path: root/clang/unittests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/unittests')
13 files changed, 1481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Basic/FileManagerTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Basic/FileManagerTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91998b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Basic/FileManagerTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+//===- unittests/Basic/FileMangerTest.cpp ------------ FileManger tests ---===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemStatCache.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+// Used to create a fake file system for running the tests with such
+// that the tests are not affected by the structure/contents of the
+// file system on the machine running the tests.
+class FakeStatCache : public FileSystemStatCache {
+ // Maps a file/directory path to its desired stat result. Anything
+ // not in this map is considered to not exist in the file system.
+ llvm::StringMap<struct stat, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> StatCalls;
+ void InjectFileOrDirectory(const char *Path, ino_t INode, bool IsFile) {
+ struct stat statBuf;
+ memset(&statBuf, 0, sizeof(statBuf));
+ statBuf.st_dev = 1;
+#ifndef _WIN32 // struct stat has no st_ino field on Windows.
+ statBuf.st_ino = INode;
+ statBuf.st_mode = IsFile ? (0777 | S_IFREG) // a regular file
+ : (0777 | S_IFDIR); // a directory
+ StatCalls[Path] = statBuf;
+ }
+ // Inject a file with the given inode value to the fake file system.
+ void InjectFile(const char *Path, ino_t INode) {
+ InjectFileOrDirectory(Path, INode, /*IsFile=*/true);
+ }
+ // Inject a directory with the given inode value to the fake file system.
+ void InjectDirectory(const char *Path, ino_t INode) {
+ InjectFileOrDirectory(Path, INode, /*IsFile=*/false);
+ }
+ // Implement FileSystemStatCache::getStat().
+ virtual LookupResult getStat(const char *Path, struct stat &StatBuf,
+ int *FileDescriptor) {
+ if (StatCalls.count(Path) != 0) {
+ StatBuf = StatCalls[Path];
+ return CacheExists;
+ }
+ return CacheMissing; // This means the file/directory doesn't exist.
+ }
+// The test fixture.
+class FileManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ FileManagerTest() : manager(options) {
+ }
+ FileSystemOptions options;
+ FileManager manager;
+// When a virtual file is added, its getDir() field is set correctly
+// (not NULL, correct name).
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getVirtualFileSetsTheDirFieldCorrectly) {
+ const FileEntry *file = manager.getVirtualFile("foo.cpp", 42, 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL);
+ const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
+ EXPECT_STREQ(".", dir->getName());
+ file = manager.getVirtualFile("x/y/z.cpp", 42, 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL);
+ dir = file->getDir();
+ EXPECT_STREQ("x/y", dir->getName());
+// Before any virtual file is added, no virtual directory exists.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, NoVirtualDirectoryExistsBeforeAVirtualFileIsAdded) {
+ // An empty FakeStatCache causes all stat calls made by the
+ // FileManager to report "file/directory doesn't exist". This
+ // avoids the possibility of the result of this test being affected
+ // by what's in the real file system.
+ manager.addStatCache(new FakeStatCache);
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir/foo"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, manager.getDirectory("virtual"));
+// When a virtual file is added, all of its ancestors should be created.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getVirtualFileCreatesDirectoryEntriesForAncestors) {
+ // Fake an empty real file system.
+ manager.addStatCache(new FakeStatCache);
+ manager.getVirtualFile("virtual/dir/bar.h", 100, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir/foo"));
+ const DirectoryEntry *dir = manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("virtual/dir", dir->getName());
+ dir = manager.getDirectory("virtual");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("virtual", dir->getName());
+// getFile() returns non-NULL if a real file exists at the given path.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsValidFileEntryForExistingRealFile) {
+ // Inject fake files into the file system.
+ FakeStatCache *statCache = new FakeStatCache;
+ statCache->InjectDirectory("/tmp", 42);
+ statCache->InjectFile("/tmp/test", 43);
+ manager.addStatCache(statCache);
+ const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("/tmp/test");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL);
+ EXPECT_STREQ("/tmp/test", file->getName());
+ const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
+ EXPECT_STREQ("/tmp", dir->getName());
+// getFile() returns non-NULL if a virtual file exists at the given path.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsValidFileEntryForExistingVirtualFile) {
+ // Fake an empty real file system.
+ manager.addStatCache(new FakeStatCache);
+ manager.getVirtualFile("virtual/dir/bar.h", 100, 0);
+ const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("virtual/dir/bar.h");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL);
+ EXPECT_STREQ("virtual/dir/bar.h", file->getName());
+ const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
+ EXPECT_STREQ("virtual/dir", dir->getName());
+// getFile() returns different FileEntries for different paths when
+// there's no aliasing.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsDifferentFileEntriesForDifferentFiles) {
+ // Inject two fake files into the file system. Different inodes
+ // mean the files are not symlinked together.
+ FakeStatCache *statCache = new FakeStatCache;
+ statCache->InjectDirectory(".", 41);
+ statCache->InjectFile("foo.cpp", 42);
+ statCache->InjectFile("bar.cpp", 43);
+ manager.addStatCache(statCache);
+ const FileEntry *fileFoo = manager.getFile("foo.cpp");
+ const FileEntry *fileBar = manager.getFile("bar.cpp");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fileFoo != NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fileBar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_NE(fileFoo, fileBar);
+// getFile() returns NULL if neither a real file nor a virtual file
+// exists at the given path.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsNULLForNonexistentFile) {
+ // Inject a fake foo.cpp into the file system.
