path: root/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.variadic/p5.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.variadic/p5.cpp')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.variadic/p5.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.variadic/p5.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726e222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.variadic/p5.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -std=c++11 -fblocks -fms-extensions -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+template<typename T, typename U> struct pair;
+template<typename ...> struct tuple;
+// A parameter pack whose name appears within the pattern of a pack
+// expansion is expanded by that pack expansion. An appearance of the
+// name of a parameter pack is only expanded by the innermost
+// enclosing pack expansion. The pattern of a pack expansion shall
+// name one or more parameter packs that are not expanded by a nested
+// pack expansion.
+template<typename... Types>
+struct Expansion {
+ typedef pair<Types..., int> expand_with_pacs; // okay
+ typedef pair<Types, int...> expand_no_packs; // expected-error{{pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs}}
+ typedef pair<pair<Types..., int>..., int> expand_with_expanded_nested; // expected-error{{pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs}}
+// All of the parameter packs expanded by a pack expansion shall have
+// the same number of arguments specified.
+template<typename ...Types>
+struct ExpansionLengthMismatch {
+ template<typename ...OtherTypes>
+ struct Inner {
+ typedef tuple<pair<Types, OtherTypes>...> type; // expected-error{{pack expansion contains parameter packs 'Types' and 'OtherTypes' that have different lengths (3 vs. 2)}}
+ };
+ExpansionLengthMismatch<int, long>::Inner<unsigned int, unsigned long>::type
+ *il_pairs;
+tuple<pair<int, unsigned int>, pair<long, unsigned long> >*il_pairs_2 = il_pairs;
+ExpansionLengthMismatch<short, int, long>::Inner<unsigned int, unsigned long>::type // expected-note{{in instantiation of template class 'ExpansionLengthMismatch<short, int, long>::Inner<unsigned int, unsigned long>' requested here}}
+ *il_pairs_bad;
+// An appearance of a name of a parameter pack that is not expanded is
+// ill-formed.
+// Test for unexpanded parameter packs in each of the type nodes.
+template<typename T, int N, typename ... Types>
+struct TestPPName
+ : public Types, public T // expected-error{{base type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // BuiltinType is uninteresting
+ // FIXME: ComplexType is uninteresting?
+ // PointerType
+ typedef Types *types_pointer; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // BlockPointerType
+ typedef Types (^block_pointer_1)(int); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ typedef int (^block_pointer_2)(Types); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // LValueReferenceType
+ typedef Types &lvalue_ref; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // RValueReferenceType
+ typedef Types &&rvalue_ref; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // MemberPointerType
+ typedef Types TestPPName::* member_pointer_1; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ typedef int Types::*member_pointer_2; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // ConstantArrayType
+ typedef Types constant_array[17]; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // IncompleteArrayType
+ typedef Types incomplete_array[]; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // VariableArrayType
+ void f(int i) {
+ Types variable_array[i]; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ }
+ // DependentSizedArrayType
+ typedef Types dependent_sized_array[N]; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // DependentSizedExtVectorType
+ typedef Types dependent_sized_ext_vector __attribute__((ext_vector_type(N))); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // VectorType is uninteresting
+ // ExtVectorType
+ typedef Types ext_vector __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // FunctionProtoType
+ typedef Types (function_type_1)(int); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ typedef int (function_type_2)(Types); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // FunctionNoProtoType is uninteresting
+ // UnresolvedUsingType is uninteresting
+ // ParenType is uninteresting
+ // TypedefType is uninteresting
+ // TypeOfExprType
+ typedef __typeof__((static_cast<Types>(0))) typeof_expr; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // TypeOfType
+ typedef __typeof__(Types) typeof_type; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // DecltypeType
+ typedef decltype((static_cast<Types>(0))) typeof_expr; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // RecordType is uninteresting
+ // EnumType is uninteresting
+ // ElaboratedType is uninteresting
+ // TemplateTypeParmType
+ typedef Types template_type_parm; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // SubstTemplateTypeParmType is uninteresting
+ // TemplateSpecializationType
+ typedef pair<Types, int> template_specialization; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // InjectedClassName is uninteresting.
+ // DependentNameType
+ typedef typename Types::type dependent_name; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // DependentTemplateSpecializationType
+ typedef typename Types::template apply<int> dependent_name_1; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ typedef typename T::template apply<Types> dependent_name_2; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // ObjCObjectType is uninteresting
+ // ObjCInterfaceType is uninteresting
+ // ObjCObjectPointerType is uninteresting
+// FIXME: Test for unexpanded parameter packs in each of the expression nodes.
