.
-/// \subsection lexer LEXER
-/// The <code>LEXER</code> macro returns a pointer to the base lexer object, which is of type #pANTLR3_LEXER. This is
-/// not the pointer to your generated lexer, which is supplied by the CTX macro,
-/// but to the common implementation of a lexer interface,
-/// which is supplied to all generated lexers.
-/// \subsection lexstate LEXSTATE
-/// Provides a pointer to the lexer shared state structure, which is where the tokens for a
-/// rule are constructed and the status elements of the lexer are kept. This pointer is of type
-/// #pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE.In general you should only access elements of this structure
-/// if there is not already another MACRO or standard $xxxx antlr reference that refers to it.
-/// \subsection la LA(n)
-/// The <code>LA</code> macro returns the character at index n from the current input stream index. The return
-/// type is #ANTLR3_UINT32. Hence <code>LA(1)</code> returns the character at the current input position (the
-/// character that will be consumed next), <code>LA(-1)</code> returns the character that has just been consumed
-/// and so on. The <code>LA(n)</code> macro is useful for constructing semantic predicates in lexer rules. The
-/// reference <code>LA(0)</code> is undefined and will cause an error in your lexer.
-/// \subsection getcharindex GETCHARINDEX()
-/// The <code>GETCHARINDEX</code> macro returns the index of the current character position as a 0 based
-/// offset from the start of the input stream. It returns a value type of #ANTLR3_UINT32.
-/// \subsection getline GETLINE()
-/// The <code>GETLINE</code> macro returns the line number of current character (<code>LA(1)</code> in the input
-/// stream. It returns a value type of #ANTLR3_UINT32. Note that the line number is incremented
-/// automatically by an input stream when it sees the input character '\n'. The character that causes
-/// the line number to increment can be changed by calling the SetNewLineChar() method on the input
-/// stream before invoking the lexer and after creating the input stream.
-/// \subsection gettext GETTEXT()
-/// The <code>GETTEXT</code> macro returns the text currently matched by the lexer rule. In general you should use the
-/// generic $text reference in ANTLR to retrieve this. The return type is a reference type of #pANTLR3_STRING
-/// which allows you to manipulate the text you have retrieved (\b NB this does not change the input stream
-/// only the text you copy from the input stream when you use this MACRO or $text).
-/// The reference $text->chars or GETTEXT()->chars will reference a pointer to the '\\0' terminated character
-/// string that the ANTLR3 #pANTLR3_STRING represents. String space is allocated automatically as well as
-/// the structure that holds the string. The #pANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY associated with the lexer handles this
-/// and when you close the lexer, it will automatically free any space allocated for strings and their structures.
-/// \subsection getcharpositioninline GETCHARPOSITIONINLINE()
-/// The <code>GETCHARPOSITIONINLINE</code> returns the zero based offset of character <code>LA(1)</code>
-/// from the start of the current input line. See the macro <code>GETLINE</code> for details on what the
-/// line number means.
-/// \subsection emit EMIT()
-/// The macro <code>EMIT</code> causes the text range currently matched to the lexer rule to be emitted
-/// immediately as the token for the rule. Subsequent text is matched but ignored. The type used for the
-/// the token is the name of the lexer rule or, if you have change this by using $type = XXX;, the type
-/// XXX is used.
-/// \subsection emitnew EMITNEW(t)
-/// The macro <code>EMITNEW</code> causes the supplied token reference <code>t</code> to be used as the
-/// token emitted by the rule. The parameter <code>t </code> must be of type #pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN.
-/// \subsection index INDEX()
-/// The <code>INDEX</code> macro returns the current input position according to the input stream. It is not
-/// guaranteed to be the character offset in the input stream but is instead used as a value
-/// for marking and rewinding to specific points in the input stream. Use the macro <code>GETCHARINDEX()</code>
-/// to find out the position of the <code>LA(1)</code> in the input stream.
-/// \subsection pushstream PUSHSTREAM(str)
-/// The <code>PUSHSTREAM</code> macro, in conjunction with the <code>POPSTREAM</code> macro (called internally in the runtime usually)
-/// can be used to stack many input streams to the lexer, and implement constructs such as the C pre-processor
-/// \#include directive.
-/// An input stream that is pushed on to the stack becomes the current input stream for the lexer and
-/// the state of the previous stream is automatically saved. The input stream will be automatically
-/// popped from the stack when it is exhausted by the lexer. You may use the macro <code>POPSTREAM</code>
-/// to return to the previous input stream prior to exhausting the currently stacked input stream.