+ FakeStatCache *statCache = new FakeStatCache;
+ statCache->InjectDirectory(".", 41);
+ statCache->InjectFile("foo.cpp", 42);
+ manager.addStatCache(statCache);
+ // Create a virtual bar.cpp file.
+ manager.getVirtualFile("bar.cpp", 200, 0);
+ const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("xyz.txt");
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, file);
+// The following tests apply to Unix-like system only.
+#ifndef _WIN32
+// getFile() returns the same FileEntry for real files that are aliases.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsSameFileEntryForAliasedRealFiles) {
+ // Inject two real files with the same inode.
+ FakeStatCache *statCache = new FakeStatCache;
+ statCache->InjectDirectory("abc", 41);
+ statCache->InjectFile("abc/foo.cpp", 42);
+ statCache->InjectFile("abc/bar.cpp", 42);
+ manager.addStatCache(statCache);
+ EXPECT_EQ(manager.getFile("abc/foo.cpp"), manager.getFile("abc/bar.cpp"));
+// getFile() returns the same FileEntry for virtual files that have
+// corresponding real files that are aliases.
+TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsSameFileEntryForAliasedVirtualFiles) {
+ // Inject two real files with the same inode.
+ FakeStatCache *statCache = new FakeStatCache;
+ statCache->InjectDirectory("abc", 41);
+ statCache->InjectFile("abc/foo.cpp", 42);
+ statCache->InjectFile("abc/bar.cpp", 42);
+ manager.addStatCache(statCache);
+ manager.getVirtualFile("abc/foo.cpp", 100, 0);
+ manager.getVirtualFile("abc/bar.cpp", 200, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(manager.getFile("abc/foo.cpp"), manager.getFile("abc/bar.cpp"));
+#endif // !_WIN32
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Basic/Makefile b/clang/unittests/Basic/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82de790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Basic/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+##===- unittests/Basic/Makefile ----------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+CLANG_LEVEL = ../..
+LINK_COMPONENTS := support mc
+USEDLIBS = clangLex.a clangBasic.a
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/unittests/Makefile
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Basic/SourceManagerTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Basic/SourceManagerTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429b58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Basic/SourceManagerTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+//===- unittests/Basic/SourceManagerTest.cpp ------ SourceManager tests ---===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/ModuleLoader.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+// The test fixture.
+class SourceManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ SourceManagerTest()
+ : FileMgr(FileMgrOpts),
+ DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs()),
+ Diags(DiagID, new IgnoringDiagConsumer()),
+ SourceMgr(Diags, FileMgr) {
+ TargetOpts.Triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin11.1.0";
+ Target = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(Diags, TargetOpts);
+ }
+ FileSystemOptions FileMgrOpts;
+ FileManager FileMgr;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID;
+ DiagnosticsEngine Diags;
+ SourceManager SourceMgr;
+ LangOptions LangOpts;
+ TargetOptions TargetOpts;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TargetInfo> Target;
+class VoidModuleLoader : public ModuleLoader {
+ virtual Module *loadModule(SourceLocation ImportLoc, ModuleIdPath Path,
+ Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility,
+ bool IsInclusionDirective) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TEST_F(SourceManagerTest, isBeforeInTranslationUnit) {
+ const char *source =
+ "#define M(x) [x]\n"
+ "M(foo)";
+ MemoryBuffer *buf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(source);
+ FileID mainFileID = SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(buf);
+ VoidModuleLoader ModLoader;
+ HeaderSearch HeaderInfo(FileMgr, Diags, LangOpts, &*Target);
+ Preprocessor PP(Diags, LangOpts,
+ Target.getPtr(),
+ SourceMgr, HeaderInfo, ModLoader,
+ /*IILookup =*/ 0,
+ /*OwnsHeaderSearch =*/false,
+ /*DelayInitialization =*/ false);
+ PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
+ std::vector<Token> toks;
+ while (1) {
+ Token tok;
+ PP.Lex(tok);
+ if (
+ break;
+ toks.push_back(tok);
+ }
+ // Make sure we got the tokens that we expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3U, toks.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::l_square, toks[0].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[1].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::r_square, toks[2].getKind());
+ SourceLocation lsqrLoc = toks[0].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation idLoc = toks[1].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation rsqrLoc = toks[2].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation macroExpStartLoc = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 2, 1);
+ SourceLocation macroExpEndLoc = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 2, 6);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(macroExpStartLoc.isFileID());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(macroExpEndLoc.isFileID());
+ SmallString<32> str;
+ ASSERT_EQ("M", PP.getSpelling(macroExpStartLoc, str));
+ ASSERT_EQ(")", PP.getSpelling(macroExpEndLoc, str));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(lsqrLoc, idLoc));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(idLoc, rsqrLoc));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(macroExpStartLoc, idLoc));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(idLoc, macroExpEndLoc));
+#if defined(LLVM_ON_UNIX)
+TEST_F(SourceManagerTest, getMacroArgExpandedLocation) {
+ const char *header =
+ "#define FM(x,y) x\n";
+ const char *main =
+ "#include \"/test-header.h\"\n"
+ "#define VAL 0\n"
+ "FM(VAL,0)\n"
+ "FM(0,VAL)\n"
+ "FM(FM(0,VAL),0)\n"
+ "#define CONCAT(X, Y) X##Y\n"
+ "CONCAT(1,1)\n";
+ MemoryBuffer *headerBuf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(header);
+ MemoryBuffer *mainBuf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(main);
+ FileID mainFileID = SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(mainBuf);
+ const FileEntry *headerFile = FileMgr.getVirtualFile("/test-header.h",
+ headerBuf->getBufferSize(), 0);
+ SourceMgr.overrideFileContents(headerFile, headerBuf);
+ VoidModuleLoader ModLoader;
+ HeaderSearch HeaderInfo(FileMgr, Diags, LangOpts, &*Target);