+template<int ...Values>
+void test_unexpanded_in_exprs() {
+ // PredefinedExpr is uninteresting
+ // DeclRefExpr
+ Values; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Values'}}
+ // IntegerLiteral is uninteresting
+ // FloatingLiteral is uninteresting
+ // ImaginaryLiteral is uninteresting
+ // StringLiteral is uninteresting
+ // CharacterLiteral is uninteresting
+ (Values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Values'}}
+ // UnaryOperator
+ -Values; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Values'}}
+ // OffsetOfExpr
+ struct OffsetMe {
+ int array[17];
+ };
+ __builtin_offsetof(OffsetMe, array[Values]); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Values'}}
+ // FIXME: continue this...
+template<typename ... Types>
+void TestPPNameFunc(int i) {
+ f(static_cast<Types>(i)); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+template<typename T, template<class> class ...Meta>
+struct TestUnexpandedTTP {
+ typedef tuple<typename Meta<T>::type> type; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Meta'}}
+// Test for unexpanded parameter packs in declarations.
+template<typename T, typename... Types>
+// FIXME: this should test that the diagnostic reads "type contains..."
+struct alignas(Types) TestUnexpandedDecls : T{ // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ void member_function(Types); // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ void member_function () throw(Types); // expected-error{{exception type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ operator Types() const; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ Types data_member; // expected-error{{data member type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ static Types static_data_member; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ unsigned bit_field : static_cast<Types>(0); // expected-error{{bit-field size contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ static_assert(static_cast<Types>(0), "Boom"); // expected-error{{static assertion contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ enum E0 : Types { // expected-error{{fixed underlying type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ EnumValue = static_cast<Types>(0) // expected-error{{enumerator value contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ };
+ using typename Types::type; // expected-error{{using declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ using Types::value; // expected-error{{using declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ using T::operator Types; // expected-error{{using declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ friend class Types::foo; // expected-error{{friend declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ friend void friend_func(Types); // expected-error{{friend declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ friend void Types::other_friend_func(int); // expected-error{{friend declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ void test_initializers() {
+ T copy_init = static_cast<Types>(0); // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ T direct_init(0, static_cast<Types>(0)); // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ T list_init = { static_cast<Types>(0) }; // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ }
+ T in_class_member_init = static_cast<Types>(0); // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ TestUnexpandedDecls() :
+ Types(static_cast<Types>(0)), // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ Types(static_cast<Types>(0))...,
+ in_class_member_init(static_cast<Types>(0)) {} // expected-error{{initializer contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ void default_function_args(T = static_cast<Types>(0)); // expected-error{{default argument contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ template<typename = Types*> // expected-error{{default argument contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ struct default_template_args_1;
+ template<int = static_cast<Types>(0)> // expected-error{{default argument contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ struct default_template_args_2;
+ template<template<typename> class = Types::template apply> // expected-error{{default argument contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ struct default_template_args_3;
+ template<Types value> // expected-error{{non-type template parameter type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ struct non_type_template_param_type;
+ void decls_in_stmts() {
+ Types t; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ for (Types *t = 0; ; ) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ for (; Types *t = 0; ) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ T a[] = { T(), T(), T() };
+ for (Types t : a) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ switch(Types *t = 0) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ while(Types *t = 0) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ if (Types *t = 0) { } // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ try {
+ } catch (Types*) { // expected-error{{exception type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ }
+ }
+// FIXME: Test for unexpanded parameter packs in each of the statements.