-/// Here is an example of using the macro in a lexer to implement the C \#include pre-processor directive:
-/// \code
-/// fragment
-/// STRING_GUTS : (~('\\'|'"') )* ;
-/// : '#' (' ' | '\t')*
-/// (
-/// 'include' (' ' | '\t')+ '"' file = STRING_GUTS '"' (' ' | '\t')* '\r'? '\n'
-/// {
-/// pANTLR3_STRING fName;
-/// // Create an initial string, then take a substring
-/// // We can do this by messing with the start and end
-/// // pointers of tokens and so on. This shows a reasonable way to
-/// // manipulate strings.
-/// //
-/// fName = $file.text;
-/// printf("Including file '\%s'\n", fName->chars);
-/// // Create a new input stream and take advantage of built in stream stacking
-/// // in C target runtime.
-/// //
-/// in = antlr38BitFileStreamNew(fName->chars);
-/// PUSHSTREAM(in);
-/// // Note that the input stream is not closed when it EOFs, I don't bother
-/// // to do it here, but it is up to you to track streams created like this
-/// // and destroy them when the whole parse session is complete. Remember that you
-/// // don't want to do this until all tokens have been manipulated all the way through
-/// // your tree parsers etc as the token does not store the text it just refers
-/// // back to the input stream and trying to get the text for it will abort if you
-/// // close the input stream too early.
-/// //
-/// }
-/// | (('0'..'9')=>('0'..'9'))+ ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n'
-/// )
-/// {$channel=HIDDEN;}
-/// ;
-/// \endcode
-/// \subsection popstream POPSTREAM()
-/// Assuming that you have stacked an input stream using the PUSHSTREAM macro, you can
-/// remove it from the stream stack and revert to the previous input stream. You should be careful
-/// to pop the stream at an appropriate point in your lexer action, so you do not match characters
-/// from one stream with those from another in the same rule (unless this is what you want to do)
-/// \subsection settext SETTEXT(str)
-/// A token manufactured by the lexer does not actually physically store the text from the
-/// input stream to which it matches. The token string is instead created only if you ask for
-/// the text. However if you wish to change the text that the token represents you can use
-/// this macro to set it explicitly. Note that this does not change the input stream text
-/// but associates the supplied #pANTLR3_STRING with the token. This string is then returned
-/// when parser and tree parser reference the tokens via the $xxx.text reference.
-/// \subsection user1 USER1 USER2 USER3 and CUSTOM
-/// While you can create your own custom token class and have the lexer deal with this, this
-/// is a lot of work compared to the trivial inheritance that can be achieved in the Java target.
-/// In many cases though, all that is needed is the addition of a few data items such as an
-/// integer or a pointer. Rather than require C programmers to create complicated structures
-/// just to add a few data items, the C target provides a few custom fields in the standard
-/// token, which will fulfil the needs of most lexers and parsers.
-/// The token fields user1, user2, and user3 are all value types of #ANTLR_UINT32. In the
-/// parser you can reference these fields directly from the token: <code>x=TOKNAME { $x->user1 ...</code>
-/// but when you are building the token in the lexer, you must assign to the fields using the
-/// macros <code>USER1</code>, <code>USER2</code>, or <code>USER3</code>. As in:
-/// \code
-/// LEXTOK: 'AAAAA' { USER1 = 99; } ;
-/// \endcode
-/// \section parsermacros Parser and Tree Parser Macros
-/// \subsection parser PARSER
-/// The <code>PARSER</code> macro returns a pointer to the base parser or tree parser object, which is of type #pANTLR3_PARSER
-/// or #pANTLR3_TREE_PARSER . This is not the pointer to your generated parser, which is supplied by the <code>CTX</code> macro,
-/// but to the common implementation of a parser or tree parser interface, which is supplied to all generated parsers.
-/// \subsection index INDEX()
-/// When used in the parser, the <code>INDEX</code> macro returns the position of the current
-/// token ( LT(1) ) in the input token stream. It can be used for <code>MARK</code> and <code>REWIND</code>
-/// operations.