+ Preprocessor PP(Diags, LangOpts,
+ Target.getPtr(),
+ SourceMgr, HeaderInfo, ModLoader,
+ /*IILookup =*/ 0,
+ /*OwnsHeaderSearch =*/false,
+ /*DelayInitialization =*/ false);
+ PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
+ std::vector<Token> toks;
+ while (1) {
+ Token tok;
+ PP.Lex(tok);
+ if (
+ break;
+ toks.push_back(tok);
+ }
+ // Make sure we got the tokens that we expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(4U, toks.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::numeric_constant, toks[0].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::numeric_constant, toks[1].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::numeric_constant, toks[2].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::numeric_constant, toks[3].getKind());
+ SourceLocation defLoc = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 2, 13);
+ SourceLocation loc1 = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 3, 8);
+ SourceLocation loc2 = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 4, 4);
+ SourceLocation loc3 = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 5, 7);
+ SourceLocation defLoc2 = SourceMgr.translateLineCol(mainFileID, 6, 22);
+ defLoc = SourceMgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(defLoc);
+ loc1 = SourceMgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(loc1);
+ loc2 = SourceMgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(loc2);
+ loc3 = SourceMgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(loc3);
+ defLoc2 = SourceMgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(defLoc2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(defLoc.isFileID());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(loc1.isFileID());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(loc2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(loc3));
+ EXPECT_EQ(loc2, toks[1].getLocation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(loc3, toks[2].getLocation());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(defLoc2.isFileID());
+namespace {
+struct MacroAction {
+ SourceLocation Loc;
+ std::string Name;
+ bool isDefinition; // if false, it is expansion.
+ MacroAction(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Name, bool isDefinition)
+ : Loc(Loc), Name(Name), isDefinition(isDefinition) { }
+class MacroTracker : public PPCallbacks {
+ std::vector<MacroAction> &Macros;
+ explicit MacroTracker(std::vector<MacroAction> &Macros) : Macros(Macros) { }
+ virtual void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
+ Macros.push_back(MacroAction(MI->getDefinitionLoc(),
+ MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName(),
+ true));
+ }
+ virtual void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo* MI,
+ SourceRange Range) {
+ Macros.push_back(MacroAction(MacroNameTok.getLocation(),
+ MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName(),
+ false));
+ }
+TEST_F(SourceManagerTest, isBeforeInTranslationUnitWithMacroInInclude) {
+ const char *header =
+ "#define MACRO_IN_INCLUDE 0\n";
+ const char *main =
+ "#define M(x) x\n"
+ "#define INC \"/test-header.h\"\n"
+ "#include M(INC)\n"
+ "#define INC2 </test-header.h>\n"
+ "#include M(INC2)\n";
+ MemoryBuffer *headerBuf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(header);
+ MemoryBuffer *mainBuf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(main);
+ SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(mainBuf);
+ const FileEntry *headerFile = FileMgr.getVirtualFile("/test-header.h",
+ headerBuf->getBufferSize(), 0);
+ SourceMgr.overrideFileContents(headerFile, headerBuf);
+ VoidModuleLoader ModLoader;
+ HeaderSearch HeaderInfo(FileMgr, Diags, LangOpts, &*Target);
+ Preprocessor PP(Diags, LangOpts,
+ Target.getPtr(),
+ SourceMgr, HeaderInfo, ModLoader,
+ /*IILookup =*/ 0,
+ /*OwnsHeaderSearch =*/false,
+ /*DelayInitialization =*/ false);
+ std::vector<MacroAction> Macros;
+ PP.addPPCallbacks(new MacroTracker(Macros));
+ PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
+ std::vector<Token> toks;
+ while (1) {
+ Token tok;
+ PP.Lex(tok);
+ if (
+ break;
+ toks.push_back(tok);
+ }
+ // Make sure we got the tokens that we expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0U, toks.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(9U, Macros.size());
+ // #define M(x) x
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Macros[0].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("M", Macros[0].Name);
+ // #define INC "/test-header.h"
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Macros[1].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("INC", Macros[1].Name);
+ // M expansion in #include M(INC)
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Macros[2].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("M", Macros[2].Name);
+ // INC expansion in #include M(INC)
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Macros[3].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("INC", Macros[3].Name);
+ // #define MACRO_IN_INCLUDE 0
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Macros[4].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("MACRO_IN_INCLUDE", Macros[4].Name);
+ // #define INC2 </test-header.h>
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Macros[5].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("INC2", Macros[5].Name);
+ // M expansion in #include M(INC2)
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Macros[6].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("M", Macros[6].Name);
+ // INC2 expansion in #include M(INC2)
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Macros[7].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("INC2", Macros[7].Name);
+ // #define MACRO_IN_INCLUDE 0
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Macros[8].isDefinition);
+ ASSERT_EQ("MACRO_IN_INCLUDE", Macros[8].Name);
+ // The INC expansion in #include M(INC) comes before the first
+ // MACRO_IN_INCLUDE definition of the included file.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(Macros[3].Loc, Macros[4].Loc));
+ // The INC2 expansion in #include M(INC2) comes before the second
+ // MACRO_IN_INCLUDE definition of the included file.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(Macros[7].Loc, Macros[8].Loc));
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt b/clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3eac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# add_clang_unittest(test_dirname file1.cpp file2.cpp ...