+struct X {
+ void f(int, int);
+ template<typename ...Types>
+ void f(Types...);
+namespace std {
+ class type_info;
+typedef struct _GUID {
+ unsigned long Data1;
+ unsigned short Data2;
+ unsigned short Data3;
+ unsigned char Data4[ 8 ];
+} GUID;
+template<typename T, typename ...Types>
+void test_unexpanded_exprs(Types ...values) {
+ // CXXOperatorCallExpr
+ (void)(values + 0); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ (void)(0 + values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXMemberCallExpr
+ values.f(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ X x;
+ x.f(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ x.Types::f(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ x.f<Types>(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // CXXStaticCastExpr
+ (void)static_cast<Types&>(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter packs 'Types' and 'values'}}
+ // CXXDynamicCastExpr
+ (void)dynamic_cast<Types&>(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter packs 'Types' and 'values'}}
+ // CXXReinterpretCastExpr
+ (void)reinterpret_cast<Types&>(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter packs 'Types' and 'values'}}
+ // CXXConstCastExpr
+ (void)const_cast<Types&>(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter packs 'Types' and 'values'}}
+ // CXXTypeidExpr
+ (void)typeid(Types); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ (void)typeid(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXUuidofExpr
+ (void)__uuidof(Types); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ (void)__uuidof(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXThisExpr is uninteresting
+ // CXXThrowExpr
+ throw Types(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ throw values; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXDefaultArgExpr is uninteresting
+ // CXXBindTemporaryExpr is uninteresting
+ // CXXConstructExpr is uninteresting
+ // CXXFunctionalCastExpr
+ (void)Types(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // CXXTemporaryObjectExpr
+ (void)X(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXScalarValueInitExpr is uninteresting
+ // CXXNewExpr
+ (void)new Types; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ (void)new X(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ (void)new (values) X(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ (void)new X [values]; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXDeleteExpr
+ delete values; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ delete [] values; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXPseudoDestructorExpr
+ T t;
+ values.~T(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ t.~Types(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ t.Types::~T(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // UnaryTypeTraitExpr
+ __is_pod(Types); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // BinaryTypeTraitExpr
+ __is_base_of(Types, T); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ __is_base_of(T, Types); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // UnresolvedLookupExpr
+ test_unexpanded_exprs(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ test_unexpanded_exprs<Types>(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // DependentScopeDeclRefExpr
+ Types::test_unexpanded_exprs(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ T::template test_unexpanded_exprs<Types>(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr
+ Types(5); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr
+; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+; // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // FIXME: There's an evil ambiguity here, because we don't know if
+ // Types refers to the template type parameter pack in scope or a
+ // non-pack member.
+ // t.Types::foo();
+ t.template foo<Types>(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ // UnresolvedMemberExpr
+ x.f<Types>(); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+ x.f(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // CXXNoexceptExpr
+ noexcept(values); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+ // PackExpansionExpr is uninteresting
+ // SizeOfPackExpr is uninteresting
+ // FIXME: Objective-C expressions will need to go elsewhere
+ for (auto t : values) { } // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'values'}}
+// Test unexpanded parameter packs in partial specializations.
+template<typename ...Types>
+struct TestUnexpandedDecls<int, Types>; // expected-error{{partial specialization contains unexpanded parameter pack 'Types'}}
+// Test for diagnostics in the presence of multiple unexpanded
+// parameter packs.
+template<typename T, typename U> struct pair;
+template<typename ...OuterTypes>
+struct MemberTemplatePPNames {
+ template<typename ...InnerTypes>
+ struct Inner {
+ typedef pair<OuterTypes, InnerTypes>* types; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter packs 'OuterTypes' and 'InnerTypes'}}
+ template<typename ...VeryInnerTypes>
+ struct VeryInner {
+ typedef pair<pair<VeryInnerTypes, OuterTypes>, pair<InnerTypes, OuterTypes> > types; // expected-error{{declaration type contains unexpanded parameter packs 'VeryInnerTypes', 'OuterTypes', ...}}
+ };
+ };
+// Example from working paper
+namespace WorkingPaperExample {
+ template<typename...> struct Tuple {};
+ template<typename T1, typename T2> struct Pair {};
+ template<class ... Args1> struct zip {
+ template<class ... Args2> struct with {
+ typedef Tuple<Pair<Args1, Args2> ... > type; // expected-error{{pack expansion contains parameter packs 'Args1' and 'Args2' that have different lengths (1 vs. 2)}}
+ };
+ };
+ typedef zip<short, int>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T1; // T1 is Tuple<Pair<short, unsigned short>, Pair<int, unsigned>>
+ typedef Tuple<Pair<short, unsigned short>, Pair<int, unsigned>> T1;
+ typedef zip<short>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T2; // expected-note{{in instantiation of template class}}
+ template<class ... Args> void f(Args...);
+ template<class ... Args> void h(Args...);
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void g(Args ... args) {
+ f(const_cast<const Args*>(&args)...); // OK: "Args" and "args" are expanded within f
+ f(5 ...); // expected-error{{pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs}}
+ f(args); // expected-error{{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack 'args'}}
+ f(h(args ...) + args ...);
+ }