-/// \subsection lt LT(n) and LA(n)
-/// In the parser, the macro <code>LT(n)</code> returns the #pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN at offset <code>n</code> from
-/// the current token stream input position. The macro <code>LA(n)</code> returns the token type of the token
-/// at position <code>n</code>. The value <code>n</code> cannot be zero, and such a reference will return
-/// <code>NULL</code> and possibly cause an error. <code>LA(1)</code> is the token that is about to be
-/// recognized and <code>LA(-1)</code> is the token that has just been recognized. Values of n that exceed the
-/// limits of the token stream boundaries will return <code>NULL</code>.
-/// \subsection psrstate PSRSTATE
-/// Returns the shared state pointer of type #pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE. This is not generally
-/// useful to the grammar programmer as the useful elements have generic $xxx references built in to
-/// ANTLR.
-/// \subsection adaptor ADAPTOR
-/// When building an AST via a parser, the work of constructing and manipulating trees is done
-/// by a supplied adaptor class. The default class is usually fine for most tree operations but
-/// if you wish to build your own specialized linked/tree structure, then you may need to reference
-/// the adaptor you supply directly. The <code>ADAPTOR</code> macro returns the reference to the tree adaptor
-/// which is always of type #pANTLR3_BASE_TREE_ADAPTOR, even if it is your custom adapter.
-/// \section commonmacros Macros Common to All Recognizers
-/// \subsection recognizer RECOGNIZER
-/// Returns a reference type of #pANTRL3_BASE_RECOGNIZER, which is the base functionality supplied
-/// to all recognizers, whether lexers, parsers or tree parsers. You can override methods in this
-/// interface by installing your own function pointers (once you know what you are doing).
-/// \subsection input INPUT
-/// Returns a reference to the input stream of the appropriate type for the recognizer. In a lexer
-/// this macro returns a reference type of #pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM, in a parser this is type
-/// #pANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM and in a tree parser this is type #pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM.
-/// You can of course provide your own implementations of any of these interfaces.
-/// \subsection mark MARK()
-/// This macro will cause the input stream for the current recognizer to be marked with a
-/// checkpoint. It will return a value type of #ANTLR3_MARKER which you can use as the
-/// parameter to a <code>REWIND</code> macro to return to the marked point in the input.
-/// If you know you will only ever rewind to the last <code>MARK</code>, then you can ignore the return
-/// value of this macro and just use the <code>REWINDLAST</code> macro to return to the last <code>MARK</code> that
-/// was set in the input stream.
-/// \subsection rewind REWIND(m)
-/// Rewinds the appropriate input stream back to the marked checkpoint returned from a prior
-/// MARK macro call and supplied as the parameter <code>m</code> to the <code>REWIND(m)</code>
-/// macro.
-/// \subsection rewindlast REWINDLAST()
-/// Rewinds the current input stream (character, tokens, tree nodes) back to the last checkpoint
-/// marker created by a <code>MARK</code> macro call. Fails silently if there was no prior
-/// <code>MARK</code> call.
-/// \subsection seek SEEK(n)
-/// Causes the input stream to position itself directly at offset <code>n</code> in the stream. Works for all
-/// input stream types, both lexer, parser and tree parser.
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-/// \page knownissues Known Issues
-/// The following issues \ No newline at end of file
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-// Main page documentation for ANTLR3C runtime. Contains
-// doxygen things only.
-/// \mainpage ANTLR3 C Runtime API and Usage Guide.
-/// \section version Version 3.3.1
-/// This documentation is specifically for the C rutime version 3.1.x.x, which is
-/// specifically for use with version 3.1.x.x of the ANTLR recognizer generation
-/// tool. While some of the documentation may well apply to prior or future versions
-/// you should consult the manuals for the correct version whenever possible.
-/// \section chchchchangeesss Changes from 3.2 to 3.3.1
-/// Some changes in 3.3.1 may require small changes in your invoking programs or
-/// in the grammar itself. Please read about them here before emailing the user group,
-/// where you will be told to come and read about them here, unless they were missed
-/// from this list.
-/// - \subpage changes331 Check here for API changes
-/// \section intro Introduction
-/// The ANTLR3 recognizer generation tool is written in Java, but allows the generation
-/// of code targeted for a number of other languages. Each target language provides a code
-/// generation template for the tool and a runtime library for use by generated recognizers.
-/// The C runtime tracks the Java runtime releases and in general when a new version of the
-/// tool is released, a new version of the C runtime will be released at the same time.