+# [USED_LIBS lib1 lib2]
+# [LINK_COMPONENTS component1 component2])
+# Will compile the list of files together and link against the clang
+# libraries in the USED_LIBS list and the llvm-config components in
+# the LINK_COMPONENTS list. Produces a binary named
+# 'basename(test_dirname)Tests'.
+ list(GET CLANG_UNITTEST_DEFAULT_ARGS 0 test_dirname)
+ string(REGEX MATCH "([^/]+)$" test_name ${test_dirname})
+ ${CLANG_BINARY_DIR}/unittests/${test_dirname}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+ else()
+ ${CLANG_BINARY_DIR}/unittests/${test_dirname})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ add_clang_executable(${test_name}Tests ${CLANG_UNITTEST_DEFAULT_ARGS})
+ add_dependencies(ClangUnitTests ${test_name}Tests)
+ set_target_properties(${test_name}Tests PROPERTIES FOLDER "Clang tests")
+set_target_properties(ClangUnitTests PROPERTIES FOLDER "Clang tests")
+ llvm_replace_compiler_option(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-frtti" "-fno-rtti")
+elseif( MSVC )
+ llvm_replace_compiler_option(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/GR" "/GR-")
+ add_definitions(-DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0)
+ add_definitions("-Wno-variadic-macros")
+ Basic/FileManagerTest.cpp
+ Basic/SourceManagerTest.cpp
+ USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangLex
+ )
+ Lex/LexerTest.cpp
+ USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangLex
+ )
+ Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp
+ USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangFrontend
+ )
+ Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
+ Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
+ USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangTooling
+ )
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4befc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+//===- unittests/Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp - FrontendAction tests ---===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+class TestASTFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ std::vector<std::string> decl_names;
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ StringRef InFile) {
+ return new Visitor(decl_names);
+ }
+ class Visitor : public ASTConsumer, public RecursiveASTVisitor<Visitor> {
+ public:
+ Visitor(std::vector<std::string> &decl_names) : decl_names_(decl_names) {}
+ virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &context) {
+ TraverseDecl(context.getTranslationUnitDecl());
+ }
+ virtual bool VisitNamedDecl(NamedDecl *Decl) {
+ decl_names_.push_back(Decl->getQualifiedNameAsString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::string> &decl_names_;
+ };
+TEST(ASTFrontendAction, Sanity) {
+ CompilerInvocation *invocation = new CompilerInvocation;
+ invocation->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(
+ "", MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("int main() { float x; }"));
+ invocation->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.push_back(FrontendInputFile("",
+ IK_CXX));
+ invocation->getFrontendOpts().ProgramAction = frontend::ParseSyntaxOnly;
+ invocation->getTargetOpts().Triple = "i386-unknown-linux-gnu";
+ CompilerInstance compiler;
+ compiler.setInvocation(invocation);
+ compiler.createDiagnostics(0, NULL);
+ TestASTFrontendAction test_action;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(compiler.ExecuteAction(test_action));
+ ASSERT_EQ(3U, test_action.decl_names.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("__builtin_va_list", test_action.decl_names[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("main", test_action.decl_names[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("x", test_action.decl_names[2]);
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Frontend/Makefile b/clang/unittests/Frontend/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3e6396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Frontend/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+##===- unittests/Frontend/Makefile -------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+CLANG_LEVEL = ../..
+TESTNAME = Frontend
+LINK_COMPONENTS := support mc
+USEDLIBS = clangFrontendTool.a clangFrontend.a clangDriver.a \
+ clangSerialization.a clangCodeGen.a clangParse.a clangSema.a \
+ clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers.a clangStaticAnalyzerCore.a \
+ clangARCMigrate.a clangRewrite.a clangEdit.a \
+ clangAnalysis.a clangAST.a clangLex.a clangBasic.a
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/unittests/Makefile
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Lex/LexerTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Lex/LexerTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43ad86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Lex/LexerTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+//===- unittests/Basic/LexerTest.cpp ------ Lexer tests -------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/ModuleLoader.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+// The test fixture.