-/// The documentation here is in three parts:
-/// - \subpage build Building the runtime itself from source code;
-/// - \subpage generate How to tell ANTLR to generate code for the C target;
-/// - \subpage buildrec How to build the generated code
-/// - \subpage using Using the runtime and the libraries and so on;
-/// - \subpage runtime The documentation of the runtime code and functions;
-/// \section background Background Information
-/// The ANTLR 3 C runtime and code generation templates were written by <a href=""> Jim Idle</a>
-/// (jimi|at|temporal-wave|dott/com) of <a href="">Temporal Wave LLC</a>.
-/// The C runtime and therefore the code generated to utilize the runtime reflects the object model of the
-/// Java version of the runtime as closely as a language without class structures and inheritance can.
-/// Compromises have only been made where performance would be adversely affected such as minimizing the
-/// number of pointer to pointer to pointer to function type structures that could ensue through trying to
-/// model inheritance too exactly. Other differences include the use of token and string factories to minimize
-/// the number of calls to system functions such as calloc().This model was adopted so that overriding any
-/// default implementation of a function is relatively simple for the grammar programmer.
-/// The generated code is free threading (subject to the systems calls used on any particular platform
-/// being likewise free threading.)
-/// \subsection model Runtime Model
-/// As there is no such thing as an object reference in C, the runtime defines a number of typedef structs that reflect
-/// the calling interface chosen by Terence Parr for the Java version of the same. The initialization of a parser,
-/// lexer, input stream or other internal structure therefore consists of allocating the memory required for
-/// an instance of the typedef struct that represents the interface, initializing any counters, and buffers etc,
-/// then populating a number of pointers to functions that implement the equivalent of the methods in the Java class.
-/// The use and initialization of the C versions of a parser is therefore similar to the examples given for Java,
-/// but with a bent towards C of course. You may need to be aware of memory allocation and freeing operations
-/// in certain environments such as Windows, where you cannot allocate memory in one DLL and free it in another.
-/// The runtime provides a number of structures and interfaces that the author has found useful when writing action and
-/// processing code within java parsers, and furthermore were required by the C runtime code if it was not to
-/// depart too far from the logical layout of the Java model. These include the C equivalents of String, List,
-/// Hashtable, Vector and Trie, implemented by pointers to structures. These are freely available for your own programming needs.
-/// A goal of the generated code was to minimize the tracking, allocation and freeing of memory for reasons of both
-/// performance and reliability. In essence any memory used by a lexer, parser or tree parser is automatically tracked and
-/// freed when the instance of it is released. There are therefore factory functions for tokens and so on such that they
-/// can be allocated in blocks and parceled out as they are required. They are all then freed in one go, minimizing the
-/// risk of memory leaks and alloc/free thrashing. This has only one side effect, being that if you wish to preserve some structure generated by
-/// the lexer, parser or tree parser, then you must make a copy of it before freeing those structures, and track it yourself
-/// after that. In practice, it is easy enough just not to release the antlr generated components until you are
-/// finished with their results.
-/// \section targets Target Platforms
-/// The C project is constructed such that it will compile on any reasonable ANSI C compiler in either 64 or 32 bit mode,
-/// with all warnings turned on. This is true of both the runtime code and the generated code and has been summarily tested
-/// with Visual Studio .Net (2003, 2005 and 2008) and later versions of gcc on Redhat Linux, as well as on AIX 5.2/5.3, Solaris 9/10,
-/// HPUX 11.xx, OSX (PowerPC and Intel) and Cygwin.
-/// \b Notes
-/// - The C runtime is constructed such that the library can be integrated as an archive library, or a shared library/DLL.
-/// - The C language target code generation templates are distributed with the source code for the ANTLR tool itself.
-/// \section performance Performance
-/// It is C :-). Basic testing of performance against the Java runtime,
-/// using the JDK1.6 java source code, and the Java parser provided in the examples (which is a tough test as it includes
-/// backtracking and memoization) show that the C runtime uses about half the memory and is between 2 and 3 times the speed.
-/// Tests of non-backtracking, non-memoizing parsers, indicate results significantly better than this.
-/// \section examples Downloading Examples
-/// The <a href="">downloads page</a> of the ANTLR web site contains a downloadable
-/// zip/tar of examples projects for use with the C runtime model. It contains .sln files and source code for a
-/// number of example grammars and helps to see how to invoke and call the generated recognizers.