+class LexerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ LexerTest()
+ : FileMgr(FileMgrOpts),
+ DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs()),
+ Diags(DiagID, new IgnoringDiagConsumer()),
+ SourceMgr(Diags, FileMgr) {
+ TargetOpts.Triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin11.1.0";
+ Target = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(Diags, TargetOpts);
+ }
+ FileSystemOptions FileMgrOpts;
+ FileManager FileMgr;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID;
+ DiagnosticsEngine Diags;
+ SourceManager SourceMgr;
+ LangOptions LangOpts;
+ TargetOptions TargetOpts;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TargetInfo> Target;
+class VoidModuleLoader : public ModuleLoader {
+ virtual Module *loadModule(SourceLocation ImportLoc, ModuleIdPath Path,
+ Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility,
+ bool IsInclusionDirective) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TEST_F(LexerTest, LexAPI) {
+ const char *source =
+ "#define M(x) [x]\n"
+ "#define N(x) x\n"
+ "#define INN(x) x\n"
+ "#define NOF1 INN(val)\n"
+ "#define NOF2 val\n"
+ "M(foo) N([bar])\n"
+ "N(INN(val)) N(NOF1) N(NOF2) N(val)";
+ MemoryBuffer *buf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(source);
+ (void)SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(buf);
+ VoidModuleLoader ModLoader;
+ HeaderSearch HeaderInfo(FileMgr, Diags, LangOpts, Target.getPtr());
+ Preprocessor PP(Diags, LangOpts,
+ Target.getPtr(),
+ SourceMgr, HeaderInfo, ModLoader,
+ /*IILookup =*/ 0,
+ /*OwnsHeaderSearch =*/false,
+ /*DelayInitialization =*/ false);
+ PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
+ std::vector<Token> toks;
+ while (1) {
+ Token tok;
+ PP.Lex(tok);
+ if (
+ break;
+ toks.push_back(tok);
+ }
+ // Make sure we got the tokens that we expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(10U, toks.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::l_square, toks[0].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[1].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::r_square, toks[2].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::l_square, toks[3].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[4].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::r_square, toks[5].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[6].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[7].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[8].getKind());
+ ASSERT_EQ(tok::identifier, toks[9].getKind());
+ SourceLocation lsqrLoc = toks[0].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation idLoc = toks[1].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation rsqrLoc = toks[2].getLocation();
+ std::pair<SourceLocation,SourceLocation>
+ macroPair = SourceMgr.getExpansionRange(lsqrLoc);
+ SourceRange macroRange = SourceRange(macroPair.first, macroPair.second);
+ SourceLocation Loc;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Lexer::isAtStartOfMacroExpansion(lsqrLoc, SourceMgr, LangOpts, &Loc));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Loc, macroRange.getBegin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Lexer::isAtStartOfMacroExpansion(idLoc, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Lexer::isAtEndOfMacroExpansion(idLoc, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Lexer::isAtEndOfMacroExpansion(rsqrLoc, SourceMgr, LangOpts, &Loc));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Loc, macroRange.getEnd());
+ CharSourceRange range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(
+ CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(lsqrLoc, idLoc), SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.isInvalid());
+ range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(idLoc, rsqrLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.isInvalid());
+ range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(lsqrLoc, rsqrLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!range.isTokenRange());
+ EXPECT_EQ(range.getAsRange(),
+ SourceRange(macroRange.getBegin(),
+ macroRange.getEnd().getLocWithOffset(1)));
+ StringRef text = Lexer::getSourceText(
+ CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(lsqrLoc, rsqrLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_EQ(text, "M(foo)");
+ SourceLocation macroLsqrLoc = toks[3].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation macroIdLoc = toks[4].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation macroRsqrLoc = toks[5].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation fileLsqrLoc = SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(macroLsqrLoc);
+ SourceLocation fileIdLoc = SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(macroIdLoc);
+ SourceLocation fileRsqrLoc = SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(macroRsqrLoc);
+ range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(
+ CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(macroLsqrLoc, macroIdLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_EQ(SourceRange(fileLsqrLoc, fileIdLoc.getLocWithOffset(3)),
+ range.getAsRange());
+ range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(macroIdLoc, macroRsqrLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_EQ(SourceRange(fileIdLoc, fileRsqrLoc.getLocWithOffset(1)),
+ range.getAsRange());
+ macroPair = SourceMgr.getExpansionRange(macroLsqrLoc);
+ range = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(
+ CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(macroLsqrLoc, macroRsqrLoc),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_EQ(SourceRange(macroPair.first, macroPair.second.getLocWithOffset(1)),
+ range.getAsRange());
+ text = Lexer::getSourceText(
+ CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(SourceRange(macroLsqrLoc, macroIdLoc)),
+ SourceMgr, LangOpts);
+ EXPECT_EQ(text, "[bar");
+ SourceLocation idLoc1 = toks[6].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation idLoc2 = toks[7].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation idLoc3 = toks[8].getLocation();
+ SourceLocation idLoc4 = toks[9].getLocation();
+ EXPECT_EQ("INN", Lexer::getImmediateMacroName(idLoc1, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+ EXPECT_EQ("INN", Lexer::getImmediateMacroName(idLoc2, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+ EXPECT_EQ("NOF2", Lexer::getImmediateMacroName(idLoc3, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+ EXPECT_EQ("N", Lexer::getImmediateMacroName(idLoc4, SourceMgr, LangOpts));
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Lex/Makefile b/clang/unittests/Lex/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9c6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Lex/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+##===- unittests/Lex/Makefile ------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+CLANG_LEVEL = ../..
+LINK_COMPONENTS := support mc
+USEDLIBS = clangLex.a clangBasic.a
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/unittests/Makefile
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Lex/PreprocessingRecordTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Lex/PreprocessingRecordTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5d933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Lex/PreprocessingRecordTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+//===- unittests/Lex/PreprocessingRecordTest.cpp - PreprocessingRecord tests =//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/ModuleLoader.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
+#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+// The test fixture.
+class PreprocessingRecordTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ PreprocessingRecordTest()
+ : FileMgr(FileMgrOpts),
+ DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs()),
+ Diags(DiagID, new IgnoringDiagConsumer()),
+ SourceMgr(Diags, FileMgr) {
+ TargetOpts.Triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin11.1.0";
+ Target = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(Diags, TargetOpts);
+ }
+ FileSystemOptions FileMgrOpts;
+ FileManager FileMgr;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID;
+ DiagnosticsEngine Diags;
+ SourceManager SourceMgr;
+ LangOptions LangOpts;
+ TargetOptions TargetOpts;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TargetInfo> Target;
+class VoidModuleLoader : public ModuleLoader {
+ virtual Module *loadModule(SourceLocation ImportLoc, ModuleIdPath Path,
+ Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility,
+ bool IsInclusionDirective) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TEST_F(PreprocessingRecordTest, PPRecAPI) {
+ const char *source =
+ "0 1\n"
+ "#if 1\n"
+ "2\n"
+ "#ifndef BB\n"
+ "3 4\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "5\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "6\n"
+ "#if 1\n"
+ "7\n"
+ "#if 1\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "8\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "9\n";
+ MemoryBuffer *buf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(source);
+ SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(buf);
+ VoidModuleLoader ModLoader;
+ HeaderSearch HeaderInfo(FileMgr, Diags, LangOpts, Target.getPtr());
+ Preprocessor PP(Diags, LangOpts,
+ Target.getPtr(),
+ SourceMgr, HeaderInfo, ModLoader,
+ /*IILookup =*/ 0,
+ /*OwnsHeaderSearch =*/false,
+ /*DelayInitialization =*/ false);
+ PP.createPreprocessingRecord(true);
+ PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
+ std::vector<Token> toks;
+ while (1) {
+ Token tok;
+ PP.Lex(tok);
+ if (
+ break;
+ toks.push_back(tok);
+ }
+ // Make sure we got the tokens that we expected.
+ ASSERT_EQ(10U, toks.size());
+ PreprocessingRecord &PPRec = *PP.getPreprocessingRecord();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[0].getLocation(), toks[1].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[0].getLocation(), toks[2].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[3].getLocation(), toks[4].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[1].getLocation(), toks[5].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[2].getLocation(), toks[6].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[2].getLocation(), toks[5].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[0].getLocation(), toks[6].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[2].getLocation(), toks[8].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.rangeIntersectsConditionalDirective(
+ SourceRange(toks[0].getLocation(), toks[9].getLocation())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[0].getLocation(), toks[2].getLocation()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[3].getLocation(), toks[4].getLocation()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[1].getLocation(), toks[5].getLocation()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[2].getLocation(), toks[0].getLocation()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[4].getLocation(), toks[3].getLocation()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PPRec.areInDifferentConditionalDirectiveRegion(
+ toks[5].getLocation(), toks[1].getLocation()));
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Makefile b/clang/unittests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05449d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+##===- unittests/Makefile ----------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# If CLANG_LEVEL is not set, then we are the top-level Makefile. Otherwise, we
+# are being included from a subdirectory makefile.
+PARALLEL_DIRS = Basic Frontend Lex Tooling
+endif # CLANG_LEVEL
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/Makefile
+include $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/unittests/Makefile.unittest
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d2896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+//===- unittest/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp -----------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tooling {
+static CompileCommand findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(StringRef FileName,
+ StringRef JSONDatabase,
+ std::string &ErrorMessage) {
+ llvm::OwningPtr<CompilationDatabase> Database(
+ JSONCompilationDatabase::loadFromBuffer(JSONDatabase, ErrorMessage));
+ if (!Database)
+ return CompileCommand();
+ std::vector<CompileCommand> Commands = Database->getCompileCommands(FileName);
+ EXPECT_LE(Commands.size(), 1u);
+ if (Commands.empty())
+ return CompileCommand();
+ return Commands[0];
+TEST(findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, FindsNothingIfEmpty) {
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand NotFound = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ "a-file.cpp", "", ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.CommandLine.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.Directory.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
+TEST(findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsSingleEntry) {
+ StringRef Directory("/some/directory");
+ StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
+ StringRef Command("/path/to/compiler and some arguments");
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand FoundCommand = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ FileName,
+ ("[{\"directory\":\"" + Directory + "\"," +
+ "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
+ "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(),
+ ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Directory, FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size()) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("/path/to/compiler", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("and", FoundCommand.CommandLine[1]) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("some", FoundCommand.CommandLine[2]) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("arguments", FoundCommand.CommandLine[3]) << ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand NotFound = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ "a-file.cpp",