-/// \ No newline at end of file
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-/// \page runtime Navigating the C Runtime Documentation
-/// If you are familiar with Doxygen generated documentation, then the layout of the files, typedefs
-/// and so on will be familiar to you. However there is also additional structure applied that helps
-/// the programmer to see how the runtime is made up.
-/// \section modules Modules
-/// Under the Modules menu tree you will find the entry API Classes. This section is further
-/// divided into typedefs and structs and the standard runtime supplied interface implementation
-/// methods.
-/// The typedefs are the types that you declare in your code and which are returned by the
-/// 'constructors' such as antlr38BitFileStreamNew(). The underlying structures document
-/// the data elements of the type and what a function pointer installed in any particular
-/// slot should do.
-/// The default implementations are the static methods within the default implementation file
-/// for a 'class', which are installed by the runtime when a default instance of one the
-/// typedefs (classes) is created.
-/// When navigating the source code, find the typedef you want to consult and inspect the documentation
-/// for its function pointers, then look at the documentation for the default methods that implement
-/// that 'method'.
-/// For example, under "API Typedefs and Structs" you will find "Base Recognizer Definition", which tells
-/// you all the methods that belong to this interface. Under "API Implementation Functions", you will
-/// find "Base Recognizer Implementation", which documents the actual functions that are installed
-/// to implement the class methods.
-/// From here, the documentation should be obvious. If it is not, then you could try reading
-/// the actual source code, but please don't email the author directly, use the ANTLR Interest
-/// email group, which you should probably have signed up for if you have read this far into the
-/// C runtime documentation.
-/// \ No newline at end of file
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-/// \page using Using the ANTLR3 C Target
-/// \section intro Introduction
-/// Using the ANTLR target involves gaining knowledge of a number of elements:
-/// -# Writing ANTLR grammars (not covered in this manual);
-/// -# How ANTLR works (not covered in this manual);
-/// -# How to use the \@sections with the C target
-/// -# Interoperation with the runtime within rule actions;
-/// -# Implementing custom versions of the standard library methods;
-/// If you are as yet unfamiliar with how ANTLR works in general, then
-/// it is suggested that you read the various <a href="">wiki pages</a> concerned with
-/// getting started. However there are a few things that you should note:
-/// - The lexer is independent of the parser. You \b cannot control the lexer from within the parser;
-/// - The tree parser is independent of the parser. You \b cannot control the parser from within the tree parser(s);
-/// - Each tree parser is independent of other tree parsers.
-/// This means that your lexer runs first and consumes all the input stream until
-/// you stop it programmatically, or it reaches the end of the input stream. It produces
-/// a complete stream of tokens, which the parser then consumes.
-/// \section Using \@sections in a C Targeted Grammar
-/// Within a grammar file there are a number of special sections you can add that cause the
-/// code within them to be placed at strategic points in the generated code such as
-/// before or after the #include statements in the .c file, within the generated header file
-/// or within the constructor for the recognizer.
-/// Many of the \@sections used within a Java targeted grammar have some equivalent function within a
-/// C targeted grammar, but their use may well be subtly different. There are also additional sections
-/// that have meaning only within a grammar targeted for the C runtime.
-/// Detailed documentation of these sections is given here: \subpage atsections
-/// \section interop Interoperation Within Rule Actions
-/// Rule actions have a limited number of elements they can access by name, independently of the
-/// target language generated. These are elements such as $line, $pos, $text and so on. Where the
-/// $xxx returns a basic type such as \c int, then you can use these in C as you would in the Java
-/// target, but where a reference returns a string, you will get a pointer to the C runtime
-/// string implementation #pANTLR3_STRING. This will give you access to things like token text
-/// but also provides some convenience methods such as #pANTLR3_STRING->substring() and #pANTLR3_STRING->toUTF8().
-/// The generated code provides a number of C MACROs, which make it easier to access runtime
-/// components. Always use these macros when available, to protect your action code from changes
-/// to the underlying implementation.
-/// Detailed documentation of macros and rule action interoperation is given here: \subpage interop
-/// \section Custom Implementing Customized Methods
-/// Unless you wish to create your own tree structures using the built in ANTLR AST rewriting
-/// notation, you will rarely need to override the default implementation of runtime methods. The
-/// exception to this will be the syntax err reporting method, which is essentially a stub function
-/// that you will usually want to provide your own implementation for. You should consider the built in function
-/// displayRecognitionError() as an example of where to start as there can be no really useful
-/// generic error message display.
-/// \ No newline at end of file