+ ("[{\"directory\":\"" + Directory + "\"," +
+ "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
+ "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(),
+ ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.Directory.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.CommandLine.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
+TEST(findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsCompileCommandLinesWithSpaces) {
+ StringRef Directory("/some/directory");
+ StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
+ StringRef Command("\\\"/path to compiler\\\" \\\"and an argument\\\"");
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand FoundCommand = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ FileName,
+ ("[{\"directory\":\"" + Directory + "\"," +
+ "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
+ "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(),
+ ErrorMessage);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("/path to compiler", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("and an argument", FoundCommand.CommandLine[1]) << ErrorMessage;
+TEST(findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsDirectoryWithSpaces) {
+ StringRef Directory("/some directory / with spaces");
+ StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
+ StringRef Command("a command");
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand FoundCommand = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ FileName,
+ ("[{\"directory\":\"" + Directory + "\"," +
+ "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
+ "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(),
+ ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Directory, FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
+TEST(findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, FindsEntry) {
+ StringRef Directory("directory");
+ StringRef FileName("file");
+ StringRef Command("command");
+ std::string JsonDatabase = "[";
+ for (int I = 0; I < 10; ++I) {
+ if (I > 0) JsonDatabase += ",";
+ JsonDatabase +=
+ ("{\"directory\":\"" + Directory + Twine(I) + "\"," +
+ "\"command\":\"" + Command + Twine(I) + "\","
+ "\"file\":\"" + FileName + Twine(I) + "\"}").str();
+ }
+ JsonDatabase += "]";
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand FoundCommand = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ "file4", JsonDatabase, ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_EQ("directory4", FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size()) << ErrorMessage;
+ EXPECT_EQ("command4", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
+static std::vector<std::string> unescapeJsonCommandLine(StringRef Command) {
+ std::string JsonDatabase =
+ ("[{\"directory\":\"\", \"file\":\"test\", \"command\": \"" +
+ Command + "\"}]").str();
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ CompileCommand FoundCommand = findCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
+ "test", JsonDatabase, ErrorMessage);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ErrorMessage.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
+ return FoundCommand.CommandLine;
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, ReturnsEmptyArrayOnEmptyString) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Result.empty());
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, SplitsOnSpaces) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine("a b c");
+ ASSERT_EQ(3ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("a", Result[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("b", Result[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("c", Result[2]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, MungesMultipleSpaces) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine(" a b ");
+ ASSERT_EQ(2ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("a", Result[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("b", Result[1]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, UnescapesBackslashCharacters) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Backslash = unescapeJsonCommandLine("a\\\\\\\\");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Backslash.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("a\\", Backslash[0]);
+ std::vector<std::string> Quote = unescapeJsonCommandLine("a\\\\\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Quote.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("a\"", Quote[0]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, DoesNotMungeSpacesBetweenQuotes) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine("\\\" a b \\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(" a b ", Result[0]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, AllowsMultipleQuotedArguments) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ " \\\" a \\\" \\\" b \\\" ");
+ ASSERT_EQ(2ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(" a ", Result[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(" b ", Result[1]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, AllowsEmptyArgumentsInQuotes) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ "\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Result[0].empty()) << Result[0];
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesEscapedQuotesInQuotedStrings) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ "\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[0]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesMultipleArgumentsWithEscapedCharacters) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Result = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ " \\\\\\\" \\\"a \\\\\\\" b \\\" \\\"and\\\\\\\\c\\\" \\\\\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(4ul, Result.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("a \" b ", Result[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("and\\c", Result[2]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[3]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesStringsWithoutSpacesIntoSingleArgument) {
+ std::vector<std::string> QuotedNoSpaces = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ "\\\"a\\\"\\\"b\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, QuotedNoSpaces.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("ab", QuotedNoSpaces[0]);
+ std::vector<std::string> MixedNoSpaces = unescapeJsonCommandLine(
+ "\\\"a\\\"bcd\\\"ef\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"g\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, MixedNoSpaces.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("abcdefg", MixedNoSpaces[0]);
+TEST(unescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesQuotedStringWithoutClosingQuote) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Unclosed = unescapeJsonCommandLine("\\\"abc");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Unclosed.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("abc", Unclosed[0]);
+ std::vector<std::string> Empty = unescapeJsonCommandLine("\\\"");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Empty.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Empty[0]);
+TEST(FixedCompilationDatabase, ReturnsFixedCommandLine) {
+ std::vector<std::string> CommandLine;
+ CommandLine.push_back("one");
+ CommandLine.push_back("two");
+ FixedCompilationDatabase Database(".", CommandLine);
+ std::vector<CompileCommand> Result =
+ Database.getCompileCommands("source");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ std::vector<std::string> ExpectedCommandLine(1, "clang-tool");
+ ExpectedCommandLine.insert(ExpectedCommandLine.end(),
+ CommandLine.begin(), CommandLine.end());
+ ExpectedCommandLine.push_back("source");
+ EXPECT_EQ(".", Result[0].Directory);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedCommandLine, Result[0].CommandLine);
+TEST(ParseFixedCompilationDatabase, ReturnsNullOnEmptyArgumentList) {
+ int Argc = 0;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixedCompilationDatabase> Database(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(Argc, NULL));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Database);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Argc);
+TEST(ParseFixedCompilationDatabase, ReturnsNullWithoutDoubleDash) {
+ int Argc = 2;
+ const char *Argv[] = { "1", "2" };
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixedCompilationDatabase> Database(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(Argc, Argv));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Database);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Argc);
+TEST(ParseFixedCompilationDatabase, ReturnsArgumentsAfterDoubleDash) {
+ int Argc = 5;
+ const char *Argv[] = { "1", "2", "--\0no-constant-folding", "3", "4" };
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixedCompilationDatabase> Database(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(Argc, Argv));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Database);
+ std::vector<CompileCommand> Result =
+ Database->getCompileCommands("source");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(".", Result[0].Directory);
+ std::vector<std::string> CommandLine;
+ CommandLine.push_back("clang-tool");
+ CommandLine.push_back("3");
+ CommandLine.push_back("4");
+ CommandLine.push_back("source");
+ ASSERT_EQ(CommandLine, Result[0].CommandLine);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Argc);
+TEST(ParseFixedCompilationDatabase, ReturnsEmptyCommandLine) {
+ int Argc = 3;
+ const char *Argv[] = { "1", "2", "--\0no-constant-folding" };
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixedCompilationDatabase> Database(
+ FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(Argc, Argv));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Database);
+ std::vector<CompileCommand> Result =
+ Database->getCompileCommands("source");
+ ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(".", Result[0].Directory);
+ std::vector<std::string> CommandLine;
+ CommandLine.push_back("clang-tool");
+ CommandLine.push_back("source");
+ ASSERT_EQ(CommandLine, Result[0].CommandLine);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Argc);
+} // end namespace tooling
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Tooling/Makefile b/clang/unittests/Tooling/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0829da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Tooling/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+##===- unittests/Tooling/Makefile --------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+CLANG_LEVEL = ../..
+TESTNAME = Tooling
+LINK_COMPONENTS := support mc
+USEDLIBS = clangTooling.a clangFrontend.a clangSerialization.a clangDriver.a \
+ clangParse.a clangSema.a clangAnalysis.a clangEdit.a clangAST.a \
+ clangLex.a clangBasic.a
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/unittests/Makefile
diff --git a/clang/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b2210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+//===- unittest/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp - Tooling unit tests --------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tooling {
+namespace {
+/// Takes an ast consumer and returns it from CreateASTConsumer. This only
+/// works with single translation unit compilations.
+class TestAction : public clang::ASTFrontendAction {
+ public:
+ /// Takes ownership of TestConsumer.
+ explicit TestAction(clang::ASTConsumer *TestConsumer)
+ : TestConsumer(TestConsumer) {}
+ protected:
+ virtual clang::ASTConsumer* CreateASTConsumer(
+ clang::CompilerInstance& compiler, StringRef dummy) {
+ /// TestConsumer will be deleted by the framework calling us.
+ return TestConsumer;
+ }
+ private:
+ clang::ASTConsumer * const TestConsumer;
+class FindTopLevelDeclConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
+ public:
+ explicit FindTopLevelDeclConsumer(bool *FoundTopLevelDecl)
+ : FoundTopLevelDecl(FoundTopLevelDecl) {}
+ virtual bool HandleTopLevelDecl(clang::DeclGroupRef DeclGroup) {
+ *FoundTopLevelDecl = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool * const FoundTopLevelDecl;
+} // end namespace
+TEST(runToolOnCode, FindsTopLevelDeclOnEmptyCode) {
+ bool FoundTopLevelDecl = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(runToolOnCode(
+ new TestAction(new FindTopLevelDeclConsumer(&FoundTopLevelDecl)), ""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FoundTopLevelDecl);
+namespace {
+class FindClassDeclXConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
+ public:
+ FindClassDeclXConsumer(bool *FoundClassDeclX)
+ : FoundClassDeclX(FoundClassDeclX) {}
+ virtual bool HandleTopLevelDecl(clang::DeclGroupRef GroupRef) {
+ if (CXXRecordDecl* Record = dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(
+ *GroupRef.begin())) {
+ if (Record->getName() == "X") {
+ *FoundClassDeclX = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool *FoundClassDeclX;
+} // end namespace
+TEST(runToolOnCode, FindsClassDecl) {
+ bool FoundClassDeclX = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(runToolOnCode(new TestAction(
+ new FindClassDeclXConsumer(&FoundClassDeclX)), "class X;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FoundClassDeclX);
+ FoundClassDeclX = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(runToolOnCode(new TestAction(
+ new FindClassDeclXConsumer(&FoundClassDeclX)), "class Y;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FoundClassDeclX);
+TEST(newFrontendActionFactory, CreatesFrontendActionFactoryFromType) {
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FrontendActionFactory> Factory(
+ newFrontendActionFactory<SyntaxOnlyAction>());
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FrontendAction> Action(Factory->create());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Action.get() != NULL);
+struct IndependentFrontendActionCreator {
+ FrontendAction *newFrontendAction() { return new SyntaxOnlyAction; }
+TEST(newFrontendActionFactory, CreatesFrontendActionFactoryFromFactoryType) {
+ IndependentFrontendActionCreator Creator;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FrontendActionFactory> Factory(
+ newFrontendActionFactory(&Creator));
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FrontendAction> Action(Factory->create());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Action.get() != NULL);
+} // end namespace tooling
+} // end namespace clang